Murphy Lab Madness!

1 day ago

Murphy Lab Madness!
Perhaps I have lost the plot. I can't get enough of these heavy and ultra heavy aged guitars. If you have ever tried them without prejudice you will know how good they are.

So here is my video of my 4 Gibson Murphy lab guitars:
A new to me 1959 Les Paul '59 Ultra Heavy Aged in lemon made in 2022, a 2023 '57 Ultra Heavy Aged Goldtop from 2023, my 2021 SG '64 in Heavy Aged and a Heavy Aged 2024 Gibson 1958 ES-335.

I play them in order and from Neck pickup to Bridge so you can hear back to back how they compare sound wise. Can you hear the differences between the Les Pauls, a 335 and an SG?

These guitars all have the unpotted Alnico III Custombuckers as factory and I am recording them through a Two Rock Classic Reverb head and 2x12" cab with my Toneking Ironman II attenuator feeding an interface with a speaker emulation input and mixed with an SM57 on the lower speaker.

I'm using an Origin Effects RevivalDrive on an edge of breakup sound for the first time round and more saturated on the second round.

No processing, no plug-ins, no EQ or other funny stuff, just the raw sound. Reverb is from the amp.

Internet wisdom holds that these are bought by Blues lawyersâ„¢ and dentists but I can assure you I am neither. Just an ordinary punter. perhaps I am a Blues Engineer?
Engineering doesn't pay as well as a job in the legal profession however but I am such an addict to guitars and amps that I can't help it.
Baked beans on toast for breakfast, lunch and a sip of tepid water for tea for me!


Visit me at

and thanks for watching

Thanks to for the GFX
and @ben_keightley for the SG.

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