Episode 615: God explains His salvation plan in Genesis 1 Part 10

5 hours ago

Many believers have trouble with "how" to study the Bible, especially those who are babes in the faith.

Where do I start?

What do I do when there are scriptures that I don't understand?

What are the best resources to aid with my study?

Should I set aside a particular amount of time each day?

What methods are the best to help me grow in my understanding of the scriptures?

These are just a few questions that Bible teachers typically hear from other believers.

The answer is not easy because God has specific plans and purposes for each of us. His plan and purpose for each of us differs in that we will meet and be witnesses to a particular set of people God has already planned for us to witness to.

The amount of wisdom given to each believer is predetermined by God.

Wait! What? What do you mean by predetermined by God?
No, my friend, it's not what I mean. It's what God has said and written in the scriptures.

Please read the parable of the talents given to us in Matthew 25 then ask the question, who is it that is determining how many talents is given to each servant?

Nevertheless, personally I like to use two methods to study God's word. Both are systematic types of studies, very in dept.
1. Verse by verse commentary style.
2. Topical, based upon what God brings to my mind, or questions that comes from others, or corrections of comments that I come across over the internet on FaceBook or X.

I love to read and study with the MacArthur Study Bible, both electronic and written however most of my reading is done electronically. I also use a software named Olive Tree that where there are multiple Bible versions and I can download different types of aids.

Aids like maps, commentary on the biblical cities during the time of the writer, commentary on the biblical nations during the time of the writer, background on the writers, etc.

It's just my preference as it makes it easier to look up references and complete a word search. I do have a preference in which Bible version I use. My favorite is the NKJV then the NASB. The NIV have to many errors for my liking and some of the "others" are not translations therefore I stay completely away from them. I'm talking about the New Century Version, the Message, the Living Bible, etc.

You must determine which method is best for you.

Today's study is 1 hour and 29 minutes in duration. I have broken it into five segments. This is segment 5 of 5 titled Examples of how I study the Bible using Genesis 1. Part 10

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