Exercise Shorts: Ab-Wheel Rollouts (Day 1068)

11 days ago

20250313 Day 1068 Part-2

Exercise Shorts: Ab-Wheel Rollouts

Probably my second favorite abdominal movement, the ab-wheel is 1-stop shopping for not just abdominal development but trunk/core strength in general

To be clear, unlike my favorite exercise, the full flexion leg raise/toes to bar, this is NOT abdominal flexion. The unique force curve of the rollout actually makes it an anti-extension movement where, as you roll out, you have to tense your rectus abdominis (the 6-pack muscle) obliques and even the muscles of the lumbar area (lower back) to keep your spine rigid and your torso one contiguous piece

This works the trunk muscles hard but also works the “pullover” muscles as well since, you’re essentially doing a partial range pullover just facing the floor. These include the long head of the triceps, some lower, outer pec, serratus, intercostals and even lats

One performance tip that I use when doing these is that it’s easy to “push down” on the wheel to come back up which puts a major bias on the upper abs but what I’ve found is when I’m at full extension, I’ll “pull” myself back up from the knees and initiating the contraction from my hip flexors. This destroys my lower abs and is very complimentary to my toes to bar or any other lower ab movement which a lot of people struggle to target

The last feature I want to bring up with these is a cheap, disassembling ab-wheel is around $10-15 and can easily go anywhere with you giving you accessibility to a tremendous ab workout while traveling or whenever you have 5-10 minutes and a clean floor somewhere

This is a challenging movement at first so treat it like a strength lift and start with sets of 3-5 then 5-7 and eventually 10+

After a few months, I had most of my Soldier up to 5 sets of 20 even after 50-100 toes to bar. The trunk muscles are very fatigue resistant and recover quickly if you train them so the more often you do these, the faster they become easier

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