TheDimNews LIVE: Trump Picks Fight with Thomas Massie | Tesla Protests

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Join Alex and me for a live stream, tonight at 9:30 ET! Covering this week's news and other junk.


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It's obvious why 2-liter bottles are the enemy... your geese are just trying to save you from microplastics in your balls. Honkin' huge environmentalist activists, those geese.

Qriist Supporter+ "Behold my beans!" -mankind, for some reason.

JQuickDraw Supporter Rumble is . . . eccentric. I had the stream playing, and then I saw Qriist's super chat, but the actual live stream hadn't started. I refreshed the entire page and there you were.

JQuickDraw Supporter I blame Rumble.

Qriist Supporter+ Stardew Cinematic Universe

Qriist Supporter+ I've been played FF7: Rebirth the last week-ish.

Qriist Supporter+ playing*

Qriist Supporter+ <3

thrasybulus Just got here. I'll catch up fast.

Qriist Supporter+ also goose beans

jbsx Supporter+ why was you not streaming. I'll have to watch the last weeks replay.

jbsx Supporter+ oh, sorry to hear

jbsx Supporter+ well than, have a much better March and April

JQuickDraw Supporter Sleep posting is a real condition. I'm sure there's a pill for it.
First he posts your goose, then he plays your Steam, then he wears your skin.

thrasybulus About 3 min behind. I got through part of last week. @GooseWeapon & @CatInjector shall always think of me. I wonder what you both think I look like now.

jbsx Supporter+ One side ran dry

thrasybulus Caught up.

JQuickDraw Supporter I picture thrasybulus as a Greek orator in a toga, holding a beer.

Qriist Supporter+ Confirmed: Beverly is 40-50.

Qriist Supporter+ transgender mice ftw

thrasybulus The Flags for Orphans Bill (less than 1% is for flags).

JQuickDraw Supporter It's nice to have these little reminders why ultimately I do not like Trump. He's merely the safest port in a brutal storm.

thrasybulus @JQuickDraw Greeks were more into wine than beer. Barley is a cold weather crop after all.

thrasybulus For awhile DJT was contractually obligated to post on Truth a certain amount of time before he can post the same thing elsewhere. Could still be the case.

JQuickDraw Supporter @thrasybulus Yeah, I added the beer because you hang with the Dimside drew. r+trumpfloss

JQuickDraw Supporter *crew

Qriist Supporter+ *brew

JQuickDraw Supporter Beverly likes rum. So she's a cannibal pirate with a duck on her shoulder.

thrasybulus 1 Tequila, 2 Tequila, 3 Tequila, Floor.

JQuickDraw Supporter Maybe it's easier if you just drink tequila on the floor?

thrasybulus I wish I could drink like a lady. I can take one or two at the most. Three and I'm under the table. Four and I'm under the host. - Dorothy Parker.

thrasybulus My buddy worked at a Dr's office for a few years and one patient had severe food issues. Only safe foods were like Oysters and Blueberries.

jbsx Supporter+ Are they made with real girl scouts?

thrasybulus @jbsx Yes.

Qriist Supporter+ Not since Beverly was fired from being CEO.

thrasybulus Arsenic everyday? Mithridates would approve.

JQuickDraw Supporter Oysters and blueberries? Sounds like some fruity picnic spread the characters in a Shakespeare play would be eating, while one of them delivers a 10 minute soliloquy on the beauty of the setting sun.

JQuickDraw Supporter The dose makes the poison.

thrasybulus @JQuickDraw Imagine if they were the only foods it was safe for you to eat.

JQuickDraw Supporter @thrasybulus At least you would be full of antioxidants and sexy thoughts.

thrasybulus Sitting is the new smoking.

JQuickDraw Supporter Even more than exercise, sleep is the most important piece of your health. Your body simply can't repair/recover/regrow without good sleep.

Qriist Supporter+ instructions unclear, couch potato mode fully engaged

thrasybulus Vegans are a hate group.

JQuickDraw Supporter Bad news leads to unhealthy behavior. "Looks like I picked the wrong week to quit sniffing glue."

Qriist Supporter+ TIL Beverly is a cannibal to cure her vitamin B12 deficiency. It's just science.

JQuickDraw Supporter For a second there, I was like, "What the fuck? That's - ohhh, right I brought up my ashes last time."

Qriist Supporter+ If we grind your ashes into a fine powder I bet they would make a fine flour replacement @JQuickDraw

thrasybulus Get up, get up, get out of your racks. Only whores make money in bed.

thrasybulus Mostly firey peaceful Tesla protests.

thrasybulus Mostly Peaceful IEDs are next. My prediction.

Qriist Supporter+ I have been reliably informed that direct action is what democracy looks like.

thrasybulus Loudon County, VA.

Qriist Supporter+ Loudon County and its neighboring school districts have had a whole string of kiddy touchers being covered up by the school system.

Qriist Supporter+ Every single time the angry parents of the victims are made out to be the bad guys.

Qriist Supporter+ It's sick.
doom678819 Supporter do you make beats?

Qriist Supporter+ there's similar compilations of over a dozen politicians reading the same script.

JQuickDraw Supporter They don't just use the same script, they also sit at the same time.

thrasybulus Who copied my homework?
doom678819 Supporter thats crazy knowing all the information thats out there
doom678819 Supporter theyre talking about eggs n shit

Qriist Supporter+ I don't really have a problem with politicians repeating themselves, or their colleagues.

thrasybulus Where did KJP land? Haven't heard her talk about Canadia in a minute.

Qriist Supporter+ Back when Kamala was running she would catch flak from the right for repeating (chunks of) speeches in different locations. It was a weird and useless complaint then, like with these politicians now.

Qriist Supporter+ It's a bad message to begin with. The actual words don't matter, even if they are repeat.

Qriist Supporter+ on repeat*

JQuickDraw Supporter The tariff fiasco is a good example of people who have been treated preferentially for years then experiencing neutrality as hostility.
doom678819 Supporter @JQuickDraw wdym by this? im new to the tarriff stuff im learning as i go

thrasybulus Kaylee McKeniny has been on Fox News since 2021.

thrasybulus KJP pronounced it Can Naad ea.

JQuickDraw Supporter @doom678819 Most other countries tariff the shit out of our goods coming into their countries. Trump decides to (slightly) rectify that imbalance, and those countries freak out.

Qriist Supporter+ Let them keep saying the same shitty message in the exact same way. We know it's a mistake. Don't give the enemy tips for improving their effectiveness.

JQuickDraw Supporter War is peace

Qriist Supporter+ Save that kind of constructive criticism for politicians that are on our side.

thrasybulus We are at war with East Asia. We have always been at war with East Asia.

thrasybulus 48+% of IQs are below average. Bell Curve says so.

Qriist Supporter+ The Taco Bell Curve says that's a good deal.

Qriist Supporter+ Rand and Regan were not really politically compatible...

Qriist Supporter+ I haven't watched Tucker in a good while, but when I did watch him regularly he never espoused random jew hate.

JQuickDraw Supporter Alex and Beverly - "Moetown is an uppity Jew."

thrasybulus Criminal totally wouldn't file to receive John Quincy Adams pension.

Qriist Supporter+ Someone old in the family dies, they don't fill out the paperwork to stop the welfare checks. Super simple fraud crime, and honestly probably commonly started on accidental.

Qriist Supporter+ on accident.*

JQuickDraw Supporter Also, why would people scamming the SSN system care about covering their tracks when, up until DOGE just started looking into fraud, there was literally NO AUDITING of their system.

thrasybulus What vaccine?

Qriist Supporter+ the woman vaccine

thrasybulus Anthrax for her, smallpox for him, covid for her...

JQuickDraw Supporter @Qriist That would be my right hand.

thrasybulus Zachary Tyler?

Qriist Supporter+ *injects JQD's right hand intravenously*

JQuickDraw Supporter @thrasybulus Isn't that that kid from Home Improvement?

JQuickDraw Supporter Her glasses . . . pain me.

Qriist Supporter+ she's laughing because she's lying about trans bullshit

Qriist Supporter+ and she knows it

JQuickDraw Supporter @Qriist Do you mean the trans CIA psyop?

Qriist Supporter+ There's no defending those glasses, Beverly.

thrasybulus She said a few months.

Qriist Supporter+ for some reason leftist women make politics a FRONT AND CENTER topic.

thrasybulus Shouldn't we talk values early if we want serious long term.

thrasybulus Snitches get stitches.

Qriist Supporter+ snozzes get pauses

thrasybulus Pronouns should be downwind of chromosomes.

Qriist Supporter+ the trans shit is just a religion

Qriist Supporter+ I'm tired of being bible thumped about ladycock

Qriist Supporter+ There are no chicks with dicks, only dudes with tits.

JQuickDraw Supporter only dudes with boobs

thrasybulus @AlexJustWantsToLookAtPhotosOfPussies

AlexofAllTrades VerifiedModerator lol
Moe45673 I looked up

Qriist Supporter+ My ex and I had 5 cats at the same time, and they were arguably more mine than hers.

JQuickDraw Supporter That cat is like "I hates gays?"
doom678819 Supporter w stream

Qriist Supporter+ @Moe45673 sup Moe, welcome to your local DimSideagogue
Moe45673 feels kinda blasphemous
Moe45673 I have insomnia, so I'll try anything
You earned a dollar for almost killing Alex with ladycock.

JQuickDraw Supporter I think liberal women treat dating like the trans issue - you give new people your pronouns, so you should also let them know your political affiliation, gender, etc.

JQuickDraw Supporter Alex choked on ladycock.

Qriist Supporter+ she really did lol
Moe45673 There are no men with pussies

AlexofAllTrades VerifiedModerator I almost choked again Johnny!

JQuickDraw Supporter @Moe45673 That's not true. When I was younger, my friend group always had at least one pussy in it.

thrasybulus That music needs a fruit headdress.
Moe45673 @JQuickDraw Fair point
Moe45673 Chiquita Banana
Moe45673 I heard them already
Moe45673 There are no women with berries
Moe45673 or bananas

JQuickDraw Supporter logan berries

thrasybulus Starve the deer. It makes it easier to soot them if they are tired.

thrasybulus shoot

Qriist Supporter+ 18/19 are also teenagers

Qriist Supporter+ she looks like a normal healthy young adult
Moe45673 I dunno, I think she looks like a baby. Dunno who the grownup is, tho

Qriist Supporter+ I think leftists are just used to seeing the fucking hags that they idolize

Qriist Supporter+ it's totally warped their perception of normal people

JQuickDraw Supporter The left needs to pick a lane. Are they okay with kid fucking or not?
Moe45673 Is the twat from the retweet a leftist?
Moe45673 No, no. I like to imagine that the baby tweeted that, and it's a happy memory between him and his depraved pedo wife

JQuickDraw Supporter @Moe45673 Uncalled for. What if she's an upstanding, moral pedo wife?

thrasybulus Hollywood casts adults as younger people due to child labor laws.
Moe45673 @JQuickDraw Now you're the one that needs to pick a lane

JQuickDraw Supporter I like to play with the Devil's avocado.

Qriist Supporter+ @JQuickDraw is that next to the goose bean?

JQuickDraw Supporter You blend the avocado with the beans and spread it on your toast.
Moe45673 I thought that was a sexual euphemism
Moe45673 totally didn't expect that

JQuickDraw Supporter I am reminded of the Disney song, "When you wish upon a star..."

Qriist Supporter+ no being stupid just comes natural to them
Moe45673 To be fair, it's more likely than marxism

thrasybulus 5 Russia will cede Siberia or West Alaska to the US.

thrasybulus 6 NK will surrender to SK.

thrasybulus 6 NK will surrender to SK.

JQuickDraw Supporter 7 Russia will cease all use of the "In Russia, X [says/does thing] to you." jokes.
Moe45673 Your twitter twats have dated as well as the time you read the comments

JQuickDraw Supporter Hey Axelrod, why don't you shove a rod in your axel.
Moe45673 Isn't an axel a rod? If anything, I'd criticize the name as being redundant

thrasybulus WW2 side with Stalin...

JQuickDraw Supporter @Moe45673 Yeah, I agree. He should be cut in half. Good idea.
Moe45673 That escalated quickly

Qriist Supporter+ spoiler alert: people die

JQuickDraw Supporter You supplied the kindling, I just lit it.
Moe45673 @JQuickDraw I think the theme of this chat will be your "fair points"

JQuickDraw Supporter Will I get a cool theme song?

Qriist Supporter+ plus AOT has mythologically-important cannibalism, so you know Beverly approves of it.

Qriist Supporter+ The knowledge wasn't lost, the post-king government chose to keep it secret. There were several high-ranking people who had full knowledge of the walls and so on.

thrasybulus I don't blame @CanninalPirate for her actions. I blame @TheSoullessGinger for not keeping her in line.

JQuickDraw Supporter If he has no soul, is it a sin if Beverly eats him?

thrasybulus @JQuickDraw Only one way to find out.

Qriist Supporter+ sure, I'd be happy to chat with ya

Qriist Supporter+ John Green is a notable leftist with some weird takes. I do wonder if there's a correlation between being weird leftist and not having a mind's eye.
Moe45673 @JQuickDraw

AlexofAllTrades VerifiedModerator There's TONS of visual artists that are leftists.

thrasybulus WTF is 4?

Qriist Supporter+ yes, there are.

Qriist Supporter+ @thrasybulus colored but no depth

JQuickDraw Supporter @Qriist Racist.

thrasybulus @Alex is now @FistStick

JQuickDraw Supporter @Moe45673 You've somehow channeled my soul's muse.

Qriist Supporter+ TOᑌᑕᕼIᑎG Iᔕ OᐯEᖇᖇᗩTEᗪ.

JQuickDraw Supporter "It's totally okay you did that. Now can you copy these signatures as well? Just put them on the checks right there, honey."

thrasybulus Elective
Moe45673 Alex, were you.... T-zing them?

thrasybulus Fraktur next week.

Qriist Supporter+ "I'm a lot looser now."

Qriist Supporter+ -Beverly.

JQuickDraw Supporter I like Arial because it sounds like Aryan.

thrasybulus Is 3 just colorblind?
Moe45673 @JQuickDraw but it's so black

JQuickDraw Supporter I can't go back.

Qriist Supporter+ I don't think they are opposites @AlexofAllTrades. In a sample size of me, I'm heavy on both.
Moe45673 Beverly finds it hard to imagine people who find it hard to imagine. I don't know what that means, but all of the possibilities are not complimentary

AlexofAllTrades VerifiedModerator I mean someone who has one of them not available to them, probably has the other one higher.

AlexofAllTrades VerifiedModerator To compensate for the lack of the other

thrasybulus So he's really compensating for it...
Moe45673 True! You're "Not" Lex

JQuickDraw Supporter I think in gamma ray bursts.
Moe45673 I think it's a lack of recognition of what you should care about

Qriist Supporter+ TIL OCD = biological spell check

thrasybulus Letter to the Editor: Do your F***ing job! I don't come here for punctuation errors. - @CannibalPirateGoose
Moe45673 For me, I go from C to B.
Moe45673 Chair to Bed
Moe45673 gnight!

Qriist Supporter+ I go from C to AHK

Qriist Supporter+ night moe

Qriist Supporter+ don't die

thrasybulus Phoebe Math: 2+2= Fish.

thrasybulus A plane with one wing instead of two.

Qriist Supporter+ ya

thrasybulus There's other brain things like NE corner vs Corner with the Wendy's.

thrasybulus Synesthesiacs will say the most random things that make perfect sense to them. If you don't know they have it, they sound...

AlexofAllTrades VerifiedModerator \]/

AlexofAllTrades VerifiedModerator 6+\

AlexofAllTrades VerifiedModerator \\

AlexofAllTrades VerifiedModerator \\\

AlexofAllTrades VerifiedModerator \\\

AlexofAllTrades VerifiedModerator \\\

JQuickDraw Supporter Alex just activated her botnet.

JQuickDraw Supporter Beverly would not be a very good psychic. Her cold read game is lacking.

Qriist Supporter+ penis

JQuickDraw Supporter headshot of Freddy Green.

JQuickDraw Supporter Sketch of Thomas Burnt-Sepia.

Qriist Supporter+ Penis the Grouch

JQuickDraw Supporter Bas-Relief of Livingston Flesh Color.

JQuickDraw Supporter I think a lot of depictions of the crucifixion were done in bas-relief.

JQuickDraw Supporter Stations of the Cross

thrasybulus Engraving of Steve Green.

JQuickDraw Supporter Charcoal Rendering of Poindexter Mauve

JQuickDraw Supporter Line Art of Tim Red

thrasybulus Death Mask of William Gold

JQuickDraw Supporter Interpretive Dance of Godiva Cornflower

JQuickDraw Supporter lator gators

Qriist Supporter+ puke is just the hard puce

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