Prophet Julie Green - Many DC Insiders Will Be Hit When They Least Expect It - Captions

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This video with Prophet Julie Green emphasizes perseverance and conveys a message about maintaining peace despite life's challenges by relying on scriptures like John 14:27 and Philippians 4:6-7. Jesus promises perfect peace, and Julie encourages resisting anxiety and fear through faith. The second part delivers a prophetic word about upcoming major revelations and upheavals within the U.S. political landscape. Intelligence communities will be exposed for cover-ups and crimes, leading to a significant impact on many prominent politicians and entities. Julie stresses the need for continued prayer, peace, and reliance on God amidst forthcoming challenges and assures listeners of God’s intervention and justice. Lastly, Julie offers a prayer for peace and encouragement, urging believers to hold on to God’s promises.

✝️ Another Awesome Message from Julie! ‼️God Wins‼️ The original video was posted on 02-13-2025 and may be watched here: 👉

Finding Peace Amidst Chaos: Encouragement, Scriptures, and Prophetic Insights

In this video, recorded on Thursday, February 13th, 2025, Julie starts by addressing technical issues that delayed the session and then moves on to offer an uplifting message about finding peace amid life's challenges. Through selected scriptures from John 14:27, Philippians 4:6-7, and John 16:33, Julie encourages viewers to embrace the peace that Jesus left us, despite the turmoil around us. The session also includes a prophetic word concerning major upheavals, exposing corruption within the intelligence communities and government officials, followed by a prayer for peace, freedom, and restoration in every aspect of viewers' lives. Lastly, Julie urges the audience to hold on to their faith and remain steadfast, as God's plans are in motion to bring justice and freedom from global and domestic threats.

00:00 Introduction and Technical Difficulties
00:33 Encouragement and Scriptures on Peace
04:17 Commanding Peace in Your Life
12:32 Prophetic Word: Many DC Insiders Will Be Hit
21:19 God's Justice and Protection
35:10 Spiritual and Political Shifts
37:27 A Divine Force Against Enemies
38:26 Ransacking the Intelligence Community
39:35 Unveiling Government Corruption
41:18 The Deep State's Desperation
41:36 Historical Context of Government Agencies
43:42 Financial Exploitation and Taxation
46:08 The Clinton Foundation and Global Corruption
55:51 The Role of China in U.S. Affairs
01:00:04 A Call for Prayer and Peace
01:06:56 Final Words and Encouragement

Video Information:

Prophet Julie Green - Many DC Insiders Will Be Hit When They Least Expect It - Captions
MUSIC: First Song - Chase The Sky by LNDO
Second Song - Quiet Courage by LNDO
COPYRIGHT 2025 Julie Green Ministries International
PROPHECY INDEX:www.prophecyindex.org
Feb. 13, 2025
Words of Encouragement Scriptures:
Phil. 4:6-7
Ps. 23:1
Jesus has given you peace so you won't be shaken by everything going on around you.
Satan wants to steal your peace, but do not let him.
Speak to your storms and use Jesus' name to bind and call down.
Receive the peace of Almighty God because it's like a guard over your heart and mind.
Jesus has conquered the world for you. He has fought and paid for your freedom.
Prophecy Scriptures:
Ps. 35:4-8
Ps. 64:2
Prov.10:25, 28
2 Thess. 1:6
Ps. 97:3
Deut. 28:7
2 Tim.4:18
Hold the line and keep praying for the protection of President Trump.
Your enemies are being removed from their places of power that they stole.
God is the God of justice and judgment.
God can and will protect you from the things in this world.
The Lord will rescue you from everything your enemies are trying to do.
God is on the move. Receive the move of Almighty God.
No foe can stand the hand of God.
God exposes your enemies and wants you to pray against their plans. Call them down.
Hold onto God's Word and keep speaking His Words.
God is telling you to Hold On. He's not done restoring what's been stolen from you.
Prayer Scriptures:
Isa. 54:17
James 4:7
Phil. 4:13

Video Transcript:

Good morning, everybody. Today is Thursday, February 13th of 2025. I want to encourage you because this is a great time to be alive. God is doing things and no matter what technical difficulties we have, no matter what types of bumps in the road or things that try to interrupt what God is doing, it's not going to stop the plan and the will of God.

We just keep persevering and overcoming every single obstacle that we face in our life today. So I want to encourage you with some scriptures this morning regarding peace. A lot of the things that the enemy is trying to do is you're trying to stop peace in your mind, stop peace in your body, stop peace in your on your life, stop peace in your finances.

Every single way he can bring discord, he can bring frustration, he can bring an overwhelming situation or circumstance. He's going to do that to steal your peace. He wants to, he's after your joy, and he's also after your peace. So I want to read to you in John 14 and 27. John 14, 27. And it says, Peace I leave with you.

My own peace I now give and bequeath to you. Not as the world gives do I give to you. Do not let your hearts be troubled. Bibles. Bibles. Neither let them be afraid Stop allowing yourselves to be agitated and disturbed And do not permit yourselves be fearful intimidated and cowardly or unsettled so I want to get the scripture to you because Jesus said in the scripture peace I leave with you If we have peace Then all this turmoil All this war, all these things that are trying to bring so much anxiety, and fear, and worry, and depression, and overwhelming circumstances.

Jesus has given you peace to leave that peace on the inside of you, so when everything is perplexed, and everything is troubled, and everything is shaking around you, you will be at peace, and you will be at rest. Just think, if all of our minds were completely sound, which they're supposed to be, you will We weren't full of fear and doubt, worry, unbelief.

We weren't full of fear and worry and anxiety. And, and some people wouldn't be full of depression and, and suicide. They wouldn't be filled with all these different thoughts that are just plaguing and tormenting their minds on a daily basis. What about peace in your body? You wouldn't have that chronic illness.

You wouldn't have that pain and affliction in your body. You wouldn't have all those malfunctions that are going on because you have peace in your body. Everything would be functioning the way it's supposed to function. But Satan tries everything to steal your peace from you. The way you can't receive from the Lord.

Look what also it says, do not let your hearts be troubled. That's exactly what Satan wants to do. He wants to steal your peace while he's troubling your heart. So you're overwhelmed with all these things. Do not let your heart be troubled, neither. Let them be afraid. So if your hearts are troubled, they're more likely going to be afraid.

They're gonna be full of anxiety and worry and fear. Stop allowing yourselves to be troubled. Now again, that's saying we have power and authority to stop our allowing ourselves to be agitated and disturbed. Do not permit yourselves to be fearful and intimidated and cowardly and unsettled. Remember when Pete Jesus spoke to the water and said, peace, be still.

We have that same type of authority in our life to speak to our storms. Peace be still whether it's a storm in your mind, whether it's a storm in your body, whether it's a storm in your marriage, whether it's a storm with your children, whether it's a financial storm, whatever the storm that satan is trying to use against you to cause those wind and the waves to just batter you and bruise you and knock you off your feet.

We have that power because Jesus has left us as peace. We have that power to have that peace on the inside of us. So we say in the name of Jesus, I command that peace in the name of Jesus in my mind. All those thoughts, all those things, all that storm that's waging against me in my thought life, I bind it, I rebuke it, and I command peace in my thoughts.

And peace in my mind. If you have something that's going on in your body. A lot of people are being tormented in their body. You command that storm that has been trying to provoke and trying to cause discord in your body. Command that peace in your body. Command peace to be still. And every single organ in all your molecular structure, every single part of your body, functions the way that God designed.

Speak peace to it. Satan is trying to bring trouble to it. You speak peace to it. Now, let's go to another scripture. Let's go to Philippians four Philippians four in verse six and seven do not fret or have any anxiety about anything but in every circumstance and everything by prayer petition defiant requests with thanksgiving continue to make your wants known to God.

Remember when we wait on the Lord you We inquire of him. We seek out to him. We cry out to him. And we're letting him know all the things are going wrong in our life. But we're saying, but in your word, it says. If we know what God's word says, and we are holding fast to what God's word said, then the anxiety is going to be broken and destroyed against our minds in our life.

Think of all the ways that we can use the Word of God as a weapon against the storms in our life, against all the weapons that the enemy is using against us. We have so many ways we can use the Word of God, but in verse 6, he said, do not fret or have anxiety about anything. Satan is trying to put an overwhelming amount of weight on you to be fearful and anxiety stricken.

God said fret not. Remember that word in Isaiah 41 in verse 10. Fear not. There's nothing to fear. And keep telling your mind that until fear is destroyed. Until fear to get out. Because fear must leave. When you say I resist that spirit of fear in Jesus name, it doesn't have an option to stay there. Verse 7.

And God's peace shall be yours, that tranquil and state of soul assured of his salvation through Christ. And so fearing nothing, From God and being content with its earthly lot of whatever sort that is that peace which transcends all understanding shall garnish and mount and guard your hearts and minds.

So if we receive the peace of Almighty God which he's given to us It's like a guard over our hearts and over our minds. So a lot of people today, what they need is peace. If you have peace, think of how that peace that God has given to you can utterly change your life. It will literally destroy the power of the enemy that's trying to torment you and trying to bring turmoil in your life and torment you with it.

Peace so today ask God for that peace that passes all understanding and that that peace will guard your heart It will guard your mind and that way no matter what's going on around you No matter how big the waves are crashing in no matter how hard those waves are pounding you You won't be moved because your hearts will be fixed on the Lord because you will have that peace And of course we have that peace we have joy And the joy of the Lord is our strength.

So make sure you protect your peace and protect your joy today. Alright, one more scripture, John 16, 33. One of my favorites, you guys know that. I've read this in many challenging times. John 16, 33. Now what did Jesus say right here in the first sentence? I have told you these things, so he's given us, he's given to us the word of God.

He's told us these things, so that in me, you may have perfect peace. He's not even just talking about you have a little bit of peace. No, you have perfect peace and confidence. In the world, you'll have tribulation and trials and distress and frustration, but be of good cheer, be cour have good courage, take courage, be confident, and certain and undaunted.

For I've overcome the world, I deprive it of its power to harm you, and I've conquered it for you. Just think of the peace that you will have if you have that revelation, that Jesus has conquered the world for you. He's taken the power of the world, of the enemy, he's brought it to nothing. So if we read the scripture in the world, There is trials and tribulations and frustration, but Jesus said, I have given you my word.

So even in the midst, midst of test trials, frustrations, and all this stuff that's going on around, it's not going to affect you because you will have God's word on the inside of you that will bring you perfect peace and confidence. That way you're not moved in the midst of any pressure or any storm that's trying to barrel its way in your life.

And he says, for I have overcome the world. I deprived it of its power to harm you and I've conquered it for you. If we had that revelation, Jesus has conquered the world for us. He has bought and paid for our freedom. You have a right to peace today in your minds, in your bodies, in your marriages. In your children in your finances every part of your life.

Remember we should lack in nothing He's our shepherd. He leads he guides protects he provides So that's psalm 23 in verse 1 and read all psalm 23. It's a great chapter But if we know the reason why god has given us his word, it's also not just that weapon It also brings us joy, and it brings us that perfect peace we need in the midst of the world and all the crazy things that are going on in it.

He didn't leave us without protection. He didn't leave us without answers. He didn't leave us without a way out of everything Satan continually tries to put you in. So hold on to the promises of God, get into the Word, and receive. That perfect piece today, no matter where you need it. Okay. Oh, that encouraged you this morning.

Now I want to get to the prophetic word. This is the second one I heard on February 8th. There was actually three of them that day. This is the second one. I'll give you the third one to you probably tomorrow unless the Lord changes it. But this one's called Many DC Insiders Will be Hit When They Least Expect It.

For I The Lord this day, I'm telling you my children something is about to hit your enemies with such force it will knock them off their feet and take away more of their power and their influence. The intelligence communities are about to be ransacked in every way. The cover ups all hidden crimes or ones they tried to destroy are all coming out. The payoffs, handouts, bailouts, your intelligence community have been a part of is unprecedented.

They control more of the government than most realize. They helped cover up fraud, treason, murders, hostile takeovers, criminal activity in most of your government. They have used your money to steal elections and to keep the Old Guard and the Establishment in power. They helped cover up everything that the Clintons,

the Bidens, the Obamas, and everyone who tried to hijack this nation and steal it in any way possible. It's just the tip of the iceberg that has come out of how many people were killed to keep the dark and evil secrets, and to keep officials and the establishment safe. The Clinton Foundation is one front the Clintons and the establishment had used along with USAID, exposure, and it's nothing compared to what really has been covered up. This is one of many agencies or slush funds your government has had to siphon money at will. Wait until the Federal Reserve and the Pentagon are audited, along with many bills that have been passed where the House allowed taxpayer dollars to really go.

The Democrats and the RINOs are about to become more unhinged. You have only discovered one of their honey holes. There is much more to come, and the biggest honey hole will be discovered, and it'll be plundered. Then they will start to sing like canaries and turn on each other to protect what they can before they lose it all.

More backstabbing and more betrayals will hit DC like a freight train barreling down the tracks. The establishment is about to become more desperate and they will give up many of their Old Guard to save what they can. Watch how they oust the Biden and his entire family. There was a reason he tried to pardon them, because there is a tsunami of evidence that is coming against them, which will include the Clintons, Chuck Schumer, Adam Schiff, Elizabeth Warren, Mitch McConnell, Nancy Pelosi, Mitt Romney, the Bidens, and many more.

The establishment wants to let go of The Biden, thinking it will save everyone else, but in fact, it will crash their whole machine, and they will have nothing left. The avalanche of truth is already hitting them, and it's about to hit a whole new level they can't withstand this force from decimating them and their whole system.

All the swamp rats will totally be put out in the open for judgment to hit them. No plan or no safety net they once had will protect them from the avalanche that's about to hit D. C. Watch Maxine Waters. She'll be ousted. Many D. C. insiders will be hit when they least expect it. The war for this nation is about to take an abrupt turn.

Your enemies are about to try something they never thought they would have to. Another attempt on President Trump's life. Once again, this will all come out, including the other attempts they've tried. It will prove what lengths your enemies will go to and to try to stop this nation. They're about to let China hit you in a way they didn't think they would ever have to use or take such a measure to save themselves.

As China tries, this will collapse their finances, their government, and all the China ties, and the lies will come out like a flood. How deep China is embedded in your government, and it will all begin to pour out with these audits.

My children, hold on, the shaking is about to get stronger, as more truth is revealed, and the more money is being stripped away, and the more desperate your enemies are, they're all being exposed and removed to save the life of this nation. This has only just begun. Your enemies are all coming down. No matter if they like it or not, this is My nation,

and they are about to be hit with that fact, says The Lord of Hosts. No matter how many times they try to hit this nation, and no matter what our enemies try to do with what weapon, or how much force, it doesn't matter. They're coming up against God Almighty. That's why you and I, we have to hold the line and can keep praying for the safety of President Trump.

I heard this on Saturday. It was Saturday early, early morning. I heard three of them. And apparently, I think it was Sunday at some point in time, there was another attempt on President Trump's life with some drone overhead. I don't know if it was his motorcade or where it was. But apparently there was some attempt on his life, but they're not done trying to kill him and assassinate him in any way.

They're trying to stop him or to stop anyone that's with him. They are so desperate. They're willing to go to the Langs, to let China do something against this nation that could cost the establishment so much time and so much money. But they don't care because they're desperate. But again, no matter what they allow, God will not allow it to happen the way they design.

Just like they wanted to steal the election. They stole some seats, but they didn't get the election. They didn't get the House. They didn't get the Senate. They didn't get the presidency. They only got certain things, but it's for their demise. So what we have to do in this time is get in the scripture, keep our peace, because when we see certain things happen, One of the things that Satan's gonna try to do is steal your peace.

He's gonna try to steal your joy. But if we have our hearts fixed on God, knowing that God's in control, how many times has God stopped our enemy? How many times did he stop him from impeaching him? How many times did he stop the indictment? How many times did he stop the establishment when we didn't even know how they were going to use a death shot or destroy this nation.

They didn't get what they so desired. They didn't even get what they desired out of 2020 no matter how bad it was. They wanted something so far worse than what we even saw. They never get what they so desire. We have to hold on to that peace that God has given to us through his word that no matter what we are up against, it's not bigger than Almighty God.

I want to give you some scriptures today that should give you more peace regarding the situation that we're in in this country or where you are around the world today. Proverbs 2 22 and I'm gonna read all these scriptures today from here on out out of the new living or sorry new international version the NIV.

But the wicked Will be cut off from the land and the unfaithful will be torn from it. How many times does God say to us in prophecy? The reason why he has me reading in different translations today because it's so awesome how it lines up with his words and some of These things are just brings so these are different translations can bring even more of a clarity When you're, that's why I said, I, I, when I study, I go to different translations.

I don't just stick with one. Look what he said. God's been telling us that he's removing the giants from our land. Look what this one says. But the wicked will be cut off from the land and the unfaithful will be torn from it. Just like all you can times, you can see in the Bible, there was nothing the enemies could do.

When God was saying, I'm gonna cut the wicked off, there was no army that was gonna be able to stop God's hand. Our enemies are being removed from their places of power that they stole that they, you know, They've been held up there for so long. They have an illegitimate system Illegal system. It's not constitutional.

It's totally against the Constitution United States of America It's totally against what God has had put in place for this country to have. God is changing it. He's removing them They're not gonna stay where they are Psalms 35, 4 through 8, and the NIV. Psalm 35, 4 through 8. May those who seek my life be disgraced and put to shame.

Now this was David, and this is something we could also pray over President Trump. I truly believe that President Trump needs these scriptures. And he needs to know that David was the one who wrote these scriptures because he had, Excuse me, I swallowed wrong. He had King Saul and all of his army for 15 years trying to kill him.

He had a lion try to kill him, a bear try to kill him. He had Goliath the giant try to kill him. But in any way, the enemy never got what they wanted with the death of David. How many times our enemies have gone after President Trump and his life? They're not going to be successful just like they weren't with King David.

So again, I really truly believe he needs these scriptures. Psalm 35, 4 through 8. May those who seek my life be disgraced and put to shame. May those who plot my ruin being turned back in dismay, verse 5. May they be like chaff before the wind, with the angel the Lord driving them away, verse 6. May their path be dark and slippery, with the angel the Lord pursuing them, verse 7.

Since they hid their net for me without cause and without cause dug a pit for me, verse 8. Verse 8. May ruin overtake them by surprise. May the net they hid entangle them. May they fall into the pit to their ruin. So David was praying all the things and every way the enemy's trying to kill him, every trap that they were setting against him, that they would actually be the ones falling into those traps and they'd actually be the ones who faulted their death instead of himself.

We can say and pray these things Now we obviously we don't want to pray against death or we pray against death against ourselves We want to pray against death for people but that that's the only way to be if to stop them Look at Pharaoh God wanted to stop him That's why he said the plagues but it didn't stop him and he kept pursuing his people and that's the reason why his life ended It's not the will of God for that to happen But sometimes it has to happen because the enemy won't stop pursuing God's people.

We need to pray this over President Trump. We need to pray this over our country. Psalm 9, 16 17.

This is also the NIV. The Lord is known by his acts of justice. The wicked are ensnared by the work of their hands. So again, all the things they're doing, This scripture's talking about how the evil, the wicked, are ensnared by the works of their own hands. Verse 17. The wicked go down to the realm of the dead and all the nations that forget God.

Judgment. Remember, God is a God of justice, and God is a God of judgment. He is the judge over all the earth. Just wait to see what happens to all these judges. God has been talking about judges being disbarred and being removed from their positions because of how unjust that they're doing. They're, they're committing wicked, evil crimes against our country.

They're not abiding by our Constitution. They're definitely against God in every way possible. These wicked judges watch to see what happens. Not only just federal judges, local judges, but watch to see what happens to the Supreme Court justices. that are also against God. But again, the wicked are known by our, the Lord is known by his acts of justice.

We're gonna see a lot of God's acts of justice. And the wicked are ensnared by the work of their own hands. Remember, follow the money, find the truth. All the system they have done, they were trying to put forth and shove down the world's throat, this one world government, and they're gonna be ensnared by the very thing that they were designed to do.

Against us. Psalm 64 in verse 2.

Hide me from the conspiracies, or conspiracy of the wicked, from the plots of the evildoers. God can hide us from their evil plots and their conspiracies and everything they're trying to do. Remember, because he's our hiding place. That means no matter what they're doing, just like Goshen, Goshen was like the Israelites hiding place.

Because they weren't affected at all by the plagues. They weren't affected by the shaking that was going on. Just like we can be protected by God's safety and we don't have to be put up and we don't have to be part of all the shaking that's going on. God can protect us from the things in this world.

Now remember, we're in it in John 17, but we are not of it. Let's go to Proverbs 10, 25, and 28. Proverbs

25. When the storm has swept by, remember God's been talking about a spiritual storm and a political storm that was coming? This is a a scripture that he showed me that was very exciting to hear this one in this translation. When a storm has swept by, the wicked are gone, but the righteous stand forever.

He said, as a storm upon our enemies. There's a political storm. There's a spiritual storm. There is a storm. What is going to what? Sweep, sweep by, it's gonna be swept by, and the wicked are gone. So where they were, they will be no more. You can also find that in Psalm 37 and many different other scriptures, talk about the enemy, because that's exactly what even Moses was saying to the Israelites in Exodus 14, 13 and 14.

You're gonna see our enemies right now, but soon you won't see them anymore. Let's go to Proverbs 10 and 28.

The prospect of the righteous is joy, but the hopes of the wicked come to nothing. So they have hope for their plans to move forward. They have hope for their pockets to be filled with all of the illegal and fraudulent money laundering slush funds that they've been connected with for so long and they've been enjoying that life.

They've been enjoying fraud and criminal activities and getting away with it. And thinking because all their layers and all their system that they have, that they're never gonna be caught and they're never gonna have anything done to them. They have a hope that they were safe. But right here in the scripture it's saying, But the hopes of the wicked come to nothing.

Let's read another scripture. Proverbs 19, 21. And it says, Many are the plans in a person's heart, but it is the Lord's purpose that prevails. So the enemies have a lot of things that they want to do. They have a lot of plans they want to fulfill, but it is the plans of the Lord that will succeed, not plans of man.

So our enemies have a lot of plans, but it'll be God's plans that will be moving forward. All right, 2 Thessalonians 1 6.

God is just. He will pay back trouble to those who sin. That's that reaping what you sow. If they sow trouble, they're going to reap trouble. If they sow destruction, they're going to reap destruction. So no matter what, God is telling us, God is just, He's a just God. That's why He says vengeance is His. He will pay back trouble to those who trouble you.

That's why you see our enemies right now in a lot of trouble. Psalm 97 and verse 3. Psalm 97 verse 3. Fire goes before him and consumes his foes on every side. There are so many scriptures that go along with this. But one of the things when I read this scripture, the first thing I think about is Is in the book of Exodus when God's people were on by the, you know, the Red Sea while it was being parted God had that darkness that was holding the enemies or the Israelites Holding the Pharaohs and all of his army holding them back.

So here was Pharaoh's army right here. I'll do it this way Here was Pharaoh's army right here. Here was God. There was darkness on this side and there was on this side There was Israelites God was standing in between, God was protecting. Now in the movie Ten Commandments it was something so awesome because it was like a tornado fire that was keeping Pharaoh's army back and holding them away from God's people until they could escape.

Fire goes before him and consumes his foes on every side. That's like in I think I have it written down here. I don't, yeah, Deuteronomy 28 verse 7 Deuteronomy 28 verse 7. Again, remind yourselves of this consuming fire Okay, let's go read Deuteronomy 28 7. The Lord will grant the enemies who rise up against you will be defeated before you.

They will come at you from one direction, but flee from you in seven. God is that consuming fire and he will protect us as he is destroying our enemies, all their plans, everything they're trying to do. God's saying they're gonna come out against you in one way, but they are going to flee. They're going to be removed.

They're gonna be cut off. They're not going to be successful. They come out against us one way, but they flee before us seven. Let's also go to 2nd Timothy 4 18.

2nd Timothy 4 18. The Lord will rescue me from every evil attack and will bring me safely to his heavenly kingdom. To him be glory forever and ever. I want to read the scripture out to you today. The Lord will show me this. The Lord will rescue. He'll rescue us from every evil attack. You see what they're doing with viruses?

You see what they're doing with food? You see what they're doing with our taxes and financial and all the economies? You see what they're doing? But God, this is God's promise to each and every one of us. We should hold our peace and remain at rest. That the Lord will rescue us from every attack of the enemy.

And he will bring us into a safe place. It was heavenly kingdom. To him be the glory forever and ever. There's no way that God's not gonna get the glory for what's gonna happen. There has been such a political shift. There's been a spiritual shift. There's been so many things that we are reading in our emails and praise reports.

There is definitely a move of Almighty God. We got one awesome one regarding Canada. In a school bus of children, and the power of God was all over that bus, and it was something that this bus driver had never seen in their life before. God is moving. No matter where you are, no matter what country you're living in, God is moving.

Receive the move of Almighty God. A lot of people are just looking to politics and that shift, but there's, there is a spiritual shift taking place. There's a shift of God's people being suppressed, being overwhelmed, being tormented, being pushed down into the ground and put into a slavery and God is saying I am gonna set you free in such a way the world will go No, it only could have been me that did it.

God is gonna get the glory because again, the Lord will rescue us from every evil attack. That should set every Christian free. And give them a piece that they did not know before if they know that God will protect him from every evil attack. Alright, I'm gonna go back over this prophetic word once again.

I wish I had this one to give out to Pastor Dave yesterday because it went along with everything we talked about yesterday. There was so many things that we talked about yesterday. It was such a powerful live show. I did share it out but I'm sure my team can share it out again for you in the comment section and in the description box That link for pastor dave's show yesterday on take five.

It was awesome There are so many things happening. It is coming quicker and quicker and god is saying he's just getting started. So hold on things are going to get very interesting very quickly and there's going to be You God said there's gonna be a shaking. It's gonna intensify bad for our enemies, but it's good for us.

Okay, first paragraph. For either the Lord, this day I'm telling you, my children, something is about to hit your enemies. With such force, it will knock them off their feet and take away more of their power. You know that force you think about what God's talking about that force, you know, it's his hand Forcefully moving across this land.

It is truth. That will set people free. It is that avalanche of truth That's destroying destroying their dam of lies. It's a flood of truth It's the storm that perfect storm that's hitting our enemies and he's saying it was saying with such force It's gonna knock them off their feet and you know, they're not gonna their feet.

They're not gonna be able to get back up again You They're hitting a wall and that wall is God. It's his power. It's his hand. It's the army of the Lord It's the army of the angel armies. There is nothing enemies can do to fight that. No foe can withstand the power of God's hand. Now he talks about the intelligence community.

The intelligence communities Are about to be ransacked in every way think about the word ransacked You know how you know the fbi the cia or police officers if you've done a community of crime They're going to go through your house. They're going to ransack. They're going to cover every nick and cranny of your house They're going to tear apart every dresser.

They're going to tear apart everything in your house It's going to look like a tornado hit it. That's what's going to happen to all the intelligence communities They're going to be ransacked. And every little dark corner, crevices, every hole, every, you know, hidden door, everything that they buried all these secrets in and covered up all these heinous crimes, God said they're gonna be ransacked.

You know, I don't care how good of a hiding place is there, I don't care how good they did try, they thought they tried to destroy some of these things. God said he has it all. So they're gonna be ransacked in every way. The cover ups, all hidden crimes, or ones they try to destroy are all coming out. The payouts, the handouts, bailouts, your intelligence community have been a part of is unprecedented.

Just wait until you find out how much money they've been laundering, how much money that they used for criminal activity, how much money they used against us, our own taxpayer money. And they use it against us. There is God saying, again, it's unprecedented. It's unprecedented. And then he says, they controlled more of the government than you realized, than most realized.

People didn't realize the intelligence community were controlling the government. You know why? You don't want those puppets to get out of line. So you make sure you have every dirt you can on them, and if they don't have any dirt, you create the dirt. Just like Pastor Dave and I were talking about yesterday, they set people up.

They drug them up, they put them in these really precarious situations. They film it, they photograph it, and they trap them. That way they can't get out. These people, I'm telling ya, they will go to great lengths to protect their establishment. They don't want any people that are gonna, you know, wander off and start telling the truth and break away from their establishment to tell all their secrets.

They have safeguards. What are the safeguards? Ent trapping the people, every person they can to make sure they're never gonna talk. And the intelligence community has been the perfect weapon for that. They have helped cover up fraud, treason, murders, hostile takeovers, criminal activity, and most of your government.

So the government and all they've do all they're doing, and only not only this government and hospital takeovers in other governments and other nations. The House will take over in this nation. Remember, the FBI and the CIA have always, have not always been around. I think it was my sister sent me yesterday, it was Theodore Roosevelt.

Is the one who first created this agency, was called something else before and then eventually they, they changed the name to the FBI. It was like 1906 I think is what I think is what she said. Hold on a minute. So I'm not saying it wrong 'cause she sent it to me yesterday during Pastor Dave. So we were trying to figure out who set it up.

Yeah. The Roosevelt established the Bureau of investigation or the BOI in 1908. Sorry, I thought it was 19. It was 1908. Which later became the FBI. So, that was done by an executive order. These agencies were not a part, and remember, our country was a republic until like 1871 or something like that. And then we became a corporation.

Think about how many things came into existence after the corporation was made. The FBI, the CIA, the Federal Reserve. The IRS, all these different things that weren't the way they were. Now maybe the IRS, I don't know when the IRS was established. Let me look at it. Let's Google it and see when the IRS was established.

Because I don't want to say anything wrong.

Because I have no idea when they were established. Oh! They were established in 1862.

On July 1st, 1862, President Lincoln signed the second revenue measure of the Civil War into law. The law, so it was internal taxes and established a permanent internal tax system. So it was Lincoln, but you know what he meant was something far different than what it's turned out to be. So when Lincoln put this in order, you know it's not what it is today.

It wasn't weaponized against us back then. At least I, you know, because it was Lincoln. I believe he had it for the right reason and not for the wrong reason. Okay, let's keep going. So for treason, murders, hassle, takeovers, criminal activity, and most of your government, they used your money to steal elections and keep the old guard and the establishment in power.

That's what they even used, again, What the tax system was to where it is now, they have taxed, they're basically taxing people to death. Think about you right now, where you are financially, how much taxes you pay. Just think if you had if most people were paying like, what, in the high 20s, 30s, high 30s, in between there somewhere, in taxes, just think if you had your tax money back.

At least half of it back. Okay, say worst case scenario half of it back. How much more would you be better off? How many people have lost? Vehicles, lost homes, lost everything they had because they couldn't pay taxes. Think of how many people are in prison right now because they couldn't pay taxes. And think of where those taxes have gone to.

Paying for terrorists to go to college. Giving terrorists weapons. It is a sick, sick system, and they changed it. They worked it to where it was supposed to be, to where it is now. And they used it against us. It's another arm of the weapon of the establishment It's another tool of that to get to destroy us even more Financially and then of course you can go on and on and on about the fda the and big pharma and the you know The economic status and it's just it goes on and on wall street.

Oh wait till wall street is is Exposed. That's gonna be, that's gonna be a big one that most establishment will not be able to handle. They use your money to steal elections to keep the old guard and establishment in power. They help cover up everything that the Clintons. The Obamas, or Obamas, and everyone else who hijacked this nation and stole from it in any way possible.

It's just the tip of the iceberg that has come out of how many people were killed to keep the dark and evil secrets, and to keep officials and the establishment safe. We don't even know who's all been killed. Cause some people we truly thought accidentally died in a car accident. Oh, that's another one of their ploys to hide stuff.

Some accidents and car accidents are not really accidents. We know some of these plane crashes are not actually accidents. Things have been happening on purpose. There are so many things that they're doing to keep their secret. They will go to any length and that's what God is showing us right here. The Clinton Foundation was one of the front for the Clintons, but it was also for the establishment.

Now wait till that is rated. Wait till that is audited. Wait till that is exposed. Similar to this U. S. aid exposure. And it's nothing compared to what has really been covered up. This is one of many agencies or slush funds your government had to siphon money at will. There are some things that have come out with the Clinton Foundation, what happened with Haiti, and now only like 1 percent of what was given through the Clinton Foundation actually went to Haiti itself.

There is so much criminal activity. Just see all the connections with the Clinton Foundation and what happened in Haiti. And there is there's going to be a lot of exposure of what happened in that country. It's, it's deep, it's dark, it's bad. And like what Hillary Clinton did in Benghazi, and the reason why Benghazi happened, I'll just wait till that is proven.

I love the fact that Pete Hedgeseth is where he is. There's going to be a lot of things that are uncovered, the same thing. No matter what happens with cash things are still going to come out, no matter what they do. No matter what they do. All the lies of the FBI are going to be exposed. And the CIA.

Wait until the Federal Reserve and the Pentagon are audited. The Doge hasn't even touched that yet. Oh, and wait until Doge gets ahold of the Treasury. Wait until they look through all the bills that the House has passed. And while all of our tax money is gone, it's, it's gonna be, it's like a, it's gonna start a, the American people better stand up and just support these people and pray for these people who are fighting and risking their lives to get this truth out.

The Federal Reserve and the Pentagon are audited along with many bills that they have passed where the House allowed taxpayer dollars to really go. And there is a the banks are included in this crap. So are all of these people who have been in and paid off a lot of people in our government to pass certain bills.

There are corporations, companies that had paid the government. They're working together to pass certain bills under the radar. So people don't know to benefit themselves, to make more money. Our wallet, the house of representatives, that's a control, the United States wallet, the pocketbook. Our pocketbook.

There has been so much fraud in it. The bills. Why do you think there's 1600 pages long or more? No one's gonna read all that. They're not gonna read in between the lines of what's really happening and what's really being put in 'em. There's gonna be, remember God said he is taking the roof off the house and the Senate, he was gonna prove what's been going on.

A lot of people in our government have a lot to answer for the Democrats and the rhinos are about to become more unhinged. I mean, they're already unhinged, but apparently that's gonna get worse. You've only discovered one of their honey holes. USAID was one of their honey holes. That is a big honey hole they have, but that's not the only one.

There's bigger ones. There is much more to come and the biggest honey hole will be discovered and it will be plundered. And then we'll try to sing like canaries and turn on each other to protect what they can before they lose it all. So they're gonna try to cause distractions. They're gonna try to expose one another to try to save themselves.

And to try to hide their really corrupt hunting hole and their really big one. Cause there's, you know, there's different levels of these hunting holes. Where they're siphoning all this money, all this money laundering through. They might let certain things go to save other ones and it's not gonna work.

More backstabbing and more betrayals will hit D. C. like a freight train barreling down the tracks. The establishment is about to become more desperate. They will give up many of their old guard to save what they can. That's why you're gonna see people like Mitch McConnell, Bye for now. Chuck is in so much trouble.

You're going to find out Nancy Pelosi. She's hiding but she'll come out and be exposed. So a lot of the old guard members that are there are going to be given up, especially the ones that people really don't, the public really doesn't like anymore. They're going to try to give up then to save the ones that are been Not really known.

They're going to try and try to hide them in plain sight, but it's not going to work. Watch how they oust the Biden and his entire family. There was a reason he tried to pardon them because he knew the reason why Biden tried to pardon his family. Yeah, I think no one pardoned him. They didn't let him pardon him because they know he knows they're going to let him go and a couple of different ways.

They're going to let him go. Anyway, there's a reason he tried to pardon them because there was a tsunami of evidence against him. That's coming out against them. That's going to come out against the Biden and his entire family. But they don't realize when all this stuff comes out, it's going to also include the Clintons, Chuck Schumer, Adam Schiff, Elizabeth Warren, Mitch McConnell, Nancy Pelosi, Mitt Romney, the Obamas, and everyone along with them.

They think by letting Biden go and his crime family, people will be okay. They'll be satisfied with what happened under the Biden regime in the last four years. But that's not the case. Remember, God was going to show all the layers, not just some of them. The establishment wants to let go of the Biden thinking it will save everyone else.

This is not the first time I've said this. But in fact, it will crash their whole machine and they will have nothing left. The avalanche of truth is already hitting them. It's about to hit a whole new level they can't withstand. You got to think how fast this is happening right now to them. The media can't keep up with President Trump.

The swamp rats can't keep up with President Trump. He's going like a freight train. Like, we talk about the Trump train so many different times. It's like a freight train bearing down the tracks. They cannot stop this momentum. They cannot stop this shift that's taking place. They cannot stop this exposure.

They can't even put all the fires out because there's so many fires. They can't even look in all the directions the fires are happening. And what ones to save and what ones not to save. They're in a state of confusion and panic, and God's saying it's going to go to a whole other level. Just think how exciting the last three and a half weeks have been since President Trump has taken office, how fast paced it is, and God's saying it's going to go to a whole other level than that.

It's going to hit a whole new level that they, they can't withstand this force from decimating them and their whole system. All the swamp rats will totally be put out in the open for judgment to hit them. A lot of things are doing right now. Their masks are going to be Uncovered. They're going to reveal truly who they are, literally and figuratively.

There's going to be a lot of things that are going to happen with that. And then they're going to show you how, how criminal, like they're, they're criminals. They are treasonous traitors. They are evil. The evil, like most heinous things you can think of. These people are that and worse. No plan or safety net they once had will protect them from the avalanche that's about to hit D.

C. And what avalanche is that? Truth. Truth. That's what's gonna hit D. C. Watch how Maxine Waters will be ousted. Good, because she's another loudmouth that needs to be stopped, because she is completely unhinged and erratic most of the time. And all she does is speak and scream out violence all the time.

She's a criminal, just like a lot of other ones that are talking about all this, should do us harm. She was ranting the last time President Trump was in office about doing harm to us, and And him they're criminals Many indies dc insiders will be hit when they least expect it Again, no matter what they're doing think of hayman think of no matter how loud he was No matter how much damage he wanted to cause to the the israelites the jewish people back in the day And plus what he wanted to do to mordecai and it was done unto him And he was the second in command at the time.

So being in a high position Isn't going to save anyone from God's judgment. The war for this nation is about to take an take an abrupt turn. Your enemies are about to try something they never thought they would have to do another attempt on president Trump's life because why do they think they never had to do it?

They wouldn't have to because I thought the first one was going to work and the second one was going to work and the third one was going to work and the fourth one was going to work. You'd be surprised how many times they've attempted on his life and we haven't even heard about it all. They're keeping it some of the stuff I think they're keeping silent, There's gonna be another one that we're gonna find out about once again This will all come out including the other attempts They tried it will prove what lengths your enemies will go to and try and stop this nation They will go to any length they have to to stop this nation from moving forward without them

They're about to let China hit you in a way They didn't think they would ever have to take such a measure to save themselves. It's like selling their souls the devil They're selling themselves to China They're gonna, that's why. Okay, the Chinese spy balloon. We found out it had American technology in that spy balloon.

How did it get there? Who paid for it? What kind of technology? What all did they get? Why was it allowed? Why was not only that spy balloon, but apparently there was like 15 of them. What were they after? What are they looking for? Who paid for it? Think about it. Our government let China spy on our military.

They let them have how many secrets? They're in our government. They're embedded in our government. They're, a lot of our government officials are owned by them. Because China has so many secrets on our government officials. Because they've acted and worked, worked together. The establishment is gonna give up China and China's gonna give up the establishment.

It's just, it's just a thing that's gonna happen. But right now, it says they're gonna let them take another measure. They're gonna let China do something that they never thought they were gonna, gonna let them do. As China tries. They're not going to accomplish it. As they try this, it will collapse their financial system, their government and all that China ties and the lies will come out like a flood.

How deep China is embedded in our government. It will all begin to pour out with these audits. So these audits are going to show China, China ties, China lies in our government. My children, hold on. The shaking is about to get stronger. As more truth is revealed, the money is being stripped away. And the more desperate your enemies are yeah, they're gonna get desperate when they have no money when their slush funds are going away And all they're wondering they're you know, all their honey holes are being ransacked and taken away from them.

They're going to get desperate It's hitting their like one of my prayer partners in this ministry. And she's part of the JGMI team. She's awesome. We love her. What she was saying is it's kind of like a drug. Mary Jude, do a shout out to Mary Jude. It's like a drug. They have all this system.

They have all this money. These honey holes. Honey is sweet. They get addicted to it. They get addicted to all this lifestyle. They get addicted to all these things that they're used to and guess what? It's stripped away from them. Just like a drug addict getting their drugs taken away from them. They go on hinge because they can't handle it.

They're going, they're going to start becoming more desperate because they're going to want to dig up more money Honey holes and they're going to want more ways to get money and they're going to try to get it back. It's just going to be their downfall. They're all being exposed and removed to save their life of this nation.

You This has only just begun your enemies are all coming down no matter if they like it or not This is my nation and they are about to hit it with that fact says the Lord of hosts. I will tell you Like just like Mary June was showing us to this thing about the honey holes and drug addicts and things like that There's been so much revelation and our powerful prayer team partners We have so many people in our prayer team our prayer team There's so much revelation and so much insight that god gives us and then we pray against it They'll get a revelation then we'll pray against it when marriage was talking about that.

We prayed against it There's so many things that god shows us. It's so amazing. Remember god exposes our enemies And what does he do when he exposes them? We are supposed to pray against that very thing. He's exposing Call it down remove their power call them out of their places You Remove them. There, there is so much more.

And this is something that guys think don't be satisfied for what you're hearing yet, because this is just the, the, the first layer of all these things that are going to start coming out. It is going to be amazing to see what God can only do. Nobody else can do this. Only God can do this. So I want to pray over each and every one of you that you have your peace.

And of course, we're going to pray about the shaking and we're going to pray about what these people are doing in the intelligence community and how we're going to pray for them to be ransacked and for the truth to destroy all their corruption and how they've been held up in our country and doing things against us.

We're going to pray that way. But I want to pray for you right now that you have peace in every part of your life. So Heavenly Father right now in the name of Jesus, I lift up every person the sound of my voice and Father God, I proclaim peace in their mind, peace in their body, peace in their households, peace in their finances, and we command the storms that are raging against God's people.

We command those storms that peace be still in the mighty name of Jesus because it says no weapon formed against them shall prosper. And those storms, and those waves, and those winds, that are trying to pound them down, trying to knock them off, trying to destroy their houses, trying to destroy their foundations.

It's all a weapon. And Satan says in God's word, when we resist the devil, he must flee. So we command you, we resist you from stealing their peace in any way. Father God, I proclaim their freedom and their spirit. I proclaim freedom in their soul. I proclaim freedom in their body I proclaim freedom for them socially and financially in every way father god that they may freely serve you And right now I proclaim that every single thought that's contrary to the word of god All that fear doubt worrying and belief and anxiety and stress and that pressure Some of you don't know how long you can hold on until all this is over some of you being overwhelmed by your situations or Your symptoms in your body What your children are doing or what your spouses are doing, and you don't think you can hold on anymore.

And God's saying, you hold on to my word. You hold on, and you keep speaking those words. Because if you know how powerful those words were, and how they were crashing against your enemy's walls, and destroying the weapons that are against you, you would not stop speaking my word. My children, continue to speak my words, and think of them as that weapon.

Because as you are speaking my words, it is decimating your enemies against you. Imagine what your situations and your circumstances are looking like right now. For I, the Lord, am changing those situations. I am changing those circumstances. I am wiping out the enemy's plans against you. All you have to do is hold on

and believe my word over what your thoughts are telling you. Believe my word over what your circumstances are screaming at you. Believe my word over the symptoms in your body. Or that doctor's report that you were just handed. All these things, my children, I can change. And I can change it suddenly.

Hold on. Listen to those two words. Hold on. And some are saying right now, God, I can't. But I'm telling you, my children, you can. Because I have given you the ability. It says in my word that you can do all things through Christ who strengthens you. I have given you the ability. Don't listen to the lies of the enemy that's trying to get, get you to give up.

Right before the breakthrough and right before that answered prayer. If you could see what I see. In your life, if you could see what I see in the nations, my children, you'd be celebrating like no other time in history, because you would see how much I love you. And you would see at what lengths that I will go to, to protect you.

There is nothing the enemy can do against you that I can not withstand him and his power and his army.

I will remind you what I did in the book of Exodus. Is nothing compared to what I am going to do for you now. This is a world wide Freedom from that bondage and slavery. It's worldwide It will affect every nation because I am bringing that globalist system And disrupting it. It's not time for them now They are not allowed to do these things in this time They are being stopped by my hand and just like the original exodus You You think about the restoration that took place, expect it, declare it and create a restoration of everything that's been stolen from you.

I can even restore how bad the years have been and give you years in your future that will so outweigh what you had in your past. You'll forget about it. So receive what I have. Receive my glory. Receive this power. Receive this revelation. And receive the peace that I'm giving to you. Receive the joy I'm giving to you.

Receive the answers to prayer that I'm giving to you. Receive the breakthroughs I'm giving to you. Receive. Receive all that I have for you. In this time, says the Lord, your Redeemer. I didn't expect that to come at the end. But again, God is telling us. We have to hold on. Hold on. He's not done with restoring to you what has been stolen from you.

He's not done restoring to us what's been stolen from our enemies and what they've done with our country. And our countries, our freedoms, and everything, in every way. Hold on. God is with us. Working and it's gonna go to a whole new level that can't be stopped And it can't be denied that it's God doing it So I hope that encourages you today And if you do have any prayer requests or praise reports remember go to our website at jgminternational.

org under our contact page You can rise at Julie Green Ministries International 4620 East 53rd Street Suite 200 Davenport, Iowa 5 2 8 0 7. That is the only address. So if you've been writing to other addresses, don't, and also all this in information you need is a description box below. And if you did miss a pastor, Dave and I yesterday on Take five, go and watch it.

It was definitely an explosive show. I think all the rest of these shows from now until all this is over, I think it's gonna, they're gonna gonna keep you intensifying. There's more stuff that's gonna keep it happening on a continual basis. So they're going to get more and more exciting. All right.

Also, if you also want Any more julia green ministries merchandise, you can go to threesonstreads. com That's threesonstreads. com. Hope is encouraged today Please like subscribe and share and give this to everyone You know who needs to hear an encouraging word who needs to hear truth because the truth will set you free God loves you.

I love you. God bless you and have a wonderful day

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