MZTV 1688: How Do We Know Who is a Believer?

14 hours ago

Some people believe and even teach that it is not our business to know either who is or who isn’t a believer. Hm. It would be kind of difficult to not be yoked with an unbeliever (Paul’s advice in 1 Corinthians chapter 6) if you didn’t know what an unbeliever was, which you couldn’t know unless you knew what a believer was. (Here I go making sense for a living again. Sheesh.)

Good news on this front! It is not difficult to tell the difference between believers and unbelievers. That’s right! Simply use the same technique Adam and Eve employed in the Garden of Eden to discover which animals were wild and which were domestic. The apostle Paul himself employed this technique in Athens following his address on Mars’ Hill. Watch him in action, then go and discern likewise.

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