With Dr. David Wurmser, Nicky Neily & Bill Walton

4 days ago

Dr. David Wurmser,  Senior Analyst for Middle East Affairs at the Center for Security Policy

I spoke with Dr. David Wurmser about the state of the ceasefire in Gaza.
Terrorists are up to in exploiting assistance Israel has provided to date and why Israel is absolutely right to withhold further assistance absent the End regime in Gaza.

We also discussed what's happening on the West Bank; sorry, correction.

We also discussed what is happening in Judea and Samaria, the implications of Moss, and the increasingly dangerous Palestinian Authority security forces putting at risk not only Israelis living but also in modern-day Israel as well.

Nicky Neily, President and Founder of Parents Defending Education

Nicky Neily and I visited about problems that are confronting parents about what's being done to their children in the name of education, including by the Chinese Communist Party and its infiltration of not just universities and colleges but also K through 12 education as well. And what's being done to our children with their exposure to pornography in classrooms and school libraries? What can be done about that?

Bill Walton, Host of The Bill Walton Show

Bill Walton and I discussed the America First investment policy that Donald Trump unveiled on the 21st of February and the importance that it has in terms of perhaps ending Wall Street's practice of underwriting our mortal enemy, the Chinese Communist Party.

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