MZTV 1671: How to Pray Like a Genius

1 month ago

Religious folks have many things in common, but one of the dumbest things they all believe is that prayer is “the hand that moves the hand of God.” That’s right. Religionists of every stripe think they can dictate God’s actions by the sincerity, the volume, and the multiplicity of their prayers. Prayer circles work amazingly well (prayer squares fail on application) and if enough people pray at the same time (adjusting, of course, for time zone differentials) then God simply must act. He has no choice. He’s already a sucker for sincerity, but when synchronicity comes to call, why, He folds faster than a Chinese laundryman.

Is this how Paul tells us to pray? Indeed not. In this episode of MZTV we look into what I call “intelligent prayer.” The question also arises, “Since God wrote the script of the eons before the eons even began, why pray at all?” The answer to that question may be the most important (and exciting) revelation of the day.

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