This Is What Happens To Your Body When You Stop Smoking

6 years ago

When you stop smoking, this is what happens to your body. Some of us humans are known to have an addictive personality. There are many products like food or other devices that are designed to hook people in so that they will continue buying and using the product. Some of these can even be habit-inducing such as Chocolate, Alcohol and Cigarettes.

Although you probably won’t run into that many problems if you eat a lot of chocolate, the other two vices are quite habit-inducing and over time can become harmful to your health, particularly smoking if it’s a daily habit.

If you’re a long time smoker or just starting out, there are a ton of things that change within your body that you might not even have noticed. So, when you decide to quit, your body goes through more changes.

#QuitSmoking #StopSmoking #Smoking

1. Blood Pressure: 1:10
2. Oxygen: 1:24
3. Heart Attack: 1:38
4. Senses: 1:55
5. Circulation: 2:13
6. Lungs: 2:33
7. Overall Health: 2:54
8. Lowers Risks: 3:06
9. Back to Normal: 3:20


1. Blood Pressure: Although it can be difficult to make the decision to quit, it’s the best option in the long run. Just 20 minutes after you put down your last cigarette, your pulse and blood pressure will begin to normalize.

2. Oxygen: If you can make it up to eight hours without having a smoke, your body’s carbon monoxide levels will being to neutralize in the blood as well as the levels of oxygen.

3. Heart Attack: After 24 hours, the risks of a heart attack are severely lowered. See how much can change after just one day off of tobacco? Although your irritability levels might be rising by now, your body is beginning to cleanse itself.

4. Senses: Something that you might not have noticed happening to you over the years of smoking, is that your sense perception decreases. After 48 hours off tobacco, you will notice your sense of taste and smell beginning to improve as your nerve ending start to regrow.

5. Circulation: After around 2 weeks to 3 months of consistent restraint, blood circulation in the body improves and you’ll find it becomes easier to walk longer distances without losing your breath. The lungs’ functionality will increase up to 30%.

6. Lungs: When 1-9 months has passed, your body will continue to gain back its energy and any problems with coughing, shortness of breath, and sinus problems will reduce. Cilia will begin to regrow in the lungs which will help to cleanse and lower the risk of infection in the body.

7. Overall Health: When a year has passed, your chance of heart disease will be two times lower than that of a smoker.

8. Lowers Risks: After 5 years time, the risk of mouth, throat, and esophageal cancer will be cut in half as well as the rate of lung cancer fatality being twice as low that that of a daily smoker.

9. Back to Normal: When 15 years have passed, the risk of heart disease will be the same as if you had never been a smoker!

Long Term:
Now that you know what happens during the long term goal, you still have to keep in mind that it’s going to be difficult to stick to this plan. Intense cravings at first will be normal. You may also begin to feel agitated or experience anxiety, tension, or frustration. You may even experience sleeping difficulties and changes to the appetite.

After three days, the nicotine will have completely left your body and side effects will be in full effect. You may experience symptoms like nausea, cramps, sweating, and headaches. This is the point where quitting is at its hardest so if you make it beyond this point, reward yourself with something to keep you motivated.

Support: If you are having trouble staying motivated, it can help to tell your friends or loved ones what you’re doing so that you don’t have to quit alone and in silence. It’s also important to let people know what you’re doing so they understand any mood or physical changes.

Your body, the environment, and your loved ones will be happy with the decision you have made to quit. You will feel more like yourself and will also be saving money by not indulging in your habits. Good luck!

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