#59 - Women and Eating to Build Muscle Mass

7 days ago

Dr. Robert Santana and Trent Jones address the topic of eating to gain muscle mass for women. While the physiology of bulking, as described in episodes 57-58, is no different for women than it is for men, the degree to which women need to eat for muscle mass and the total amount of muscle gain possible is different. In general, women are not able to convert surplus calories into muscle mass as efficiently as men, so Robert and Trent advocate for a slower rate of gain for women trying to build muscle and get stronger. Additionally, women are not able to take advantage of increased leverage from gaining weight as much as men can, due to different fat distribution patterns, therefore women won't typically gain as much total weight as men (when comparing men and women of equal height).

Weights & Plates: https://weightsandplates.com

Robert Santana on Instagram: @the_robert_santana

Trent Jones: @marmalade_cream


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