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Prophet Julie Green - Dark Secrets That Have Kept the Establishment in Power Will All Be Exposed - Captions
In this video , Prophet Julie Green addresses the audience on February 18, 2025, emphasizing the importance of faith and an intimate relationship with God. Using Psalm 91, Julie explains the concept of God's 'secret place' as a refuge and source of strength against adversaries. Julie also discusses the importance of understanding and proclaiming redemption rights, hinting at various dark secrets and conspiracies deeply rooted in government, economics, war, and even historical figures like President Kennedy and Martin Luther King, Jr. The video concludes by urging listeners to maintain faith and assurance in God's promises while anticipating significant political exposures and changes aimed at dismantling corrupt systems.
✝️ Another Awesome Message from Julie! ‼️God Wins‼️ The original video was posted on 02-18-2025 and may be watched here: 👉
Understanding the Secret Place: Finding Refuge, Peace, and Freedom in God's Presence
In this live show recorded on February 18th, 2025, the host delivers an inspiring message about the importance of recognizing and accessing 'the secret place' with God. Through detailed analysis of Psalm 91 and various Bible scriptures, viewers learn about finding refuge, peace, and safety in a relationship with God. The host also discusses the significance of revelation knowledge in prophecy, the power of prayer, and standing firm against the attacks of the enemy. Furthermore, an anticipated exposure of governmental and global corruption, ranging from financial scandals to historical conspiracies, is prophesied. The host emphasizes how understanding and trusting God's plan can help believers navigate and overcome these adversities.
00:00 Introduction and Purpose of the Live Show
00:52 Understanding the Secret Place
02:36 Benefits of the Secret Place
07:50 Personal Testimonies and Encouragement
17:06 Prophecy: Dark Secrets Exposed
21:18 Government Corruption and Historical Revelations
26:26 The Power of Praise and Worship
27:20 Biblical Examples of God's Protection
37:06 The Mighty Hand of the Lord
37:37 Darkness Exposed and Warnings
38:20 Enemies Faint Before Us
39:22 The Establishment's Long History
40:10 Shouting Down the Walls
41:17 The Lord is Our Judge
42:31 Prophetic Word and Exposure
43:33 Shock and Awe Unfolds
43:55 Uncovering Corruption and Fraud
45:56 Financial Schemes and Ponzi Scams
47:21 Wars and Economic Manipulations
58:26 Hollywood and Secret Societies
01:01:07 The Great Political Fallout
01:02:02 Prayer for Strength and Revelation
01:05:02 Closing Remarks and Encouragement
Video Information:
MUSIC: First Song - Take A Chance by LNDO
Second Song - A Day Like This by LNDO
COPYRIGHT 2025 Julie Green Ministries International
Feb. 18, 2025-Dark Secrets That Have Kept the Establishment in Power Will All Be Exposed
Words of Encouragement Scriptures:
Ps. 91:1-10
Hos. 4:6
God has freedom and a secret place for you.
Secret place means a place of refuge, peace, safety and rest. A place to be with God and be refreshed and recharged.
Ask God for a revelation knowledge of knowing the importance and depth of that secret place.
Lean, rely and trust in God.
God needs you to know His Word and how powerful it is.
Speak TO your mountain(s) and not about it.
Prophecy Scriptures:
Josh. 1:5-6, 8-9
Josh. 2:9-11
Josh. 3:7
Josh. 5:1
God wants you to know about your freedoms and your authority.
God wants you to take back what rightfully belongs to you.
God is your refuge, peace, deliverer, high tower, provider. Your everything.
Continue to praise and worship God and celebrate.
You can have confidence in knowing that God will destroy your enemies and get you through every situation.
Keep shouting your enemies' walls down.
God is the judge over all the Earth and He will save you.
God has set you free.
Prayer Scriptures:
Phil. 4:13
Heb. 13:8
Video Transcript:
Good. Morning everybody. Today is Tuesday, February 18th, 2025 and I thank each and every one of you for joining today's live show today. And today I'm gonna teach you again about the how awesome our God is, how good our God is. Give you some encouraging words, of course, give you some revelation knowledge in prophecy.
It's so important for us to know the will of God and what he has for each and every one of us today. The warnings and also what he's trying to do to get us to be to detour around all the enemies plots and plans and scheme in order to get us to an escape to our resting place, or to a place of hope, to our place of encouragement.
Into our place of freedom. God has freedom for us. God has a, what he calls it in the word of God, a secret place. And that's what I wanna talk to you a little bit about this morning before I get into the prophecy. There's many different references in the Bible about a secret place, and one of the places you can find this scripture is Psalms 91 in verse one.
And it says, he who dwells in the secret place of the most high shall remain stable, fixed in under the shadow of the Almighty whose power no foe can withstand. Now, I'm gonna stop right there in verse one. Now I wanna read you something. I had to look this up and I'm like, okay, Lord, I wanna give them a meaning of what the secret place is.
Because you have it in the word. You have it in the word more than once and multiple different occasions. I want them to know exactly what the secret place means and how it can affect their daily life. And this is what I found, the secret place. It's a place of refuge, peace, safety, and rest. That's what God's resting place or safe place is.
That term is used to describe the intimate relationship that we can have with God when we have that relationship with God and we're going into that secret place, we're going into our prayer closets, or we're going into wherever you pray, that's your secret place that no folk can withstand, because when you're saying Heavenly Father in the name of Jesus, remember, our enemy cannot stand the name of Jesus.
He has no power against that name. And so when we're in the secret place of the most high God, I'm gonna get him to read that He who dwells in the secret place. If we are constantly seeking out God, his will, his plan, his purpose, his power, his glory, then we are in that secret place. You say, Julie, I'm under attack all the time.
Get in that secret place that no folk can withstand. Make sure you always remember and remind yourself that we are temples of the Holy Spirit. We can have the Holy Spirit living on the inside of us. We can have Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior, but we not have the benefits of it and not be able to enjoy there our redemption rights if we don't know what God has for us, and that our enemy is doing everything he can to take those rights away, because that's why Hosea four six says.
God's children are destroyed for a lack of knowledge. If you don't have a knowledge of your redemption rights, if you don't have a knowledge of what things belong to you, then you won't fight for it when somebody is trying to take it away from you. So that secret place, what this means in the Bible, a term used to describe the intimate relationship that we have with God, it's a place of refuge, safety, a, a place of peace, and rest is a place where we can commune with God, hear his voice, and be refreshed and recharged.
Remind yourself of this word, refresh. I'm gonna get to other scriptures. First, remind yourself that the place of that safe place, that secret place with God, is also a time of refreshing and recharging. Now I'm gonna keep reading. Verse two, I will say the Lord, he is my refuge and my fortress, my God, on him, I will lean, rely, and confidently trust.
Now again, if we're in that secret place, this is all the benefits of this secret place. When we're trusting and and relying on God, verse three, for then he will deliver you from the snare of the f Fowler and from the deadly pestilence. So when you're in that secret place and you're trusting in that safety, you're trusting in that refuge.
You're trusting in God's protection and his ability to deliver you and save you from the enemy, and save you from that deadly pestilence. It says in verse four, then he will cover you with his opinions and under his wings, shall you trust and fine refuge his truth and his faithfulness are a shield and buckler.
A shield. He will shield you. He will protect you from the elements. He'll protect you from all the arrows that are trying to fly and trying to destroy you and trying to torment you. In verse five, you shall not be afraid of the terror of night, nor the arrow that flies the evil plots and slams of the wicked that flies by day.
So if we're in this secret place that it talks about in verse one, Psalm 91 and verse one, then we have all these benefits and he's lay laying it out to you what all you can be protected from verse six, Psalm 91 and verse six, nor of the pestilence that stalks in darkness. Nor the destruction and sudden death that surprise and lay waste at new Day.
So no matter what deadly PEs or sickness and diseases, no matter what type of en anything the enemy's trying to do to try to kill you, to try to remember, it says in John 10 10, the thief comes to steal, to kill and to destroy. But God has come to give it life, to give you life and to live it more abundantly.
So when your enemy is trying to stalk at noon day when he is trying to stalk you at night, well all these different types of arrows and different types of weapons. That's why it's so important to pray before you go to bed. Plead the blood of Jesus over the top of your head, the soldier of your feet, plead the blood of Jesus over your household.
Ask God to forgive you of all your sins. Have that protection. So when the enemy's trying to stalk you at night, when he is trying to destroy your life, while you are sleeping, you are in that safe place. You are in that shadow, the protection of almighty that no folk can withstand. So any attack of the enemy will not work.
This is why Psalm 91 start decreeing it, start proclaiming it on a daily basis. I told you guys for a long time, my mom and dad, my brother was in the military for 31 years, and whenever he was deployed, sometimes we knew where he was and sometimes we didn't. But no matter where he was, this is what my parents always proclaimed over him.
Because in the military, no matter where you are, you're in the midst of a war, in the midst of an enemy's territory. And parents always declared and decreed this over him and that way there was nothing that happened against him and he came back safe every single time. Let's go back and keep reading that.
I think I was on, was I on verse? Let's hold on. Yeah, I was on verse seven. A thousand may fall at your side and 10,000 at your right hand, but it shall not come near you. Eight, only a spectator shall you be yourselves and accessible to the secret place of the most high as you witness the reward of the wicked.
So only a spectator shall you be when you're in the secret place, the most high when you're in God's presence. Only a spectator shall you be. Because remember, you're in this world, just like John 17 says, but you're not of it. So only a spectator. That means you're not gonna be taking part in these things that are going on around the world.
And then you're gonna see the reward of the wicked because they will reap what they have sown. Verse nine, because you have made the Lord your refuge in the most high, your dwelling place. Now again, when you make the Lord your refuge, when you go to him for safety, when you go to him for that protection, when you go to him for that answer, when you go to Him to be healed, when you go to him for those questions that you have to have when you go to him, remember when we are in choir of the Lord, if we're having him lead and guide our lives, how much different our lives are gonna be?
And it says then in verse 10. There shall no evil befall you, nor any plague or calamity come near your tent. So no matter what it is, if you are reading this entire chapter, I don't have time to read it all today, but if you have time, read the whole thing and get a revelation to ask God the revelation that you have, that he will give to you, that you can have of this.
The importance of us knowing about that secret place of how powerful that secret place is of that refuge, that he promises that he is the fortress that he is. He is the one who protects us from the evil and say, Lord, how do, how can I know? The depths of the secret place. So only a spectator shall I be no matter what arrow that flies by day or arrow that flies by night.
No matter a thousand people fought one side and 10,000 on another, but it shall not come near me. I thank you for revelation knowledge that I am only a spectator and none of these things shall come near my dwelling. Now, tomorrow, I'll go over more scriptures in the secret place, but this is something that is so important and that we all should know of how important it is to be in that secret place and lean and rely and trust in God.
Because there are so many times that God can tell you, don't do this, don't do that. But if we do it anyway, we're not in that secret place because we're in disobedience. So ask yourself this question. The last thing that God told me to obey. Did I obey it? Am I in that secret place? Am I seeking out God or am I trying to figure out all my problems on my own?
Am I asking God for his will or am I trying to make my will happen in my life? Is God our savior, just our savior? Or is he our Lord of our daily life? If he is our Lord, we're making him first priority. We're making Him first and every area of our life. We're not seeking for thanks for just ourselves.
We're asking God, okay, what do you want for this very day, in this ferry hour? What do you have for me to do? And I thank you, father God, as I am doing what you're telling me to do. I thank you that I'm in that secret place. I thank you for your glory. I thank you for your protection. I thank you that you are my fortress.
I thank you for my angels standing guard. All of these things that we have. Too many times we've been knocked down time and time again with all the enemies, onslaught of his weapons and his torment and his torture. And God is saying, enough is enough. It is time for his children to know his word like never before, and know how powerful that word is and know that you don't have to put up with everything the enemy is throwing at you, and that the words that God will give to you in the time that you are in right now.
If you are in all these different situations and circumstances that are trying to overwhelm you, start speaking to that mountain, not speaking about it. That's two different things. Speaking to it with the word of God. We'll destroy it. Speaking about it to everyone. We'll make it grow. We have faith, trust in God.
As we speak to those different situations and circumstances, we are getting so many emails about life and death situations, whether it's cancer, whether it's suicide, and this is what everyone needs to know in that type of situation. You always speak life, speak in the will of God. Ask him, God, what do you need me to say about this situation for this very day and this very hour?
I thank you, father God, your will is done. I thank you that no weapon formed against a situation will prosper. I plead the blood of Jesus over my family member. I plead the blood of Jesus in every single word that's contrary to your word, that's holding them in this situation that's keeping them bound. I thank you, father God, that they are free right now.
From those words in Jesus' name, I'm asking for a crop failure of those words that they will not produce a harvest that's speaking to that mountain, that's changing that situation. But if we are in fear and we're trusting in those words, we're gonna keep speaking those words of death over somebody, over their captivity.
We have to start speaking life, speaking the words of God, speaking what he needs you to say. And that will change things. Julie, I've done this for a week or two. Keep doing it until you see the results that God desires for you. The enemy always tries to wear you out or get you to think this doesn't work.
I promise you. Hold on. Because if you know the word of God, he's faithful to perform his word. Trust in him. Be in that sacred place. Cast all those worries and care those cares upon him because he cares for you. Don't hold on to all those things. If you have a problem with a family member, give that care to God.
Give that worry to him. His hands are more capable of handling that situation. God wants us. He's inviting us to be in that secret place. He wants us to have peace and rest and safety. God is a good God. There's bad things going on around this world, but God wants to protect us and shield us from it. So get into the word and find out what it says about the secret place and get that revelation knowledge and encourage yourself today that you have a right to that secret place because of what Jesus has done for you.
Speak life. Don't speak what you have, speak what you want. Okay? That is all of the encouraging scriptures. I have more, but I'm not gonna be able to have time to get to 'em today. I'll get them to to you tomorrow. 'cause this is a, a little bit longer of a prophecy, so I wanna make sure that I go over it slowly.
This one's called Dark Secrets That Have Kept the Establishment in Power Will All Be Exposed. This is the second one that I heard on February 9th, and it says, My children, the exposures that you have seen are nothing compared to what is about to be uncovered. How far back this criminal government began, when it started, how it started, why it was established, and who designed it.
This will bring a shock to this nation; how many people were behind such devastation, corruption, misery, death, and fraud to not only this country but the world. When everything is uncovered and all given to the public, you'll find out how and when wars were started, their design purpose, who profited off of them, what it was meant for each nation and their part in this "great reset".
All wars have been started on purpose for more power to the elites. They profited and benefited in ways it'll be hard for most people to comprehend. Along with every economic depression, recession, recent bump or disturbance in the economy. It was all by design. I'll show you who banked the most off of the economic disasters and where they are all today because of it.
How corporations grew by design, how Hollywood was involved in the establishment, The Old Guard, Silicon Valley, and every Ponzi scheme set on purpose. There is more to Bernie Madoff and that financial fraud scheme that was hidden. Another fall-guy to hide the real architects behind the financial schemes and fraud to control every financial entity out there.
Sam Bankman Fried with FTX... more to that story your government wanted to bury, and that will all be exposed. The list goes on of more just like them, some smaller, but there are bigger Ponzi schemes out there that still exist right now and are controlling nations and economies and the masses around the world.
A financial war has been set into motion long ago that only certain people would really profit off of it while others would lose it all. Bankruptcies were staged in major corporations to hide something more sinister behind it. They chose which companies and when to bury financial records and more money to hide everything they could when anyone would get close to the truth.... Like Enron....
...and there is more to this story that will come out. Every corporation they buried in money or their secrets and will be unearthed and exposed in front of the world.
The Great Depression was a design by the elites to cause the establishment to be put on steroids, to speed up their corporation, and take over this nation. Look at who benefited from the depression and recessions. None of these things were by accident. It was all set in motion to take this country over and more and more.
The truth regarding World War II and how your government played a horrifying part in it will all be exposed -- war racketeering, and every architect and their blueprints will be exposed. The Vietnam War was just the same. War racketeering and how the establishment used this as a front and a distraction for something far worse against this nation.
All the crimes this government committed will all be exposed. Follow the money, and it gets deeper and much worse than it's publicly known at this time. It will reveal a darkness and a system that was running everything while people, people were completely unaware.
The government's dark secrets are all coming out, including President Kennedy's assassination, and it carries with it truth that will uncover even more of the corruption in these intelligence communities, who really is controlling the government and what Kennedy was going to expose and dismantle in your government.
The establishment secrets that are still not out in the open yet will be revealed when uncovering who truly killed JFK, his brother Robert Kennedy, Martin Luther King, and even as far back as Lincoln. Lincoln's murder was also an inside job. The establishment secrets were going, were going to be exposed by President Lincoln as well.
He was going to dismantle the dark corrupt government lurking in the shadows of this nation trying to destroy its very existence back then.
My children, Hollywood's Dark past and dark connections to the establishment and why Hollywood was such an essential part to the establishment and the "great reset" will all come out, and the collapse of their narrative and their control they've had over this country. Follow the money and you'll find the heinous crimes committed by Hollywood and the establishment.
They are part of the same system destroying society, brainwashing the masses using intelligence PSYOPs operations.
My United States, the darkness brought into this nation and the truth about Freemasons and their part of this destruction of this country: the secret societies have been embedded in your government and and every system they have designed against you. Yes, these secret, the, these societies have been controlling your nation and nations all around the world.
They designed pandemics and diseases at will to profit off your sicknesses. They designed wars to profit off death and destruction. They designed financial catastrophes to profit off your debt and bankruptcies. They profit off societies tearing itself apart with mental illness designed with their psyop operations on a worldwide scale.
My children, their designs have affected each nation the world as you know it. But now you'll see the pharaohs of today and their style, the Egyptian and Babylonian systems will be dismantled and brought to nothing before your very eyes. Your government is full of criminals and actors, and I Am cleaning up them all out of their seats
they don't belong in. Your freedom is coming! True celebrations will be enjoyed! This great political fallout will cleanse your nation of the criminals that have held against your will. I have said, "Let My People Go!", and you'll see these words come to pass right before your eyes like the Israelites did in my word.
Your enemies will not continue to torture you and hold you against your will when I have set you free, says The Lord Your Redeemer. The Lord wants us to know how important it is that we know about our freedoms and that we know about our authority and that we know how we use our authority and when we know we are free, how it paralyzes and terrifies your enemy.
Because once you know that you are free, once you know what they're doing is corrupt and wrong and it's against the will of God, a newfound boldness will rise up in the masses and inside each and every one of you, and there'll be even a more of a greater resistance to take back what rightfully belongs to each and every one of us.
They are petrified of the body of Christ. That's the reason why they try to suppress us our voices. That's the reason why they tried to use the pandemic to shut our mouths and so we couldn't get up and sing singing. Remember God set praise and worshipers on the front lines of a battle because it made the enemies run.
It's confused them. It put panic and terror in them, and that still works today. And that's the reason why when you're under attack, the enemy doesn't want you to praise and worship. He doesn't want you to do those things because it puts him on the run instead of him putting you on the run. I wanna show you different scriptures in the Bible where God was of course, with his people in the midst of battle, but even though God's people didn't know it at the time, how their enemies were seeing them before their victory.
Let's go to Joshua one, five.
No man shall be able to stand before you all the days of your life as I was with Moses. So I'll be with you. I will not fail you. No forsake you every hu, every human being, but every Christian on this earth today should know that no man shall be able to stand us before us if God is with us. He's not going to fail us.
He's not gonna leave us. He's not gonna keep us where we are. He's going to deliver us because if he delivered his people when he was with Moses, he will deliver his people again. He's still that same guy. There are so many times where I've had people come against me, come against this ministry. I've used this exact scripture because it's not my words.
It's his words that will not fail. So if you know you have people that are trying to come and get you, remember, how was God with Moses? He was right with Moses. He was protecting Moses. He was protecting his people in the land of Goshen. He protected him every step of the way. And then after Moses, he was telling Joshua, look, as you saw I was with Moses.
I Am going to be the same God to you. And then he says in verse six, be strong, confident, and be of good courage. For you shall cause a people to inherit the land, which I swore to the fathers to give to you. Now, God says there's a promise. It doesn't matter what it looks like in the inhabitants of this land.
It doesn't matter the army that's there. It doesn't matter the giants that are there. I promise you this land. So have confidence and trust in my ability to give is to you and to destroy your enemy. Go to verse eight and nine. How do we have that type of strength and confidence in God and and have that assurance that we're not gonna ever back off and back down because we know we're not gonna lose.
How do we know have this kind of confidence and assurance? Verse eight, this book of the law shall not depart out of your mouth, but you shall meditate on it day and night that you may observe and do according to all that is written in it. For then you shall make your way prosperous, then you shall deal wisely and have good success.
So if we're in the Bible, if we're in the word of God, date and night. That's how we will deal wisely and have good success. Because remember, faith comes by hearing. That's Roman 10 17. Faith comes by hearing and hearing by the word. You can't hear by the word just one minute. You gotta hear by the word all the time.
The more you hear the word, the more faith comes. Verse nine, have I not commanded you? Be strong, vigorous, and very courageous. Be not afraid Neither. Be dismayed for the Lord. Your God is with you wherever you go. And if we know He is with us, wherever we go, we're in that secret place. He's our refuge. He's our high tower.
He's our peace. He's that safety we need. He's our deliverer that we need. He's our provider that we need. He's the healing that we need. He's, he's everything that we need, but we need to know what God is doing. We have to get into the word of God so we can have that peace and we can have that strength and confidence.
Let's go to Joshua two. And verse nine. This is before Jericho. This is when they were just spying on Jericho. This is when the, the spies went into the land and they were talking to Rahab and she said that to the men, I know the Lord has given you the land. So Jericho was not Jericho. It was really the Israelites land.
And she knew it. She knew her people that were dwelling in Jericho. She knew this land was not theirs. And she said, and that your terror has fallen upon us and that all didn't happen to the other land are faint because of you. You think about this in nowadays terms because of all the election that's happened, because of everything that's been going on, how we are still fighting today, how we are still standing up and taking our country back.
Our enemies are terrified of who we are. They're faint because of us, because they don't understand how we did not give into their plan. They don't understand how we're not qui crying and weak and fatigued, and all of us are not dying, and we are not giving in to their power and to their ROE regimes.
We're standing up, we're praising, we're worshiping God, we're thanking him. We're happy, they're faint because every single thing that they're trying to throw at us, it's not working. And instead we're getting going the opposite direction. Instead of getting weaker, we're getting stronger. We don't realize we can't see on the other side of what the enemy is doing and seeing, but they are in panic mode and they are faint because people like us, because we are, they're like arch nemesis.
They didn't want the church to stand out. They didn't want the church to know boldness. They didn't want the church to know the word of God. Lucas says in verse 10, if we have heard of how the Lord dried up the water, the Red Sea for you, when you came out of Egypt and what you did to the two kings of the Amorites who were on the east side of Jordan, of s Sahan and og, and whom you utterly destroyed, they heard of all these instances that were unexplainable, that could have only been the most high.
God could have done these things, and they're petrified, and it says in verse 11, when we heard it, our hearts melted. Neither did our spirit or courage remain anymore in any man because of you. For the Lord your God, he is God in heaven above in earth. Beneath this story keeps growing. Instead of us being afraid of who we're up against, they're afraid of us.
Because the God we serve, God is the most high God. But if God's people knew they'd have more courage, they'd have more confidence or strength while they're standing up against their enemy, they will not back off no matter what they're up against. It's important for us to know that. Let's go to Joshua two.
In verse 24.
They said to Joshua, truly, the Lord has given all the land into your hands for all that inhabit is of this country, our faint because of us. They needed, God wanted them to have this confidence before they marched around the walls of Jericho so that they wouldn't give up in faint, right before the biggest miracle they had ever seen one of, because they, I mean, some of 'em saw.
Some of the stuff that happened out of Egypt, some of 'em didn't. Some of 'em were too young, but they were told about it. But just think it was more miracles that God was proving to them that he makes the enemy scatter. Let's go to Joshua three seven. There's lots of stories in the, especially in the Book of Joshua, there's lots of stories in the Bible that shows God and how God works for his people, and it says, the Lord said to Joshua.
Now again, the Lord is speaking to Joshua, giving him that confidence, giving him that G encouragement. The Lord said to Joshua, this day, I will begin to magnify you in the sight of all Israel. So they may know that as I was with Moses, so I will be with you. So what was prophesied to him? In Joshua one five, he's reit, reiterating that in Joshua three, seven, and he is saying, I'm gonna show these people.
I wasn't just with Moses. I Am the same God with you. I'm gonna do these miracles. I'm gonna do these signs. I'm gonna do these wonders so people know that I Am the most high God. Now look what happened in the next chapter in verse Joshua four, in verse 22. Remember, he parted the Red Sea for Israel so they could cross over the Red Sea to be saved from Pharaoh, but he also did it with Joshua, with the Jordan River.
There was also another miracle like this. A lot of people only talk about the first one, the Red Sea, but they don't talk about the Jordan. You shall let your children know Israel came across or came over this Jordan on dry ground. He's showing the miracle signs and winners I did for Moses. I'm doing similar things for you right now.
Verse 23, the Lord your God dried up the waters of the Jordan for you until you passed over as the Lord your God did to the Red Sea, which he dried up for us until we passed over. Why He had to do this again? The people had to see these miracle signs and wonders to realize, duh, he's the same God. We need to realize today that, duh, he's the same God if he dried up and part of the Red Sea for his people to walk on dry ground.
If he did the same thing in the river of Jordan so they could walk on dry ground, he can part any water. He can destroy any enemy. He can wipe out any army that's against us. That's why we can have this confidence and insurance and boldness and strength when we're facing our enemy. We're not gonna back off and back down.
Look what it says, that all the people of the earth may know that the hand, here it is the hand of the Lord is mighty. And that you may reverence and fear and the Lord your God forever. So if we are knowing God, we're respecting him, we're thanking him, we're exalting him. We know that his mighty hand, no folk can withstand.
That's why we would never back off. We would never back down. We would never give in because we know God's the same God. And the reason why I'm saying this is because all of this darkness that is going to be exposed, all the warnings that God's been saying, and he is given me more warnings that I'm gonna give to you later this week, the beginning of next.
There is things that are going to try to shake you, but God is giving you that assurance. He's giving you that confidence. He's giving you that boldness as all these dark cigarettes happen, come out. And all this fallout happens, this political fallout of this system that has been in place for so long, it will try to bring people into fear, but God is reminding you, your enemies are faint because of you, and he is got our back.
Go to Joshua five, one Joshua five in verse one. When all the kings of the Amorites who were beyond the Jordan to the West and all the kings of the Canaanites were by the Red Sea, heard the Lord had dried up the waters of the Jordan before the Israelites until we had crossed over. Their hearts melted and there was no spirit in them anymore because the Israelites, why When God was showing his mighty wonders to give his people confidence and boldness in him, he was also showing these miracle signs and wonders to bring those enemies faint and in fear because of God and his people as two sides to it.
He was strengthening his people as how as he was weakening the enemies against them. God is weakening our enemies against us right now. They're faint because of each and every one of us who have stood and wouldn't back down. And that's why we're gonna keep calling all of these secrets out and no matter how back, people don't realize, and even when I was hearing this prophetic word, me, God's mentioned Lincoln before to be, people think the establishment's probably only been around 50 or 60 years.
That's so not true. People think a lot of this could have just meant, you know, started around JFK's time. No, it was established before JFK. This has been established long ago. This goes back so far in our history of our country. This is what we've been up against. We've been up against something we called the establishment.
It's been established for so long, and that's why God has to rip it apart. Let's go to Joshua six 20. Now remember, God's people had this confidence. They had this assurance, they had this boldness, so they did what they were supposed to do. Walk around the walls of Jericho and it says, so the people shouted, and the trumpets were blown.
When the people had heard the sound of the trumpet, they raised a great shout, and Jericho's walls fell down in its place so that the Israelites went up into the city, every man straight before him, and they took the city. That's what God is saying. Keep shouting the establishment out. Keep shouting their walls down.
Keep shouting all their systems to crumble and fall before our very eyes. Don't stop shouting. Don't keep talking about all the things that they're doing and getting discouraged about it, but realize they are discouraged and they are freaking out because we are going, we're still continuing to just shout.
Against them because their walls are coming down. All the things they had been, what was protecting them, the system, all these layers in this deep, dark system is all being torn apart. Let's go to Isaiah 33 in verse 22. Before I go back over.
For the Lord is our judge. The Lord is our law giver. The Lord is our king, and he will save us. That's what all of us need to know. The Lord is a judge, so it doesn't matter. All these unruly and unjudged judges, God is the judge. He's our Lord. He's our law giver. He's our king. He will save us. This is part of the shaking.
This is part of this major fallout. You know you have a nuclear fallout after a big, huge blast or explosion. There's a fallout after that and it creates damage even after that. Think of the damage that's gonna happen to these people and the political fallout that they will receive from everything that they've been doing.
And this system that's been established for so long, we have to keep our eyes on the Lord because he will save us. Now let's go back over this prophetic word. I had a couple more scriptures. I might go over them. I gotta see how much time I have to do it. Let's go over the first paragraph. My children, the exposure that you have seen are nothing compared to what is about to be uncovered.
How far back this criminal government began, when it started, how it started, why it was established, and who designed it. God's been telling us for a long time, he is gonna show us the architects. It's not just good enough to show the architects. Let's see what they were up to. Let's see their blueprints.
Let's see why they designed it. Because if we know all of their secrets and they, we know what they're doing, they have nothing against us, they have no power over us. When we know the truth, God is exposing it. At the same time, he's dismantling it. Second paragraph, this will bring a shock to this nation.
Remember, God keeps saying shock and awe. I have seen a couple people actually talk about shock and awe more in the news. I don't think it was Hannity twice, and I think it was Jesse Water said it once. Shock in awe. It's happening. They're reporting on it now. We're gonna keep seeing. And then I think it was Elon Musk just came out yesterday and said there was a minimum.
Of 12 million people on the social security, you know, signed up for social security that are receiving handouts or you know, that's receiving Social security money. Shouldn't call 'em handouts. It's benefits 'cause people pay into it and they have a right to get it back on the social security benefits. 12 million people that are over the age of 120 and some are as old as the Constitution.
I just heard this yesterday. How are 12 million people older than 120? Look at the oldest person in the world right now, or in this nation. Just look, look at the oldest person in this nation. You might find somebody who's maybe 104, 105, but you're not gonna find nine, or sorry, 12 million people. That are over the age of 120 and you're never gonna find anybody that's older than the Constitution.
There's so much corruption and fraud. That shocked me. When I saw it yesterday, I couldn't believe what I was reading, how this has happened under so many different noses. This has been going on for so long. And they're saying we're running low on social security. Yeah. 'cause you're giving it to 12 million people who don't even exist.
And if there's 12 million people who are dead and they're still getting benefits, who is getting their benefits? Where is it truly going? Where is that honey hole? Because you know it's gotta go somewhere, follow the money, find the truth. And if there's that many dead people on Social security, you gotta think of how many dead people on voter rolls.
It's the same type of system and they use it for a lot of things. That's why they can't stand doge. They can't stand. The, all this accounting and they're taking the list of all these things that they're doing. And then there was a huge thing that came out. It was yesterday, early morning, $35 trillion black hole in the Pentagon, 35 trillion.
I said trillion with a t billion dollar black hole in the Pentagon with their expenses. Again, that's why there has to be so much truth that has to come out because this is going to shock in awe, 35 trillion, that's almost as much as a debt clock. Remember? And God said he was going to completely break that debt clock just with the Pentagon.
Okay, let's find out where all that $35 trillion went and let's get it back. This is a time. To be like the people of like walking around Jericho and saying, okay, I want my nation back. I want every bit in peace of our country back. I want truth to reign. We want our our freedoms. We want our li, we want our liberty that's already been paid for.
We want what's rightfully ours. And this is just the beginning. This is even anything yet. This is just the beginning stages of all these layers that God is showing. This will bring shock to this nation. How many people were behind such devastation, corruption, misery, death, and fraud to not only this country but the world.
So what the establishment has done is not only affected this country by itself, but it's also, it's also been like a domino effect other nations around the world. When everything is uncovered, all given to the public, you'll find out how and when wars were started. Wars are also important to break down everything of this, this system that they have designed.
War. They also profited off of it. And so war also gave them more strength and more control. You'll find out how and when the wars were started, their design purpose, who profited off of them, what it was meant for, for each nation and their part in this great reset. So these wars had a specific design for this great reset that we're saying I'm trying to put, put into place right now for this one world economic you know, junk.
This world. One world economic government, one world economic, you know, one world religion, one world currency, everything, everything, all these wars, all these different things. All these countries were a piece and a puzzle to this whole reset. All wars have been started on purpose for more power to the elites.
They profited and, and benefited in ways it will be hard for most people to comprehend. Along with every economic depression, recession reset, bumper disturbance in the economy. It was all by design. None, none. Thing that's happened with the economy. Is they just by chance and by accident? Nope. They're the ones who lift it up at a certain level and then they bring it down to a certain level.
As long as they have everything in the place that they want, it benefits them. When it just decreases everybody else, people think it's not true. It is, and you'll see it. That's why God has to get rid of it. I will show you who banked the most off the economic disasters and where they all are today because of it.
You're gonna find corporations. You're gonna find these big wig CEOs and these people in Silicon Valley. You're gonna find all these different people who benefited off all these different things and their their families before you know their generations. 'cause it's been going on for a long time. How corporations grew by design.
How Hollywood was involved. Now, corporations, some corporations are bigger than others. Remember you have BlackRock, Vanguard, and the third one, I, it's flipped my mind exactly which one that was. You guys probably know. But anyway, these big corporations, these big things that handle and control all these different other corporations, these things were by design.
It's like part of their Ponzi scheme, how Hollywood was involved in the establishment, the old guard, Silicon Valley, and every Ponzi scheme set on purpose. This is so big. It's a worldwide thing. It's not just our government. It's not just like the establishment. Yes, is establishment, but it's the people who control that establishment and it's the ones who control the world and the nations State street.
Thank you Chris. I knew you guys would figure it out. State Street. So it's Vanguard, BlackRock, state Street. Anyway, here, we're gonna keep going. There is more to Bernie Madoff. Now a lot of people look up and you guys know Bernie Madoff and that whole entire Ponzi scheme, it was billions and it was like $40 billion or something or something crazy and that financial fraud scheme, it broke a lot of people.
But God is saying there's more hidden about that scheme With Bernie Madoff, he was another fall guy to hide the real architects behind the financial schemes and the fraud to control every financial entity out there. It wasn't Bernie Madoff that was just a smart person. It was somebody that was also helping driving this thing.
Sam Bakeman freed with FTX. More to that story your government wanted to bury, and that will all be exposed. The list goes on of more just like them, some smaller, but there are bigger Ponzi schemes out there that exist right now and are controlling nations and economies and the masses around the world.
God is destroying all their honey pots, all their honey holes, all these different things that they're having that are against us. God is ripping it apart. And as part of this, what he says, a financial war that has been set into motion long ago that only certain people would really profit while others would lose it.
All bankruptcies were staged in ma major corporations to hide something more sinister behind it. They chose which companies when to bury financial records and more to bury everything they could when anyone would get close to them. So they would have these corporations and all of a sudden you see these big corporations fail and come bankrupt.
And they were hiding their secrets and money in these bankruptcies. And then he mentions Enron and Enron. There is more to that story that will come out every corporation that buried money or their secrets and will be unearthed and exposed in front of the world. So again, God is showing us and telling us there is more to what it looks like.
Things are not how they appear to be. Things were designed against you. And God is saying, enough is enough. He is destroying these things. He's destroying all these entities, all these systems and all the powers of the rulers, of the darkness of this world that has designed all these things to enslave his people.
He's saying Enough is enough. It is like the wall be so their great reset. It'll be a great exodus because God is saving us from this poison. God is saving us from these financial destruction, this destructive ways that the enemy has been trying to destroy every part of our life. They have controlled every government, they've been controlling every nation.
They've been controlling every system. And he says The Great Depression, also it designed by the elites to cause the establishment to put on steroids. We put on steroids. So the Great Depression put. The establishment on steroids to speed up their corporation to take over this nation. Look at who benefited from this great depression and all the recessions.
None of these things were by accident. It was all set in motion to take over this country more and more. So again, these things were not done by accident. The truth regarding World War II and how your government played a horrifying part in it, I don't know what part they played in it. They played a part in it.
And God is saying that he's going to expose that part. He's going to expose the, the war racketeering, every architect and every blueprint who that will be exposed. So again, doesn't matter who they are, doesn't matter how and what and why and when. Doesn't matter how much they benefited off and how much evidence they destroyed and buried, God is saying he's gonna expose it all.
Then he says, the Vietnam War was just the same war, racketeering, excuse me. And how the establishment used this as a front and a distraction for something far worse against this nation. So the Vietnam War was a distraction. It was a front, it was horrifying. So many people died. And that's the thing. They, they don't, they didn't care.
And that's why we have to pray for everybody who fought in any of these wars for this, you know, the for establishment and this war racketeer. Because again, this was something you gotta think of all of the Vietnam veterans, you gotta think about all the families that were affected, this whole entire nation that was infected infected.
This was something that was a front and a distraction. And we're gonna find out what it was now. All the war crimes this government committed will all be exposed, follow the money, and it gets deeper and much worse than is publicly known at this time. It'll revere a reveal, a dark, great darkness in a system that was running everything while people were completely unaware.
There has been a system that we were unaware with and unaware about, that controlling every part of our lives, controlling all these different nations, and every single little part of it, God has to expose us. But when it exposes it, it's not gonna be easy to see it. It's not even easy to talk about it.
It's really not. It's not easy to hear these things. It's not easy to give out some of these prophecies because of how many people's lives were affected, how many men and women died. For this establishment to profit off of it.
It's horrible and it's disgusting to think about. The government's dark secrets are all coming out, including President Kennedy's assassination. A lot of people have miss about what happened and why it happened. I people have, I mean, not miss theories, excuse me, theories, but it's all gonna come out. But again, we all know there was more than one shooter, or we're not stupid, but it carries with it truth that will uncover even more of the corruption in this intelligence community.
So in the intelligence community in this country, there is more that's gonna be uncovered. It's going to implode it.
Who really is in control of the government and what Kennedy was going to expose. And dismantle in your government. He also, like Lincoln, wanna destroy the shadow government lurking in the background.
The establishment secrets that are still not out in the open yet will be revealed with uncovering who truly killed JFK, his brother Robert Kennedy, Martin Luther King, Jr. And even as far back as Lincoln. These deaths are not gonna just reveal who killed these people. The real exposure is why? What was being hidden, what truth did they find that they were killed for?
He said Lincoln's murder was also an inside job. The establishment secrets were going to be going to be exposed by President Lincoln. Lincoln was gonna try to stop this establishment that was forming this shadow and rogue and unruly government that was already setting up. He saw it and he said he was going to be exposed by President Lincoln as well.
He was going to dismantle the dark corrupt government lurking in the shadows. He found them. He saw what they were doing. They're looking at shadows of this nation trying to destroy its very existence back then. Think how long ago that was.
That's why this is so much bigger than a lot of people realize. My children Hollywood's dark past and dark connections to the establishment and why Hollywood was such an essential part to the establishment. Hollywood has played a very essential part, and that's why you see a lot of these Hollywood elites coming out for the establishment cronies and the deep swamp rats.
They're paid for by them. They're protected by them. Why Hollywood was such an essential part to the establishment and the great reset will all come out and collapse their narrative and their control they've had over this country. Follow the money and you'll find the heinous crimes committed by Hollywood and the establishment.
They're part of the same system destroying society, brainwashing the masses, using intelligence PSYOPs operations. I haven't even heard of this many psyop operations ever. And all of a sudden now he's talking about psyop operations and all and so many different prophecies he's given out in the last couple weeks.
This, he mentions it a couple of different times in this one, my United States. The darkness brought into the nation and the truth about Freemasons. Now, Freemasons is one of the secret societies. He's also talked about skull and bones. He is talked about the Illuminati. He's talked about the bergs. There are many secret societies.
Freemasons are one of 'em. He says they're part of the destruction of this country There. Secret societies have been embedded in your government. And remember, he calls 'em the architects and the puppet masters in every system that's designed against you. Yes, these societies have been controlling your nation and nations all around the world.
All the societies have they designed pandemics and diseases at will to profit off your sicknesses. They designed wars to profit off death and destruction. They design financial catastrophes, a profit off your debt, excuse me, and your bankruptcies. They profit off a society tearing itself apart with mental illness designed by their psyop operations on a worldwide scale.
So we showing you all these secret societies and what all these, all these significant parts in what they were doing. My children, their designs have affected each nation in the world as you know it. But now you'll see these pharaohs of today, that's what he calls these people and their style, the of the Egyptian and bad loaning system.
Be dismantled and brought to nothing before your very eyes. Your government is full of criminals and the actors and all I and I Am cleaning all of them out for their seats. They don't belong in. That's why it's so important to realize God is going to do this. So that's why we have that. Have to have that strength and confidence that God is gonna do what he says he is gonna do.
Your freedom is coming. True celebrations will be enjoyed. This great political fallout. He calls it a great political fallout from what they're doing and how he's destroying everything will cleanse your nation of the criminals that have held you against your will. So he's cleaning out H, he's cleaning the house, he's cleaning.
This whole house of cars is gonna come down because he's cleaning this country out of all the criminals I have said, let my people go. And you will see these words come to pass right before your very eyes. Like the Israelites did in my word. Your enemies will not continue to torture you and hold you against your will.
When I have set you free says the Lord, your redeemer, God has set us free. The enemies are trying to enslave us. God is saying, that's not gonna happen. I have said, let my people go. And just like the Israelites got to see that those words come to pass. So will we. So let's pray. Let's pray all these things down and let's pray that you have your strength and confidence in God and that you'll have that revelation of the secret place Heaven, father, right now, in Jesus name, I thank you, father God, let up every person on the side of my voice, and I thank you, father God, that they get revelation knowledge of this secret place.
They know Father God, that you are their peace, that you are their safety, father God, that you are their rest, that you are their provider, that you are their healer, that you are their advocate. I thank you, father God, that they know that you are the one that gives 'em strength to fight in these battles and against their enemy.
He is the one that comes to steal, kill, and destroy. But you have come to give us life and live it more abundantly. So I thank you, father God, they have revelation knowledge that you have given 'em that life, that you have given 'em that ability, because we can do all things through Christ who strengthens us.
So I thank you, father God, as this whole thing is dismantling and this whole political fallout begins that they'll have strength, they'll have confidence. They'll have that courage and boldness to continue to speak your words. Until we see our enemies complete fall and they're complete failure in front of our very eyes, they're complete destruction in front of our very eyes that we will not back off and we will not back down.
And we call their walls down. We call their systems down. We call every single dark secret. Every skeleton in every closet. All their money trails, all their money holes, every place of Father God, that they're hiding something. We call all these things to be uncovered, but also Father God, that it destroys the power of the enemy because truth is setting us free.
And we thank you and we praise you, father God, that we are set free from our enemy. Every wicked plan that they have, I thank you, father God, as we're shouting them down and as we're standing and holding that line, our enemies are faint because of you, because Father God, you are showing the world not a version of who you are.
You are showing the world the one true God. Now you are the same yesterday, today, and forever. And that you are the God who stills delivers a nation in nations in a day. So I thank you, father God, that they have peace, that they have rest, that God, they know that you reign and that you are everything they need.
And you are every answer to every problem I call life and every situation and destruction to the enemy's plans against them. And I thank you, father God, for more praise reports, more breakthroughs and more prayers being answered in Jesus' name. Amen and amen. Hopes to encourage you. Now, if you do have any prayer requests or praise reports, go to our under our contact page, or you can write us at Julie Green Ministries International 46 20 East 53rd Street, suite 200, Davenport, Iowa, 5 2 8 0 7.
And if you want any Julie Green Ministries merchandise, you can go to three sons That's three sons and I'm almost ready to tell you exactly where our event is gonna be. Hold your dates open for June 20th and then 21st. Okay? It's gonna be here in the Quad Cities, but I'll let you know and we'll get more information out to you as soon as we got it.
But until then, I just wanted to say hope this encourage you today. Please like, subscribe and share and give this to everyone you know who needs to hear an encouraging word, who needs to hear the truth, because the truth will set you free. God loves you. I love you. God bless you, and have a wonderful day.
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