#40 - Coaching Is More Than Just Information

3 hours ago

Coach Robert and Coach Trent discuss a misunderstanding that sometimes comes up in a coaching relationship -- the idea that coaching is just a program, or a template, or a set of information that will get you to your fitness goals. The reality is that information is cheap, often free, and there's not a whole lot of information that a good coach can provide that you can't find on the internet these days. Information is rarely the road block for trainees struggling to make progress, however. What trainees often lack is a proper evaluation of where they are: how good their technique is, how far along the adapatation curve they are, what dietary habits they need to change, etc. And this is where a good coach comes into play.

A good coach can evaluate a trainee, determine technique issues that need to be cleaned up, assess recovery factors outside the gym, and make programming changes if needed. It's really hard -- even if you know what to look for! -- to self-evaluate and make accurate assessments of where you're going wrong, and what to do to fix them. But, if you are interested in truly taking your fitness to the next level, and getting results you can't get on your own, a good coach is an invaluable asset to to your training life.

Weights & Plates: https://weightsandplates.com

Robert Santana on Instagram: @the_robert_santana

Trent Jones: @marmalade_cream


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