24 (2001) S1.E4 & E5 - TV Fanatic Commentary - Season 5
24 (2001) S1.E2 & E3 - TV Fanatic Commentary
24 (2001) S1.E1 - TV Fanatic Commentary

24 (2001) S1.E4 & E5 - TV Fanatic Commentary - Season 5

17 days ago

An Audio-Only Commentary on the 2001 TV Series 24 by John Doe.

District Director George Mason (Berkely) shuts down CTU forcing Jack to escape in order to follow up on a lead on a conspirator. Nina and Jamie try to cover for him. Palmer discovers how a reporter found out about Keith. Jack finally learns that Kim and Janet have been kidnapped.

S1.E4 3:00 a.m.-4:00 a.m.

Jack follows the arrested conspirator to the police station in order to get more info on Kim's whereabouts. Palmer meets with a reporter who has some damaging information. Kim realizes just how dangerous Ira Gaines really is.

S1.E5 4:00 a.m.-5:00 a.m.

TV source for syncing up - R2 DVD

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