Builders & Testers (Day 1055)

24 days ago

20250228 Day 1055 Part-1

“The Beautiful Decay,“

Peloton Bike Conditioning,

30km/18.66mi Distance Goal,

60:00 Minutes/1-Hour Time Goal,

50% Resistance,

BW: 151.1Lbs/68.681Kg,

212 Watts FTP,

3.086 Watts/Kg FTP,

35.18Km/21.86Mi Total Distance,

60:00 Minutes/1-Hour Total Time,

978Kcal Kcal Total,

Distance/Time Goal: Attained

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Trouble sleeping? Anxiety? Depression? PTSD? Lasting effects from head trauma? Creatine may be something that helps!! Click the link 🔗 below 👇🏾 👇🏾
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Watch my video on why your Testosterone may be low but you might NOT NEED TRT 👇🏾👇🏾
People are counting on you so take care of yourself 🤙🏿
Stay in the fight🇺🇸🇰🇪
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