Scott Jennings to CNN Panelist Accusing Him of Supporting Elon Musk and Not Workers: ‘Who Do You Think Makes Teslas?’

8 hours ago

HINOJOSA: “So, you have plenty of time, and you claim you have plenty of time. The problem is that the Republican messaging right now continues to be workers, Americans, you’re going to feel a little bit of pain. And Americans have been feeling pain. That’s why Democrats lost the election. That’s why Democrats lost everything. He — Trump promised that he would end up lowering costs, that he would have a better economy, that he would get us out of the war in Ukraine. He promised all of these things and he hasn’t done it. And instead, which I think was a terrible PR move, and Scott, I’m assuming you agree because as a Republican strategist, you wouldn’t have advised him to go in front of the White House and drive a Tesla.”

JENNINGS: “Wait, why?”

HINOJOSA: “Because —“

JENNINGS: “Of course I would have. You know why? Because if I were advising a Republican president, I would say let’s support American companies that have thousands of American workers and thousands more workers who make indirect products for it. Yeah, I think it would be a good idea if American companies did well under my administration.”

HINOJOSA: “Oh, OK, so you’re going to go ahead and support a billionaire, but not support the American worker, and not necessarily —“

JENNINGS: “Who do you think makes Teslas, Xochi? American workers. It’s good — (crosstalk)”

HINOJOSA: “But it’s very much —“

JENNINGS: “You think Elon builds them all in his basement? They got factories all over the place.”

Goldberg: “Including in China. But yeah.”

JENNINGS: “Do we not — do they not have thousands of American workers?”

Goldberg: “Of course they do.”

HINOJOSA: “The visual — the visual of him driving a six-figure —“

JENNINGS: “Did Joe Biden drive a Jeep Rubicon around the South Lawn?”

HINOJOSA: “— okay, a six-figure car —“

JENNINGS: “Where do they make those?”

HINOJOSA: “— that is owned by his — a billionaire in the White House.”

HUNT: “Well, nobody who was working for Stellantis is giving billions of dollars to Joe Biden.”

JENNINGS: “The UAW had a stake in it and the UAW gave money to Joe Biden and they supported Joe Biden. You’re saying, on one hand —“

HUNT: “Well, you’re talking about the UAW, you’re kind of making — (crosstalk)”

HINOJOSA: “We’re talking about a billionaire who is in the federal government making cuts and making business deals that end up benefiting himself. (crosstalk)”

JENNINGS: “I’ve never seen Democrats so excited to tear down an American company or companies the way they are right now, it’s crazy.”

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