7 Facts About Men That Most Women Don't Know

6 years ago

Here are facts about men that they hide from women.

#MenSecrets #FactsAboutMen #Relationships


7. Becoming distant: When men keep secrets from their partners, and depending on what the secret is, the partner who is holding the secret may become distant from their partner. When they keep a secret from their partner they will avoid certain topics of discussion. They will do absolutely anything to keep their secret, even if it means reducing communication with their partner. According to Psychology Today, avoidance could include being preoccupied with friends, hobbies or work.

6. How Hiding Things Can Ruin A Relationship: Arthur Aron, a marital intimacy researcher from Stony Brook University in New York, says that loving relationships help people expand themselves. It provides exploration, growth, and learning and also brings about passion and interests. But when there is lack of trust, Aron says that it has the opposite impact. He adds that lack of trust makes the world smaller in a relationship, and it also can cause both partners to try and control each other because of insecurities and fear.

5. Tight clothing: Alright, so let’s talk about the first true fact about men. When they’re younger, men can wear tight clothing because our bodies are still growing and it’s comfortable. But according to Real Men Real Style, as men get older, they develop more confidence and don’t rely on tightly fitted suits. They want to feel comfortable, so they wear things that stretch or they wear sweatpants because they know their place in the world.

4. Financial Secrets: Are you good with your finances? If you are in a relationship and are having trouble with your finances, do you share these secrets with your partner? Well, according to Bonnie Winston, who is a relationship coach, financial issues are one of the top reasons why relationships and marriages end. When a married couple has financial issues, it tends to affect the relationship in many other different ways.

3. Fake Interests: David Bennett, a certified counselor and author says that men will fake interests based on what a woman he likes is interested in. Bennett says that men believe this is a good way to get the first date. But he also mentions that it can become a major issue down the road because it misleads the partner into thinking their partner is something that they are not.

2. Men Keep Secrets About Their Past Relationships: According to Eric Hunt, who is a marriage coach in Myrtle Beach, most men in relationships he deals with are not comfortable discussing their past relationships. Hunt mentions that this can be a huge mistake in a relationship. The past will always be the past he says, but hiding the truth will only make it worse when it eventually comes out. Hunt says that being honest about your failed relationships may even make your present one that much more successful.

1. Men Hide Their Emotions: Douglas E. Noll, who is a professional mediator and author of his book De-Escalate, says that out of all the true facts about men that they hide, their vulnerability is the biggest one. Is it possible that men are just as emotional as women? Research suggests that this is entirely possible. A 2014 study conducted by Dr. David Lewis showed that men experienced emotional changes during an emotional experiment as much as women did. But when it came to expressing these emotions, they were not as willing as their women counterparts. So despite the fact that many men tend to hide their feelings and instead put on a tough face, the fact is, they are emotional human beings just like women. We all experience emotions - we are all humans, after all - but some people just hide it better than other people.

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