With Dr. David Wurmser, Dr. Steven Hatfield & Bill Walton

2 days ago

Dr. David Wurmser, Senior Analyst for Middle East Affairs, Center for Security Policy

Dr. David Wurmser and I explored what is going on in the Middle East with respect to U.S. initiatives in Gaza, the false friend doing business as the jihadist regime of Qatar, and the prognosis for the U.S. for Israel decisively defeating the mullah-theocracy of Iran

Dr. Steven Hatfield, Physician, Virologist, and Bio-Weapons Expert

I discussed with Dr. Stephen Hatfield his new book, Unmasking the Painful Truth Behind the COVID-19 Tragedy posé of the abandonment of a sensible pandemic response plan resulting in the needless death of perhaps 80 % of those lost in the course of that tragedy.

Bill Walton, Host of The Bill Walton Show

I took stock with Bill Walton about the latest developments in Donald Trump's tariffs initiatives, notably with respect to Canada, and the implications of the election or selection of a new leader for the Liberal Party and imminent Prime Minister of Canada of a globalist who is campaigning on a tide of nationalist fervor, in part impelled by Canadians' responses to the Trump tariffs.

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