Tennessee Preacher: When Elon Musk Tries to Steal Your Personal Information and Your Social Security Check, There’s a Possibility of Violence

5 hours ago

CAUDLE: “And in this nation, I’m worried that we are on the verge of bloodshed. This is an attempt to take us back to a day that we do not want to go and we will not go. So, therefore, there will be conflict. I pray that the peace of God will win out and overcome the Madness that is attempting to take over this nation. And I will say to you beloved, no one likes violence, but sometimes violence is necessary. When Elon Musk forces his way into the United States Treasury and threatens to steal your personal information and your Social Security check, there is a possibility of violence. Sometimes the devil will act so ugly that you have no other choice but to get violent and fight. Well someone might say, ‘Now, reverend, you know, you shouldn’t be talking about violence. This isn’t a Christian thing to do.’ Well, I will say, why not talk this way? Because Jesus did. Jesus said this key verse, didn’t he? ‘The kingdom of heaven suffers...’ What? ‘Violence.’ ‘And the...’ Who?’ ‘...the violent take it by force.’ The Kingdom of God is a war zone, it is a battlefield. You did know this, right?”

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