20 Beauty Secrets & Hacks That You Need To Know

6 years ago

According to experts, here are 20 beauty secrets, tips, and hacks, that you should know.

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1) Sunscreen: Cosmetics expert Mamie McDonald states that trying to achieve a healthy complexion without sunscreen will not work. Another expert, Dr. Lancer, advises people to use sunscreen with an SPF of at least 30.

2) Don’t Over Dry Your Skin: If your skin has inflammation, you do not want to use anti-spot creams. They contain benzoyl peroxide, which will dry the skin, aggravate it and inflame it even more.

3) Always Remember Your Neck: If a woman’s concerned about how old she looks, she might want to take a look at her neck. The skin on the neck is extremely thin. This means women need to take care of it like they do their face.

4) Use An Ice Cube On Your Skin: To avoid a dull complexion, Dr. Ava Shamban, a dermatologist out of Santa Monica, advises using an ice cube. Rubbing it for a few seconds will stimulate circulation and can even help your skin glow. I bet you this was number one of the beauty secrets you don’t know. Bring out those ice cubes!

5) Storing Your Accessories Properly: Most people are told to store their beauty accessories in the bathroom. Dr. Debra Jaliman warns people that this is not the correct way to do it. The humidity makes them expire quicker than the expiry date, she states. An alternative is to store face creams and beauty accessories in the fridge.

6) Clean Everything That Touches Your Skin: Dr. Lancer advises everyone to clean any object that will touch their face. You wouldn’t touch your face with dirty hands, so why would you with other things? Dr. Lancer says you should change pillowcases at least once a week. If you have naturally oily skin, change them every three days.

7) Avoid Using Scrubs and Sponges: Skincare specialist Christie Kidd advises people who are prone to acne to avoid using scrubs and sponges. Another one of the beauty secrets you probably don’t know is that when you use these skin care items, they irritate the skin and cause more inflammation. So for those prone to acne, try using a water-and-aspirin paste on your face.

8) Facial Massages Are Beneficial: For those trying to get rid of the dark circles under the eyes, experts recommend a lymph drainage massage. The massage will stimulate the lymph flow and smooth the skin, and the result is the bags disappearing.

9) Hand Care: One of the beauty secrets you don’t know is hand care. The skin on your hands is just as thin as the skin on your neck and face. If you’re doing household work, try using gloves. Also try to moisturize your hands with natural, organic cream. Your hands touch your face more than anything, so you’ll want them clean.

10) Don’t Go to Bed With Makeup On: Listen up ladies, because most women have probably done this at least a few times in their lives. Women that go to bed with makeup on need to stop now! Sleeping with your makeup on can block your pores and cause inflammation. It’s plain and simple, clean your skin thoroughly before going to bed. Don’t risk aging prematurely! Take those extra few minutes before bed (even if you’ve spent all night dancing and are way too tired to do it) and take off all your makeup. You’ll thank yourself later!

11) Take Your Bra Off Before Bed: Even if you had a late night and you’re exhausted, always take off your bra before bed. If you keep it on, it will cut the blood circulation. It will also cause the skin to become irritated and the skin under the straps will become darkened. You’ll be way more comfortable too!

12) Drink More Water: According to Debbie Strong, senior health editor at Everyday Health, the best thing to do for your skin is to drink more water.

13) Layer Your Eyeliner: Getting your wing perfect is a struggle that most people who wear makeup can relate to. To get that straight edge just right, Ysolt Usigan, beauty and style contributor at Huffington Post recommends lining your eyes with a pencil liner first because it’s easier to get the line straight. Afterward, go over the line with a liquid liner. This will ensure that your wing is sharp and it’ll also increase the staying power.

14) No Powder: After the age of 35, avoid wearing any powder. According to freelance style and beauty editor Ingrid Schmidt, the powder will settle into the wrinkles around your eyes and mouth and will instantly age your skin. Yikes!

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