This book is the only thing that will get you through a rough patch 100% of the time!

3 hours ago

Your #1 go-to plan A every time life gets rough should be Scripture. Even when things are going good, you should regularly be in the Word to develop the pattern of running to the Lord so it becomes your natural response to everything else. The problem? It's not natural.

Human nature doesn't want to set self aside and seek our Creator. It will always give excuses as to why we "can't" read the Bible, but we have to be wiser. Try countering these excuses like this 👇

"I don't like reading" 👉 Listen to an audio version
"I forgot" 👉 Set an alarm for the same time each day
"I don't have time" 👉 Wake up earlier or stay up later
"I don't know where to start" 👉 John or Proverbs
"I don't understand it" 👉 Study with a group or mentor
"I'm waiting until life calms down" 👉 It won't. Start today.

Having trouble finding the motivation to read your Bible? Let's talk about it! 💬 Comment what's your biggest challenge in Bible reading so we can encourage you personally.

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