#61 - Lessons from the Old School Gym

1 day ago

There's something about the vibe of the old school, black iron gym. Whether it's a powerlifting dungeon straight out of the 80's, a bodybuilding gym packed full of machines and dumbbells, or a weightlifting hall with rows and rows of platforms, the single-purpose gym dedicated to training (not merely exercise) is a special place. A place where shit gets done, where hard effort and consistency are the primary currency. These gyms are hard to find, but you know them when you walk in the door. The energy is palpable.

In today's world of online coaching and affordable home gym setups, many trainees haven't experienced this sort of old school gym, and they probably should! If you're serious about your training, you owe it to yourself to train at a gym like this. Whether you're a novice struggling to squat 315 (or 200!) or a you've been at it for years and feeling burnt out, training at an old school gym -- even if it's just for a little while -- can ignite some fire and passion in your training program and set you up for success.

Mark Rippetoe and Marty Gallagher Interview (3 Parts):

Part 1: https://youtu.be/siaDQdpQPRQ?si=jBBEqMFP6drd1mKm

Part 2: https://youtu.be/TxjibbKJ8UE?si=YilgpD6MG6bxAGZG

Part 3: https://youtu.be/RIe_7ODKycQ?si=6t5M2L88a0J7DvGV

Kirk Karwoski squat instructional video (he squats 600x8 beltless at the end!):


Karwoski 1,000lbs double:


Weights & Plates: https://weightsandplates.com

Robert Santana on Instagram: @the_robert_santana

Trent Jones: @marmalade_cream


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