#44 - Get Rid of "Man Boobs" Forever: Advice for the Skinny Fat Male

3 hours ago

It's the new year, and a time when many people resolve to work eat, eat better, and improve their body composition. Some guys aim to lose weight, others to gain it, but what about the in-betweener, the guy who is of normal bodyweight, normal BMI, but still appears unathletic -- low muscle tone, no visible definition, and maybe even excess fat around the pectorals (man boobs) and waist line. This condition is often referred to as "skinny-fat," and skinny fat people often mistakenly think that they need to lose fat to look leaner and more muscular

Coach Santana and Coach Trent explain, however, that the skinny-fat person's problem is they are undertrained and undermuscled. And the answer to the skinny-fat dilemma is to get strong and gain muscular bodyweight in the process. That's right, gain weight! It may seem counter-intuitive at first, but gaining muscle results in more visible defintion by spreading existing fat mass over a larger surface area. It's just arithmetic too. If you gain weight that is mostly muscle, then the ratio of your muscle to body fat will go down, and therefore your body fat percentage will go down. In other words, gaining muscle makes you leaner!

Weights & Plates: https://weightsandplates.com

Robert Santana on Instagram: @the_robert_santana

Trent Jones: @marmalade_cream


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