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Prophet Julie Green - Indictments Are About To Be Handed Down In Unprecedented Ways - Captions
Prophet Julie Green begins with a prayer for North and South Carolina, affected by 150 wildfires and recent hurricanes, invoking divine intervention and protection. Emphasizing the power and authority of Jesus’ name, Julie discusses the necessity for believers to understand their spiritual authority. Several Bible verses are cited to encourage faith and hope amid destruction and despair orchestrated by Satan. Julie then shares a prophetic word received on February 23, 2025, about coming indictments and the fall of corrupt leaders in unprecedented ways. They mention specific political figures who will face exposure and downfall, like Adam Schiff, Chuck Schumer, and Nancy Pelosi. The prophecy indicates a significant shift with more mental and physical declines among enemies, a collapse of the unjust system, and the divine revelation of concealed truths. The session concludes with encouragement for believers to hold onto their faith, supported by more scripture readings and prayers for sound minds free from deception and fear.
✝️ Another Awesome Message from Julie! ‼️God Wins‼️ The original video was posted on 03-03-2025 and may be watched here: 👉
Unprecedented Prophecies and Divine Protection: Indictments, Empowerment, and Hope for 2025
In this episode, Julie addresses the audience on March 3rd, 2025, beginning with a prayer for North and South Carolina amidst raging wildfires. Julie emphasizes the importance of understanding the power and authority given to believers in the name of Jesus, citing various scriptures supporting this empowerment. The episode also highlights a prophetic word received on February 23rd, 2025, detailing forthcoming indictments and exposure of corruption within the justice system and U.S. government. The episode aims to encourage believers to maintain hope, faith, and trust in God amidst trials and adversities, drawing parallels with biblical stories such as those from the Book of Daniel. Julie concludes with a prayer for protection and strength for the audience.
00:00 Introduction and Welcome
00:23 Praying for North and South Carolina
03:24 The Power of Jesus' Name
06:46 Encouragement from the Scriptures
16:44 Prophetic Word: Indictments and Justice
25:23 Lessons from King Nebuchadnezzar
38:24 The Downfall of Nebuchadnezzar and Other Kings
41:01 Modern Parallels: Mocking God and Its Consequences
42:30 The Prophetic Warnings and Revelations
46:02 The Fall of Modern Leaders and Media
47:13 The Battle for Minds and Souls
49:18 The Power of the Mind of Christ
56:54 The Collapse of the System of Injustice
01:05:21 A Prayer for Strength and Protection
01:08:42 Closing Remarks and Encouragement
Video Information:
MUSIC: First Song - Country Line by LNDO
Second Song - Sunshine Drive by LNDO
COPYRIGHT 2025 Julie Green Ministries International
March 3, 2025-Indictments Are About To Be Handed Down In Unprecedented Ways
Words of Encouragement Scriptures:
1 John 4:4
Rom. 5:3-5
Jesus' name is above every other name.
God is the God of hope and He will always give you hope in your final outcome.
Your hope will never be disappointed if you're trusting in God.
Don't give up or lose hope.
Pray, defend and intercede on behalf of others that are going through things. Stand on the Word of God knowing that God can change that situation in one moment.
Prophecy Scriptures:
Ps. 75:7
Dan. 4:2-3, 17, 30-37
Dan.5:18-26, 30
1 Cor.2:16
2 Tim. 1:7
God's Kingdom rules over mankind.
God sits over the kingdom of men and He will appoint kings and leaders.
Your enemies' days are numbered and coming to an end.
God will not be mocked.
You will never fall for the deception of the enemy if you have the sound mind of Christ.
God is reminding you that your enemies are starting to lose their minds and are failing and falling. They are falling mentally and physically.
God is the One Who serves true justice.
Pray that people have a sound mind of Christ and do not give into hopelessness and despair.
Prayer Scriptures:
Ps. 91:7
2 Tim. 1:7
1 John 4:4
2 Cor.2:14
Video Transcript:
Good. Morning everybody. Today is Monday and it's March 3rd, 2025. I wanna thank each and every one of you for joining today's live show today. Now, of course, I have in some encouraging words for you, I have a prophecy for you, and of course I also have some revelation knowledge on this, prophecy on what God wants you to know about it.
But first and foremost, we have to pray over North and South Carolina. One of our members lives in Myrtle Beach, and I wanna pray over that area because there is apparently 150 fires that are right now raging between North Carolina and South Carolina. We know a lot of North Carolina has already been ravaged by Hurricane Helene, and a lot of them are still rebuilding what they had lost from that hurricane.
So we need to pray against these fires and the cause of these fires and that God puts 'em out, whether it be by rain or whether it be in any other unprecedented way, there's nothing too big for God. So let's pray and start taking authority over these wildfires that are right now hitting North and South Carolina.
Heavenly Father, right now, in Jesus' name, we lift up to every person in these areas, father God, that are affected or they're the, the fires that are hitting their areas. Father God, we thank and we praise you that we have the blood of Jesus. We have the authority of that name above every name. And Satan, we bind you and every principality and every power, and every ruler, other darkness of this world that is trying to use these fires to destroy and cause devastation.
We have the power of that name. And Father God, just like in the land of Goshen, we plead the blood of Jesus over properties, over homes, over people, and over everything they have. We thank you for their protection in the mighty name of Jesus. And Father God, I thank you that you give wisdom, knowledge, and understanding to those who are in the path.
They will not stay in the path of those fires. Father God, we thank you that those fires changed course in the mighty name of Jesus. We thank you for putting 'em out. We thank you that the, what the enemy is doing to try to cause this destruction is stopped by the power of your name. You said in your word that you've given us power, authority, and dominion over all the power of the enemy and nothing shown any way harm us.
And we know it says in your word in John 10 10, the thief comes to steal. Kill and to destroy, but you've come to give us life and to live it more abundantly. So we thank you, father God, for your divine intervention and your protection of all those people that are in those states of North and South Carolina.
And we thank you, father God, that you are the great I am. You can still do unprecedented things on behalf of your people, and we thank you for giving them not only divine protection, giving them peace, father God in the midst of this. And we thank you that no weapon formed against Samuel shall prosper.
And we thank you for it. In Jesus' name, amen and amen. We stand together and whenever the enemy tries to rear his ugly head, no matter if it's, I know there's supposed to be apparently some violent storms this week, or potential for violent storms, I think like starting like tomorrow or something in the south, no matter what the enemy tries to do.
Remember, we had the name above every name. So Jesus' name is above and more powerful than a storm. It's more powerful than fires. It's more powerful than a hurricane. It's more powerful than an earthquake. We have that name above every name. And again, God has given us in Luke 10 19, he's given us all power and authority and dominion.
You can read it. Go read it outta the classic amplified version. I'm not saying it, God said it in his word. He didn't give us and just tell us that we have power and authority and dominion unless he's actually given it to us and he is given it to us because of the name of Jesus and that sacrifice that he made for us.
So where's our enemy supposed to be underneath our feet. That's why it's so important that every child of God needs to know the authority of the believer, what kind of power and authority and dominion that you do have. And there are people that are gonna tell you that's not true. Then why does the word say it in multiple different scriptures?
Talks about it in Genesis 1 26 through 28. Read it to him or Luke 10 19, read it to him. There are so many things, even in John 17, verse 13 through 17. Jesus even says they're in this world, but they are not of it. They're not subject to it. So no matter what the enemy tries to do in this world, we're not subject to those destructions.
And so that's why we have to know that every knee must bow to the sound of that name, of the name of Jesus. We have to have faith in that name. It's not just another name. It's a name above every name and everything. God gave it to us for a reason. He's giving us this revelation knowledge because too many times it has been suppressed in the body of Christ.
We need to know the power that has been given to us. You say, well, yeah, he did give it to us and he said it, and you know, we talked about it to give it to Abraham, or sorry, give to Adam in the Garden of Eden. But Adam messed it up. Well, it even considers Jesus as a second Adam. He came to give it back what Adam gave to the enemy.
He came to give us back the keys to hell, death, and the grave that that power and authority, dominion. I wasn't gonna preach on this this morning, but apparently God wanted you to know about how much authority and power that each and every one of you have. Because again, one John four, four, the greater one lives on the inside of you.
That Heath, that's in the world. And when God says, no weapon formed against you shall prosper. He means nothing, no weapon of any kind. So no matter what enemy forms against you, God said, no weapon. Now I wanna give you Romans 15 and 13. I wanna give you some encouragement today because a lot of people are losing hope.
They're losing faith, they're losing trust, they're losing any type of endurance to keep fighting this good fight of faith. And I wanna give you some encouragement this morning. Romans 1513, may the God of your hope so fill you with all joy and peace in believing through the experience of your faith, that by the power of the Holy Spirit, you may abound and be overflowing, bubbling over.
With hope. Satan is trying to steal your hope. He's trying to get you to give up and quit on everything. It's hopeless, hopelessness and despair. It's like on a rampage throughout the world. So many people are losing hope right now. But in the scripture, may the God of hope, God's a God of hope. That's why God will always give you hope in your final outcome.
Talks about that in Book of Jeremiah. God will always give you hope in your final outcome. The enemy. Enemy will always give you doom and gloom, but God will always give you hope. So if somebody's telling you that there's no reason to hope, all hope is lost, that's not scriptural. God will always give you hope because he's the God of your hope.
And he soul fills you up with joy and peace. Remember how important it is to have joy because the joy of the Lord is your strength and then also for peace. Because if you don't have peace, you won't have a sound mind. If you don't have peace, you won't have joy. If you don't have peace, you don't have joy, you're not gonna have any hope.
But God's the one who will give you these things. He will give you that hope. He will give you that joy or your strength that you need, or he will give you peace. God's a God who gives us all things. Remember, we go to Him and it's yes and amen. So if you need that hope today, remember God will fill you up and it says Bubbling, full of overflowing.
He doesn't just give you enough, just barely enough to get you by. God is a God of more than enough. Here's another scripture, Romans five, three through five. Moreover, let us also be full of joy. Now, let us exalt and triumph in our troubles and rejoice in our sufferings knowing that pressure and affliction and hardship produce patience and un swerving endurance.
So when the enemy's trying to wear you out, the enemy's trying to put all these tests and trials and all this adversity, he's trying to weaken you. And God said, as the enemy's trying to weaken you, if you're pressing into God with all that trusting in him, and trusting in and having that faith in his word, that whatever he says in his word, it will come to pass and you're not be moved by what you see and what you fail.
He said, knowing the suffering and that pressure and affliction and hardship. It produces patience and unswerving endurance. You're gonna have patience and endurance that you didn't have before. So what Satan meant for harm, God's turning into something good and it says in verse four, an endurance brings fortitude, develops maturity of character, a proof faith tried integrity and character of this sort produces the habit of joyful confidence, hope of eternal salvation.
So there's hope again. And of course there's joy again, and we need to have confidence in almighty gum. Then it says in verse five, such hope never disappoints or deludes or shames us for God's love has been poured out in our hearts through the Holy Spirit who has been given to us. I wanna read five again, such hope never disappoints.
Your hope and your trust or your faith in God is never gonna be disappointed. You're not gonna be disappointed if you are truly casting all those cares upon God because it cares for you. You're not trying to fix everything. You're letting him do it. God doesn't fail. People fail. We fail ourselves sometimes, but God doesn't fail.
It says such hope never disappoints or to lose or shames us. God is never gonna shame us when we're trusting in him. He's not going to do that. The enemy is gonna try to get you to give up right before your breakthrough. So if you give up right before your breakthrough, you are not gonna know what God had in store for you.
And you're gonna think that God disappointed you and you're also gonna think that he didn't answer your prayer. When the prayer and your answer to that prayer was on the way. But Satan tries to bring hopelessness and despair and disappointment. So yeah, give up that hope and trust in God. But God says his hope never disappoints, never give up on God because God's never gonna give up on you.
Here's another scripture, Jeremiah 31 and 13, Jeremiah 31 and 13. And it says, then with the maiden's, rejoice and the dance and the young men and altogether for I will turn their mourning into joy and we'll comfort them and make them rejoice after their sorrow. So there's a lot of people that are mourning and they're full of so much sorrow because of the affliction and because the tests and the trials, because of circumstances.
God is saying, he will turn that morning into joy. God will never leave you in that state of mourning. He'll never leave you in that state of overwhelmingly hopelessness and sorrow. If you are trusting in him, trusting in His love for you, trusting in his word, trusting in his name, you're not gonna be disappointed.
When people are at that devastating situation, they're at that point of despair and darkness. 'cause there has been a lot of spiritual darkness that has been plaguing so many people around the world. God is telling us to break through that darkness, to break through that hopelessness, to break through that despair and disappointment, and keep your hope and your faith and your trust in God because God will not fail, fail you, and you'll not let you down.
The enemy's gonna try to get you to believe. God didn't answer your prayer that God didn't do this and God didn't do that, and you quit. And God's saying your answer is right around the corner. So don't give up. And don't lose hope now because if you just hold on, it could be a few more minutes. It could be another like one more day.
But if you've been suffering for 10 years, you only have one more day, then why would you give up? Because you know, if I just have one more day and I know the end of that day, I know that I know that. I know that. I know that I know. If I could just see what God could see, I would never give up on what his promises he has for me.
But people don't see what God can see, and so then they give up and they quit right before the breakthrough. Don't let Satan, don't give him the satisfaction of giving up and quitting on God and stealing that answer. You have to, that prayer that God has in store for you. God doesn't fail. God will give you that hope in your final outcome.
Hold on to God because he will fill you full to overflowing. Even though you feel like you're full of hopeless and despair right now. God will turn that joy or turn that morning into joy and he'll give you that hope back where all hope was lost. Okay, now everyone needs encouragement. We're, you know, we are seeing so many prayer requests come in of so many devastating situations and circumstances and it's really hard sometimes, you know, for us to sit there and read them because it's so devastating of what people are going through because you feel so bad for people and God is saying, don't feel sorry, pray, defend, intercede on their behalf because you know, if you are using the power of Almighty God, it doesn't disappoint.
They're not gonna stay in that situation. God is saying, we need to get out of looking at our situations and circumstances we're sorrow. With thinking that they're never gonna change because it looks like that way. We had to stand on the word of God, knowing that God can change a situation in one moment because God is a God of suddenly.
God is a God of miracles, signs, and wonders, and I cannot wait for June. I cannot wait for our holy Ghost and Fire. And I pray to God that you guys can get there again. When we have more of this information, we can get to you. We'll put on our website and I'll make sure that I give it to you here online.
But we're getting closer. We're almost signing everything. So I can give you all those details coming up for June 20th and 21st because it's gonna be days of Miracles. So come expecting. All right. Now I want to give you this prophetic word. Now, I, this is the one I received. The first one I received on February 23rd.
I received two that day. This is the first one, and it's called Indictments are About to be Handed Down in Unprecedented Ways.... Woe to those who have tried to destroy the minds of the masses across this nation and the world. You have spewed out your deception and propaganda on a scale never seen before.
You have brought many people to such confusion and a delusional state; they don't even know what gender they are. They can't distinguish a lie from the truth or good from evil. Enemies of Almighty God: you truly think by destroying the minds of the population, it was easier for you to control them, and you would get everything you wanted; but you never thought of what would happen if they ever came out of your hallucinations and the trances they were under.
You never believed how far their minds and souls would be polluted - they could never recover! You also never considered those who would never fall for your curses and your spells, and they would never believe in any of your lies. You also never thought anyone could resist you enough - it would break your control over the population.
Not only are you experiencing this very thing, but you are also are, but you also never thought was possible. Now you'll experience the same thing you brought against the people. You'll lose your minds and your souls will grow dark where there is no light. Enemies of Almighty God: on live TV and the world will see just like they saw with the Biden, you'll lose your memory and your minds will be lost to you.
My children watch as your enemies will look more and more like they have lost any sense of intelligence they once had. You'll see this more and more in DC and with those of those who are against you. They will experience what they have done to you and it will be done unto them. Fear is growing. The more they are being exposed and they are systems are being ripped apart with no way recovering what they once had.
You'll notice your enemies will start to fall apart mentally and some will physically. You already have seen some fall politically and physically, and now this will ramp up because these are the days of Haman, and the storm that is hitting your enemies with unprecedented force! Your enemies also are also betraying each other more and more by the day. They're in constant state of panic and when people panic, they begin to make major mistakes with their actions
they will be taking. These are the days that the leaders in Washington will begin to say more and more out of their mouths what they never thought would slip through their lips on national television. Watch Chuck Schumer as he continues to slip mentally, and you'll see him slip and fall physically signaling his fall politically.
Nancy Pelosi will slip up and do something that will give herself more away on who she truly is, and you'll also see her fall politically. Mitch McConnell will not finish out his term like he thinks he will. More of The Old Guard will begin to fall in massive ways, and they will not be able to contain their composure like they once used to.
Elizabeth Warren is about to be exposed in major ways that will begin her removal. Adam Schiff and the pardon he received will all soon be a laughingstock. Once his classified documents, money trails will lead to the truth of how dirty he truly is. Why he tried to impeach President Trump and massive lies he was told to say by the Architects of the Establishment, including his involvement with The January 6th Lie, pulling off that insurrection and coup against the sitting president of the United States and against American people.
Adam Schiff will have his hands caught in the cookie jar, and money will be another downfall to another liar against this country. Follow the money, find the truth! Accounts of many in Washington, paid to steal this country away from its citizens and all this, all of their accounts will be exposed and emptied.
Adam Schiff, along with many in Washington: undeniable proof is coming to all your connections to the attempted assassination of President Trump. Every person connected and responsible will be exposed and judged in unprecedented ways.
I'll also show you who was the head architect of every Trump indictment and a massive coverup will be uncovered in front of the nation. The weaponization of the law and the justice system against President Trump will be exposed, and every person who took part in it will be judged and justice will be served.
Get used to hearing the word indictment. You'll hear this continuously because unprecedented indictments will be handed down and every person sentenced for the crimes they have committed.
A huge piece of the puzzle is about to be revealed regarding the justice system in this nation, and their worst nightmare will come to pass by truth being exposed and how they can no longer hide behind their injustice and the crimes they've been committing, because true justice will be served all across this nation.
Judges will fall, politicians will fall, attorneys will fall, AGs will fall. It's coming: a great collapse of the system of injustice weaponized against this nation. It's all coming crashing down with documents and proof your enemy's truly thought were dead and buried, but My Infiltrators have it all! Your enemies are about to be put out on full display for the world to see true justice
be served by Me, says The Lord of Hosts. Now true justice is served by God because God is the God who justice is a foundation of his throne. He even says in his word in Psalm 75, in verse seven, he says that he is the judge over all the earth. We've talked a lot about, about the iJust system or the injustice, injustice that has been going and plaguing this country for a very long time.
It's been an unjust system. There has been injustice that's been plaguing this country and things and countries all around the world. Justice has not been served because that is another form of the enslavement and bondage that enemies have against us because that is another part of taking our freedoms away.
But God is saying, even in here, indictments are gonna be handed down in unprecedented ways, and he also talks about our enemies losing their minds. Remember, for years. Years before it really truly happened with the Biden, before he really started to fall in front of the world. God was starting to talk about it right after that.
Fake inauguration. God said his mental decline was going to start picking up pace and he was gonna fall mentally in front of the world. And we saw that really peak on June 27th when it came to that debate. They were trying to hide it, trying to hide it. All of a sudden they could not hide it anymore.
God prophesied it. He was talking about it. He was giving us a news before the news before Biden really fell. To the degree that he fell, God is saying more people are going to fall like him. And as I was praying into this prophecy, this was one of the scriptures he was giving me. Let's go into Daniel.
Let's go to Daniel. And chapter three in verse 29. Now this is after King Nebuchadnezzar, through Shadrach, Meshach, and the Bendigo in the fiery furnace for not praying and worshiping the golden image. Now again, he was king. He thought he was God. He wanted them to praise and worship his golden image.
Chad Mach and Renegot refused to, they come out of the fire because Nebuchadnezzar saw the fourth man. He saw the son of God. He saw that the fire was not even hurting them whatsoever. He got him out of the fire and it said the fire did not, they didn't even smell like smoke. The fire did not even affect them one iota.
And so you see Dan, you see in Daniel 3 29, Nebuchadnezzar has this great epiphany. He has this revelation knowledge, okay, this is a one true gun. So you think he'd stick with it? He says in verse 29, therefore, I make a decree, and this is King Nebuchadnezzar. I make a decree than any people, nation and language that speaks anything amiss against the God of Shadrach, Meshach, and Bendigo should be cut in pieces.
Their houses be made in Dunghill for there is no other God who can deliver in this way. So Daniel had this amazing revelation that no God could deliver anyone like their God, the God of Hebrews sha rat me shack, and Mango, how their God saved them outta that fire because the men that he had throw them in there died because he had the fire so hot.
So he had this revelation of how powerful God was. And if you look in Daniel four and verse two. Daniel four in verse two. It seemed good to me to show the signs and wonders at the most high God has performed toward me. How great are his signs now, again, revelation knowledge of how powerful God's miracle signs and wonders are.
How great are his signs? How mighty is his wonders. His kingdom is an everlasting kingdom, and his dominion is from generation to generation. Now again, there's revelation knowledge that God's dominion, it goes from generation to generation or his kingdom does not ever end. There are many presidents. There are many rulers, and there are many kings and leaders in nations all around the world who once had revelation knowledge of God.
Some didn't. Some never wanted to. Some never cared. They heard about God, but they thought themselves as God, and of course they were. A lot of 'em didn't last. Again in their kingdoms and their empires did not last either because anybody against God doesn't last. But Daniel here was explaining this how Nebuchadnezzar had this revelation that God, because his miracle signs and wonders, his kingdoms an everlasting kingdom.
And he had this great revelation. But as you see, let's look, go to verse 17 Daniel four 17. I'm getting to this point. This sentence is, is by the decree of the heavenly watchers and the decision is by the word of the holy ones to the intent that the living may know that the most high God rules the kingdom of mankind and gives it to whomever he will and sets over it the humblest and lowly of men.
Do you think of how many kings and rulers, or presidents or leaders of nations had this same revelation? How much different the world would be right now? The most high God rules over the kingdom of mankind and gives it to him however he will. Now, that just shatters the separation of church and state shatters it.
That is not what it was scripturally saying. God is the kingdom who rules over mankind. God's not supposed to be separate from the rulers of this world. God is supposed to be in like joining them. They're supposed, I mean, they're supposed to join God, I should put it that way. They're supposed to join God in their endeavors, in ruling the kingdoms, how God wants them to rule the kingdoms of the nations.
They're supposed to do it with God, not without God. Let's keep reading in Daniel four verse 30, and let's see what happens. So again, there's a great revelation of God. Now look at what King Hadn changes. The king said. Now all of a sudden he was blessed, okay? He was blessed Babylon was growing and flourishing because of the decree and how he recognized God.
But then all of a sudden it changed. The King said is not this great Babylon that I built. Now all of a sudden he gets proud and arrogant as a royal resident, sin of the government by the might of my power and for the honor and glory of my majesty. Doesn't it sound like a lot of politicians and a lot of rulers of governments today?
My, my, my, they wanna always give themselves credit for something that they didn't do. They always want to go kick God out of everything. And they always want to the, to overthrow God's kingdom and they wanna have things their way. So again, Nebuchadnezzar went from exalting God and he was respecting God to all of a sudden he's taking credit for what God did for him.
This says in verse 31, while the words was still in the king's mouth, there felt a voice from heaven saying, oh, king Nebuchadnezzar to you, it is spoken. The kingdom has departed from you. So because you forgot the miracle signs and winners, because you forgot that God is the one who blessed your country, God's the one who blessed your nation.
He's the one who gave you the ability to build a Babylon the way it is. You forget God. Now all of a sudden, your kingdom is gonna depart from you, verse 32. And you shall be driven from among men in your dwelling and will be with your living creatures of the field. That means he's going to lose his mind.
It was prophesied over him. You'll be made to eat like grass, like the oxen and seven times of years shall pass over you until you have learned and know that mo outside God rules in the kingdom of men and gives it to him ever. He will. So it's said again. God is the one who rules of the kingdom of mankind and anybody who over tries to overthrow God and forgets God.
Look what happens. He says in verse 33, that very hour, so when it was prophesied that you're basically Nebuchadnezzar, you're gonna lose your ever loving mind for seven years, you're gonna be like a wild, crazy beast. For seven years it was prophesy against him because of what he did against God. Verse 33, that very hour, the thing was in process of being fulfilled upon Nebuchadnezzar, he was driven from among men and he did eat grass like sane as Daniel had said he would.
And his body was wet with dew of the heavens until his hair grew like eagles, feathers and his nails were like birds claws. Verse 34.
And at the end of the days, seven years, I Nebuchadnezzar lift up my eyes to heaven and my understanding in the right use of my mind returned to me for seven years. He lost his mind. So when people say, when this is prophesied, just like it was with Biden, that Biden was going to lose his mind, he did. Why?
Because he was against God. He was trying to overthrow a nation that was given to God or was made for God. The foundation of this country was a country. We wanted to have a nation. Our founding fathers a nation that we could freely serve. Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior. That's the foundation of this country.
This, this country was founded for God to be able to serve him. And there have been people time and time again who've been trying to turn this nation away from God. And you think what the Biden did and how bad it was with the corruption in 2021 reason why he lost his mind again, because he turned away from God.
You know, God was warning him. God has been warning the enemies of Almighty God. They're not heeding the warning. Nebuchadnezzar saw what God did. He ignored what God did after a while, he took credit. He was proud. And remember the scripture I'll give to you in a minute. Pride comes before a fall. Let's keep reading.
And my use of my mind returned to me and I blessed the most high God and I praise and honored and glorified him who lives forever, whom dominion is an everlasting dominion. It was kingdom endures generation to generation. Now, he had his mind turn back to him because God knew his heart would change.
Some of these people, their hearts will not change, and that's why their minds will not return to them. Look at verse 35, and all that happened since the other Earth are accounted as nothing, and he does according to his will in the hose of heaven and among his inhabitants of the earth. And none can stay his hand or say to him, what are you doing?
That scripture saying, no one can stop God's hand. Not one person, not one king, not one ruler, not one president, not one you know, globalist or elitist. They cannot stop God's hand. Verse 36. And now at the same time, my reason to understand and return to me for the glory of my king and my majesty, and spun a return to me and my counselors, my lords taught me out.
I was reestablished in my kingdom and still more greatness than before was added to me. So God blessed izer even more because even after those seven years, he went back to that revelation of God, that God was the one who blessed him. And so that's the reason why he got his kingdom back. Verse 37. And now I Nebuchadnezzar praise and exalt and honor the king of heaven whose works are faithful and right, and who are just his ways are just God's ways are just, and those who walk in pride, he's able to abase.
And humble. Remember pride and remember, 'cause Nebuchadnezzar was full of pride. He thought he did everything. Most of our, you know, politicians and our governments, and governments all around the world, they're so full of pride because they have these systems that are against God and they think they can do whatever they want when they want, and they're getting away with it.
They are not. Why? Because God's ways are just, and those who walk in pride, he is able to abase and a humble. Now, those who won't be humbled will be brought to judgment. Now, let's go to Daniel five. Now remember, Nebuchadnezzar went crazy, but he turned from his wicked ways, and then God honored him and blessed him.
Look at Daniel five Oh King, the most high. God gave Nebuchadnezzar your father a kingdom and greatness in your glory and majesty. Moses, you know the story of this is Bel Shaar, his son, verse 19. And because the greatness that he gave him, all people's nations and languages trembled and feared before him, whom he would he would slew and he would be kept alive, whom he would set up and whom he would put down.
So King Nebuchadnezzar had a lot of power over a lot of nations. Verse 20. But when his heart was lifted up and his mind and his spirit were hardened so that he dealt with proudly, he was disposed from his kingly throne and his glory was taken from him. So if men think that they can do whatever they want, when they want, and they have all this power, it can be taken from them.
Verse 21. He was driven from among men, and his heart and mind were made like the beast. And his dwelling was with the wild asses, and he was fed with grass like oxen, and his body was wet with the dew of the heavens until he learned and knew that the most high God rules in the kingdom of men. And he appoints and says over it, whomever he will.
How many times in the book of Daniel do we see these very same words, but how many times do we see that churches talk about this? Very same things today, that God sits over the kingdom of men and he appoints and sit over it whomever he wills. God does people think that they can do and they can have their systems and they can put whoever they want, their little yes men and yes women in these systems and they can get away with it.
And God's saying not happening. Nebuchadnezzar couldn't get away with it. You gotta think Pharaoh couldn't get away with it. Bel Shaar couldn't get away with it. How many other kings and how many rulers of nations try to get away with it and they couldn't. It is still the same as for today. It hasn't changed.
People just have forgotten that God's ways are just, and God's kingdom rules over mankind. People just don't talk about it. It's not preached a lot anymore. Why Satan tried to suppress this revelation and this truth from the body of Christ in the world. Let's keep reading. Let's go to verse 19 is the next one.
I'm almost positive or 18. Sorry. Oh, king. The most high God gave Nebuchadnezzar your father's kingdom and greatness and glory. Majesty. No. Hold on a minute. I just read that one. Do you have 25? Wait, no. 22 through 26. Yeah. And you, his son, Obel. Shaar have not humbled your heart and mind, though. You knew all this.
You knew and you were defiant. So God gave him, obviously he had revelation 'cause he saw what happened with his dad. God gave him time to repent and he didn't. Verse 23. And you lifted yourself up against the Lord of heaven and the vessels of his house you had brought before you. He mocked God. So not only did he know what God did for Nebuchadnezzar, his dad, he, you know, lost his mind and he brought him back.
And then he brought his kingdom even better than it was before King. King Basar knew all this, defied it didn't care. And then mocked God, how many people in our government and how many people around the world have been mocking God recently. They will not get away with mocking God. God will not be mocked.
You brought your before you and you and your Lord. Your wives and your concubines have drunk wine from them, and you have praise a God of silver and golds and bronze of iron and stone, which you see or hear or know, but the God in whom's hand, your breath is in whose sorry, whose hand your breath is.
People, people don't realize. They think they can. They can live as long as they want to. They can do whatever they want. That's not true. Who are all your ways you have not honored and glorified, but have dishonored and disgraced? Verse 24 then was a part of the hand sent from the presence of the, the most high God.
And this writing was inscribed. And this inscription that was written was many, many EU faran numbered, numbered, weighed divisions. This is the interpretation of matter. Many God has numbered the days of your kingship and brought them to an end. God has numbered the days of all the kingship of all the dominance of the world, globalism and all these elitist.
God has numbered their days and their days are coming to an end. That's why God is giving us all this revelation knowledge. He's given us all these prophetic words. He's giving us his word in order for us not to give up because these are the end of their days and the beginning of the church age, the church, when the church will be more dominant, and so the church being enslaved and oppressed, things are changing.
God's been telling things are changing. Let's also go to verse 30, Daniel five and verse 30, and it says, during the night. Bel Shaar, the king of the Chaldeans was slain. So that very same night, Bel Shaar was brought down, he was warned. He didn't hear the warning. He mocked. God didn't care. He was brought down and then his kingdom was divided.
The people that are trying to destroy God's, God's nations, Israel, United States of America, and the nations around the world, they're not gonna get away with what they're doing. And when people say it's not scriptural that they're, they will go crazy, you know, in their minds, and they'll lose their memory, they'll lose their minds.
They won't be coherent. God's saying, no, that is scriptural because it has happened before. Those who are defined against God can at some point, if they do not turn in wicked ways, can lose their minds. Let's read another scripture. Proverbs 16 and verse 18. Pride goes before destruction in a haughty spirit before fall.
Our enemies are going to fall because they're so prideful and they're so arrogant. They think they can mock and defy God. You know, one another way they're defying and mocking God is that same woman who played the Witch in movie Wicked. I don't even know her name, would not watch that movie if you paid me Complete and utter evil.
That person is now playing in Jesus Christ, superstar. She's playing Jesus a, a, she a. She is playing Jesus. That's what Hollywood thinks of God. God will not be mocked, a female playing God, and that this person who just played a wicked witch. The movie Wicked God will not be mocked. They've been doing these things for so long.
God is saying Enough is enough. Let's go to , verse 26, Isaiah 49, and verse 26, and your enemies crazed and desperate will turn on themselves, kill each other in frenzy of self-destruction. Then everyone will know that I God have saved you. I almighty one of Jacob, God's been saying, our enemies are turning on each other.
They'll destroy each other just like it says. He's been giving us that scripture several different times in two Chronicles 20, which says how God's people praised and worshiped him. And then God set up ambushes against the enemy and the enemies defeated themselves. The battle is the Lord's. What we do is not get overwhelmed by hopelessness and despair and give up and quit right before breakthrough.
God's saying our enemies are now being judged and they will be judged in front of the world. Look what happened with Nebuchadnezzar. Look, what happened with Bel are, it wasn't behind the scenes. They were judged in front of the kingdoms Pharaoh. He wasn't judged just in front of himself. He wasn't judged in front of all of Egypt for one, because of all the plagues.
Then he was judged in front of the Israelites. His final judgment was the Red Sea coming upon him and his, all of his soldiers, God will put, let the enemy come out in the spotlight just to destroy them. And that's what we're starting to see. Let's go back over this prophetic word. I have more scriptures, but for the sake of time.
Okay, now first paragraph, woe to those who have tried to destroy the minds of the masses across this nation and the world. You have spewed out your deception and propaganda on a scale they've never seen before. You have brought many people to such confusion and delusional state. They don't even know what gender they are.
They can't distinguish a lie from the truth or good from evil. Stop right there. God has been telling us that one of the forms of this fifth generation warfare and the war that we have been in is that they have been trying to destroy our soul. So we are a three part being. We have a spirit. We are a spirit, we have a soul, which is your mind, will and emotion.
And we live in a physical body, and we're three part being just like God. God the Father, the Son, the Holy Spirit. Remember, we've been made in his image. We are three part being spirit, soul, body, our a's been attacking our bodies. We know that they've been poisoning us for years in every way they can, and a lot of people know that, but people weren't even thinking about how they've been poisoning our minds and then putting people in such a delusional state.
God says they don't know from right or wrong. They don't know if I'm good and evil. They don't know a lie from the truth, and some don't even know what gender they are. That's spiritual bondage and God wants people free. Remember it says in God's word. Go to one Corinthians
one Corinthians two 16. For who? For who has known as understood the mind, the councils, and purpose of the Lord. So ask to guide and instruct him and give him his knowledge, but we have the mind of Christ. Satan is trying to destroy that. That's why there's been such warfare against our minds, because our enemies don't want us to have the mind of Christ.
Because if we had the mind of Christ, then we won't be deceived, then we won't be under their bondage and incitement. We won't be delusional, and we won't know. We won't fall for any of their lies and deception. We will know right from wrong. We will know truth from good and evil. We will know this as a spiritual battle's, not just a political one.
We won't fall for their deception. That's what we're supposed to have. The mind of Christ, first Timothy or second Timothy one, seven. This is another point second Timothy one, seven. For God to not give us a spirit of timidity. Of cowardness, of craving and cringing and finding fear. But he has given us a spirit of power and of love, and of a calm, wellens, well balanced, mind, disciplined and self control.
That's another thing the enemy has gone after is because God has given us a spirit of is not given us a spirit of fear, but power. God's giving us a spirit of power. Satan is trying to destroy that power, and one thing he is trying to destroy that power is by the spirit of fear and why. That's why you've seen the last several years, especially since 2020, fear has just been just running rampant all throughout the world because they don't want you to have a sound mind.
They want you to have that spirit of power that God has given us, and it says of love. That's why you see so much hatred and division and strife of power, of love, and of a calm, well balanced. Mind. You don't see a lot of well-balanced minds in the enemy's camp. Discipline and self-control. If you know that you have the mind of Christ, we talked about this last week.
If you have the mind of Christ, you know that God has given you. He's not giving you a spirit of fear, of power, opening sound mind. God has given you a spirit of power, of love and a sound mind. If you keep confessing that every single day, no matter what the enemy's trying to spew out, you'll never fall for their deception.
You won't fall for it because you'll have that well balanced mind that they're trying to destroy. They won't be able to. And it says right here, and it goes on in the second paragraph, he says, enemies of Almighty God. You truly think that by destroying the minds of the population, it was easier for you to control them, and you would get everything you wanted.
Stop. If they got us into that mindset of weakness, then they could control us in every way. But God says, but you never thought of what would happen if they came out. The enemies thought once they put us in, we could never come out. If they ever came out of your hallucinations and the trances that they were under you be, you never believed how far their minds and souls were polluted they could ever recover.
So they thought that they could pollute our minds and poison our minds so much we could never come out of it. We could never recover from the damage that they had done. Same thing with Pharaoh. Pharaoh, to all this damage to the God's people. And he never thought that they could rise up and they would recover and they would leave.
Slavery and take away all their money. You would've, you would've told him that five years ago before that happened, five years before the Exodus, he would've laughed in your face. He would've probably laughed in your face five months before the Exodus, or even five days before the Exodus. He never thought it was possible.
Why? Because pride comes before a fall. He says, you also never considered those who would never fall for your curses and your spells, and they would never believe any other of your lies. So there's a part of the body of Christ that never fell for their crap, never fell for their lies and deception.
There's always been people that have been fighting this back. They never thought that was possible. They thought they could literally get every single person because they were so powerful and they were so smart, but they weren't. He says, you also never thought anyone could resist you enough. It would break your control over the population.
You see, one reason how they're losing the population is by the mainstream media being exposed. And you can see all these people who are once these huge big time journalists and huge big time, you know, news anchors, and they're all being removed just how God said they would be. You are seeing the crash and fall of CNN, which God said it would.
He started, started talking about that in 2021, M-S-N-B-C. You're starting to see all of it come crashing down. And all these people that were so big, all these anchors that were so well known and they could never lose a job, all of them are losing their jobs. Why? Because viewership is falling. Why? Because the, all that type of demonic control they have with their news media, because God said it was another arm of the one world government.
By losing that arm of the one world government, they're losing control of the population. People are not falling for their junk anymore. They're not falling for their lies and deception. He says, not only are you experiencing this very thing, so now all of a sudden they're starting to see all this stuff come to pass and they never thought it could.
He says, but you also never thought was possible. Now you'll experience the same thing you brought against the people. He says, you'll lose your minds and your souls will grow dark where there is no light. Something that happened similar to, again, to Nebuchadnezzar, because when I was praying into this, I said, what scriptures do you want me to give out this morning to, to go along with this prophecy?
And the first thing that came up right away was Daniel, or was Daniel? The book of Daniel and King Nebuchadnezzar, God says, is warning us right now. Our ams are gonna start to lose their minds even more. He talked about it before. Now he's telling us again. He's reminding us they're gonna start. This is gonna start ramping up now.
Enemies of Almighty God on live tv. So now they're not gonna do it just behind closed doors, just like Biden. He was doing it behind closed doors for a while, and they tried to keep it covered up, but then it started happening on live TV and more and more and more where they couldn't cover it up. Like I said, the debate on June 27th was the biggest thing that came crashing down from the establishment.
They could not hide his Alzheimer's or dementia. They could not hide that. He has lost his ever loving mind, and now all of a sudden, I think like Jack Tapper, or John, whatever his name is, Tapper, he all of a sudden is coming out with a book about Biden losing his mind. What? Well, that would've been great, but a couple months ago when you were trying to hide it and lie about it, they're trying to save face.
It's not gonna work. Enemies of Almighty God on live tv. The world will see, just like they saw with the Biden. You'll lose your memory and your minds will be lost to you. So you're gonna start seeing their memory and their minds. Some of 'em, you can already start to tell that they've lost their 11 mind because some of the things that they're saying, but God's saying it's going to get worse.
My children watches. Your enemies will look more and more like they have lost any sense of intelligence they once had. You'll see this more and more in DC with all those who are against you. So not all of them in DC there's a lot of good men and women now in there, but a lot of 'em who are against us is what he's saying.
They'll experience what they have done to you. It will be done onto them. Fear is growing and the more they're being exposed and their systems ripped apart and no way of recovering what they once had, they're starting to realize they're not gonna be able to recover once they, what they once had. You'll notice your enemies will start to fall apart mentally and some will physically.
So you're gonna start seeing more people fall mentally and physically. Not one or the other. Some people will have mental, some people will have physical, but some people will have both. You have already already seen some fall politically and physically, and now this will ramp up because these are the days of Haman.
Now, this is something I thought was really important that he said the storm, remember the political storm he said was gonna hit the enemy enemies? He said, the storm is hitting your enemies with such unprecedented force. It's hitting them with such unprecedented force. It's like knocking them over. They will not be able to get back up.
Then he says, your enemies are also betraying each other more and more By the day, they're in constant state of panic and when people panic, they begin to make major mistakes with their actions that they will take. So they're gonna start making more and more and more mistakes. Then he says. If these are the days that leaders in Washington will begin to say more and more out of their mouths, what they never thought would slip through their lips on national television.
Remember God said that their tongues would be their worst enemy when they meant to tell a lie. They're gonna start telling the truth. Watch Chuck Schumer as he continues to slip mentally, and you'll see him slip and fall physically signaling his fall politically. So you're gonna start seeing different things with people.
And now he's saying what you're gonna see with Chuck Schumer, Nana said, Pelosi will slip up and do something that she will regret, or sorry, something that she'll give herself more away and who she truly is. And you'll see her fall politically. Now. There's a lot more to Nancy Pelosi and different prophetic words that God will show you.
There's a lot of, again, a lot of people who are kind of like the Biden who look one way with a ruling another. Mitch McConnell will not finish his term out like he thinks he will. More of the old guard will begin to fall in massive ways. They will not be able to contain their composure like they once used to.
So Mitch McConnell thinks he is gonna retire at the end of his term and God says he is not gonna last. So the end of his term, Elizabeth Warren, is about to be exposed and major ways that will begin her removal. Adam Schiff and the pardon he received will all soon be a laughing stock. So I, I think Biden did like some type of pardon of, of for him.
I don't know. But it's gonna be a laughing stock because once this classified documents, money trails will lead to the truth of how dirty he truly is. Who did or who, why He tried to impeach President Trump again. He was part of that impeachment and massive lies. He was told to stay by the architects of the establishment.
So we're gonna find out his connections to the establishment. And how all that would, that all that went down, including his involvement with January 6th lie, pulling all that insurrection off and a co coup against the sitting president and of the mayor of the United States and the American people.
So we're gonna see how he was involved in all these things because there's gonna be documents, there's gonna be undeniable proof of what he was involved in. Adam Schiff will have his hands caught in the cookie jar, and money will be another downfall to another liar against this country. So we're gonna start watching him fall.
Follow the money, find the truth accounts of many in Washington, paid to steal this country away from its citizens. And all these accounts will be exposed and emptied a lot of these multi multimillionaires and how they got that money, these politicians, it's gonna be exposed and they'll be emptied. Adam Schiff, along with many in Washington.
Now again, here's another part of it. Undeniable proof is kind to all your connections to the attempted assassination of President Trump. So he has connections to that. Every person connected and responsible will be exposed and judged in unprecedented ways. So again, all the ways all these people have been connected will be exposed.
And we'll also show you who was the head architect of every Trump indictment. So not just anybody who was like the lowest in the totem pole. He's gonna show you all the head architect, the head architect of the indictments, and a massive coverup will be uncovered in front of this nation. The weaponization of law and the justice system against President Trump will be exposed, and every person who took part in it will be judged and justice will be served.
So we're gonna find out how all of these indictments went down. Get used to hearing the word indictment. You'll hear this continuously because unprecedented indictments will be handed down and every person's sentenced for the crimes they have committed. God's talked about indictments and God's also talked about treason and how they're going to fall to that and treason would be their end.
A huge piece of the puzzle's about to be revealed regarding the justice system in this nation and their worst enemy wasn't justice system's worst enemy, the truth. He said The truth will come to pass, or sorry, will come to pass by truth being exposed on how they can no longer hide behind their injustice and their crimes they've been committing behind.
True justice will be served all across the nation, so they've been hiding behind all their crimes and all this system of injustice and truth is gonna be their worst nightmare. Judges will fall, politicians will fall, attorneys will fall, AGS will fall. It's all coming. A great collapse of the system of injustice as weaponized against this station.
So we're gonna start seeing all this start crumbling and crashing down. It's all coming crashing down with documents. Now again, they try to redact things. They try to destroy evidence. They had tried Godman saying it. They were trying to sabotage us because they knew President Trump was gonna go after the FBI.
He's gonna go after the CIA. He's gonna go after all these judges. He's gonna go after all these court cases. He was after all these indictments. He's gonna go after the impeachments. He's gonna go after the assassination attempts. He's gonna go after the insurrection. They all knew he was gonna go after all these things.
They knew it. God said they, they knew and so they were trying to destroy it, all this stuff. Before he was trying, they were, he was gonna get in if they could not kill him off. First they couldn't. And now they're still trying to hide things. I've had explosive prophecies. I come out again. There's so much more to Epstein.
There's so much more with the FBI. There's so much more with all these different things that we have not heard all these things yet. We've heard some things, but guys expound upon them even more. These properties I'll give to you probably this week. There's a lot going on. There's gonna be a lot to uncover.
So many things that they're trying to hide and suppress. And God's saying it's not gonna happen 'cause it's all gonna come crashing down with documents and proof your enemies truly thought was dead and buried. That's important, but my infiltrators have it all. Your enemies are about to be put on full display for the world to see true justice be served by me, says the Lord of hosts.
God's the one who serves true justice. And even though we've seen so much injustice, God is saying he's going to serve true justice. We're gonna start seeing more and more and more come to pass. But when more and more of the shock and awe it's gonna bring people and they're not gonna know what's gonna happen.
They're gonna like, they're gonna under, they're not gonna understand. Satan's gonna try to bring more fear and try to bring more of hopelessness and despair to people because when they start seeing it again, he gave me more prophecies about banks and the destruction of the banks and the collapse of the banking system, and how all this connected to child sex trafficking in our government with a deep state and swat it is, it is so embedded, it is so deep, it's so dark.
And when we start seeing these things start to he said like tearing back the layers and tearing apart these layers, all these walls of protection that they've had, a lot of people are not gonna understand what's going on. That's why God is warning first, we have to pray that people are a sound mind and that they will not give into hopeless and despair.
I wanna pray over each and every one of you today, no matter what is going on, no matter what's going on in your life, that you'll have that strong and sound mind, and that you'll not give into any deception, that you'll not give into any fear. You'll not give into any weapon of the enemy. So heavenly Father, right now, in Jesus name.
Father, I lift up every person, the sound of my voice, and I thank you right now, father God. It is written and we'll declare and we will decree and it shall be established because it says in your word, when we decree a thing, it shall be established. So, father God, we declare and decree right now, no weapon formed against us or prosper.
No weapon formed against our spirits. No weapon formed against our soul. No weapon formed against our bodies. No weapon formed against our children. No weapon formed against our nations. No weapon formed against justice and truth. No weapon formed against our freedoms. No weapon formed against us financially.
No weapon formed
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