Episode 564: What type of body will everyone have in heaven and hell?

4 hours ago

Hello everyone. In tonight's Bible study we look into two biblical doctrines.

First, we look at the type of bodies everyone will had and have through the three stages of the world.

Wait, what? What do you mean the three stages of the world?

Well according to the scriptures, God was in the beginning by Himself yet He possessed a type of body. This body is called in the scriptures, a spiritual body.

Then God commenced creation giving Himself another type of body, flesh and bones. When He created the angles, He gave them a type of body, flesh and bones. Both of these bodies were called a spiritual body specifically designed to withstand the governing laws of the spirit realm.

Finally, when He created mankind, Adam and Eve, He gave them a type of body that was both spiritual and mortal. What made it mortal? Well, the introduction of blood. Everyone with body type cannot enter the spirit realm, as God restricted it to a different set of governing laws in the physical realm called Earth.

When God became Man, by laying aside His spiritual body for a physical body, meaning a body with flesh, bones, and blood, God by His own decrees had to lay aside certain aspects of His own deity. This servanthood and humbling allow God to shed blood through the portal of death even though He had no sin which is the cause of death.

Finally, we investigate the word "foreordained". What does the scriptures mean by foreordained? Does it mean that God looked down the tunnel of time to see which sinner would ultimately choose to believe the gospel which leads to salvation?

If what is stated above is true, then we must conclude that the sinner is SOVEREIGN when it comes to determining, why - if - when - how - where, the sinner will be saved.

We then can conclude that true salvation is of the sinner! Is that what the scriptures teach? Let's find out.

Today's study is 1 hour and 8 minutes in duration. I have broken it into three segments. This is segment 1 of 3 titled What type of body will everyone have in heaven and hell?

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