#56 - Summer PSA: Change Your Environment

4 hours ago

We know it's summer, and your busy. Kids are home from school, you're going on vacation, having cookouts... and we hope you enjoy these things! However, as a diet coach, Dr. Santana has observed a few common problems people have when trying to lose weight. One of those is snacking. Inevitably, people who keep a lot of snacks in their pantry end up overeating them and gaining weight when they're trying to lose.

There's an easy solution to this, however. Throw them out! If you want to change your food habits for the better, you have to change your food environment. Throw out the snacks, and only keep food that requires preparation to eat. If you make it harder to obtain snack foods -- as in, you have to go to the store to get them -- then you'll be less likely to eat them. It's those daily habits that add up over time toward the body composition you want or extra bodyfat you don't want. So, simply changing your food environment can stop the grazing and little bites that add up day after day.

Weights & Plates: https://weightsandplates.com

Robert Santana on Instagram: @the_robert_santana

Trent Jones: @marmalade_cream


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