April GOD STRIKES, Morgues Filled... ANGEL of DEATH?! Amanda Grace, Bo Polny, Nino - Captions

1 month ago

In this New Year’s Eve special, the host brings Amanda Grace and Bo Polny together for a discussion on prophetic insights and predictions for the upcoming years. Amanda Grace explains her prophetic process and shares specific prophecies related to political events and world affairs, including a detailed account of a prophecy from January 2020 about assassination attempts on significant political figures. Bo Polny analyzes timelines based on celestial signs and biblical events, predicting significant turbulence, possible civil unrest, and a window of chaos leading up to April 2025. Both guests emphasize the spiritual and moral dimensions of the coming challenges, urging viewers to place their trust in God rather than individuals. The conversation touches on the significance of April in biblical history, the potential for martial law, and the necessity for repentance and spiritual awakening. The video concludes with Amanda Grace reiterating the importance of faith and divine intervention.

✝️ Another Awesome Message from Bo Polny! ‼️God Wins‼️ The original video posted 01-10-2025 may be watched here: 👉 https://rumble.com/v67ylo4

New Year's Eve Special: Prophecies for 2024 with Amanda Grace & Bo Polny

In this New Year's Eve special, the host brings together Amanda Grace and Bo Polny to discuss their prophecies and insights for the upcoming year. Amanda Grace revisits her prophetic words from January 2020 and explains how she receives her messages from the Lord. Bo Polny delves into the significance of celestial events and timelines, predicting major upheavals and the rebirth of America in 2024-2025. The discussion covers prophetic timelines, potential civil unrest, and the role of divine intervention in shaping future events. Get ready for an enlightening conversation on biblical prophecy and what lies ahead.

00:00 Introduction and Special Guests Announcement
00:42 Amanda Grace's Prophetic Insights
01:59 Commercial Break
03:08 Amanda Grace on Prophecies and Predictions
04:54 Bo Polny's Timeline Analysis
08:21 Discussion on Upcoming Events and Prophecies
18:06 The Spirit of Pythos and Its Impact
38:31 Final Thoughts and Farewell

Video Information:

April GOD STRIKES, Morgues Filled... ANGEL of DEATH?! Amanda Grace, Bo Polny, Nino

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Video Transcript:

Well folks I finally did it. I finally got Amanda Grace and Bo Polny on the same show with me. This is a New Year's Eve special. And if you're watching this it'll either be up on New Year's Eve or New Year's Day. I'd like to say that I'm very honored to have them both on. You know both of them really played a pivotal role in my baptism. You know Amanda you prayed for me the last time we're together. And it really felt really good to me and it resonated with me and Bo you've been a long time friend and everything you've done for me and my channel and my audience. I just really hold you both on at a high standard so thank you both for joining me. I just I kind of just wanted to go over what this year looks like to you guys. Now Amanda I know that I'll start with you first Amanda. I know that you you know you've said a lot of prophetic things okay and and a lot of them have come to pass and and maybe some of them were still waiting on but I remember one thing stands out in my mind very clearly and it was didn't you you referring to Trump you said that there would be you know a lot of people were you know like Juanita was saying this but you said that there would be a you know someone in high regard in the Republican Party that would get arrested. I believe you said something like that. Or something along those lines. Could you explain further on How you got that message? How and and why you said that? Sure and I'm I'm thrilled to be with you gentlemen because I'm looking up something else that was said too so I can time stamp it for you because we have a a database for all the prophecies and so there's a database for your prophecies? Yes we do because hey I I'm accountable so we keep track so we actually have databases that all the words get uploaded to that are on our website that people you probably hear me typing right now as I'm looking for this. That got a commercial real quick. Sure, go right ahead. Alright, folks. Gotta do it. I I know people get pissed off when I do this but speaking of digestive issues, this is caused by potential toxin that's in all the quote healthy foods that scientists have been telling us to eat with a fraudulent food pyramid for the longest time and this potential toxin causes digestive issues according to Doctor Gundry, a world-renowned cardiologist. This is affecting millions of people nationwide. Warning signs include weight gain and fatigue and digestive discomfort and stiff joints even skin problems folks. Well, Doctor Gundry explains these side effects are often mistaken for normal signs of aging because digestive issues developed usually over a matter of years and sometimes even decades. I can assure you that the damage is probably caused by these health foods and its far from normal. The good news is you can easily help fix a problem from your own home. It's very simple. You just have to know which foods are actually healthy and which ones have this potential hidden toxin. Go to gut cleanse protocol. com forward slash Nino. Big Cleanse Protocol. com forward slash Nino and get started folks. Alright Amanda go for it. Okay so January eighth 2020. I'm going to take you all the way back there because President Trump was still in office right back then right? He's he's coming into office now but he was in office back then. It was an election year that you And January 8th, 2020 I had given a word from the Lord and I'll read it and then I'll explain to how I get these. But it says there is a double assassination attempt being plotted. They are foolish enough to try they will not capital they will not succeed. Double assassination against President Trump. So that was January 8th 2020, that I had put that out. And started now meaning double they would be close together. Okay so when that the Lord's talking that way means they would be together and so the way that I get these words is one of a few ways. Either the Lord is literally I I feel the presence of the Lord come into my office and it literally starts pouring into my spirit and I'm hearing from my spirit and I'm typing real time when I'm hearing, right? Being poured into me. So you're like a vessel, right? Like this and you get filled and then you gotta you gotta pour it out. So basically that's one way I hear. Or it'll hit me and I'll start prophesying right there. So, I'll go right into flow. That just happened to me recently in a broadcast about a week and a half ago or the Lord will speak to me through dreams. Dreams or or open vision. So, he does there's a few ways that he speaks to me depending on what he has to tell me. The nature of what he has to tell me and how much he has to tell me. So, that one was where I was hearing it in my spirit and I was typing it real time. And Bo has been great at doing the the time, you know, he's the time analyst. Bo I wanted to ask both of you right now like you know both of you have made some pretty big predictions for 2024 going into 2025 I'll start with Bo here I'll go with Bo on this one Bo how do you see January February playing out do you see an inauguration do you see something big happening before the inauguration what can my audience kind of expect and then I'll ask you the same question Amanda... You know, the fact is is there going to be an inauguration on the 20th again. These are prophetic things that maybe Amanda can answer better than I can. I can look at the timelines on these and show you how long it's going to take before we see massive changes coming upon the world. But again scripturally the Lord does nothing before first speaking through his servants the prophets. And that's scriptural. The second thing is there shall be. There will be. Signs in the sun and the moon and the stars. You see, God doesn't do anything before first he reveals his timing through what's written in this in the stars, in the heavens, right? So, why I want to make reference to that is specifically in reference to several things that we've seen manifest here on the Earth and I want to just pull this up briefly. I've shown you this before but I want to have all this all the viewers see this including Amanda so you can look this too but there's three signs that the Lord gave us. The first sign was revelation was specifically the Revelation 12 sign which was a woman and the dragon. At the same year that was 2017. The same year we had the eclipse come across Portland and it went over seven cities called Salem. You know again what are the chances that it traverses seven cities called Salem? Come on that's an impossibility. And then next thing you know seven years later in 2024 it traverses seven cities called Nineveh. So you can't make this stuff up but yet it's happening right in front of us. So these are signs that God's giving us and that like I said before you don't look at this as an events going to happen on that day. What I Lord revealed to me is this is the day you start counting. So you start counting seven years from the Revelation twelve sign. Takes you to 2024. You start counting seven years from the eclipse of 2017. Takes you to 2024. But then it makes a cross. So the cross is the critical point because that gives you the time point of of of importance. Because it makes a cross on specifically April 8th 2024. Now if you run 40 weeks I said there's going to be nothing happening of wow factor on the eclipse. But what happens the important thing is there's two numbers that are important to God. 7. So you run seven months from the eclipse. Boom. Is the election. Trump wins. You see? Now now you're seeing how God's putting the peices together. This is the cool part. What we're looking for is birth. Okay. The birth of God's kingdom on earth. And this is so important because birth - from conception to birth is 40 weeks. So check this out. From the US eclipse 40 weeks and precisely to the exact day. I'm not off by a day, two,a week. No no. 40 weeks to the exact day which should be full term plus 6 days. You know six day work, the seventh day you rested. 40 weeks plus six days is inauguration 2025. So the answer to your question is scripturally it's a very important time point from the eclipse. So God says there will be signs in the sun and the moon and the stars. So this is the crazy part because Before the eclipse well actually in the year of the eclipse which is 2024, which is right here okay which is ending now but specifically there was something else that happened in September and this is the cool thing. What we saw specifically and Nino and I have done a podcast on this was on September 27th we saw a sign in the heavens manifest and that was the Star of Jacob. The Star of Jacob formed on occurred on September 27th 2024 and when you read the story of Nineveh Nineveh will be will be destroyed or turned over in 40 days. 40 days to the exact day from the Star of Jacob Trump won the election. 40 days to the exact day from the Star of Jacob. So now you gotta also look for conception. So conception would have been the 24th of September where full term is 40 weeks, 40 weeks from the Star of Jacob to the exact day not even off by 24 hours to the absolute exact day is the 4th of July, 2025, so my answer to your question is what's going to happen right after at the inauguration time point okay so the next three four months don't look for celebrations look for absolute destruction okay and and the reason is because this is the fall of Mystery Babylon you're saying absolute destruction from here until everywhere every there's going to be massive destruction maybe earthquakes popping off volcanoes because Kim Clement prophesied earthquakes you're saying that is going to start now until July? Because this is going to tie in with Amanda Grace's prophecies as well too so they're going to come in see they're not going to there's no way in heck Nino that they're going to let Trump come in peacefully because if he comes in he has all he knows all the players. He knows where the bodies are. He knows who everything is okay. So he's going to expose and that says very scripturally right? It says the light exposes the deals done in darkness right? And so the truth. If he brings forth the truth he's going to expose these people so they can't let him they can't make his life easy. They're going to come in guns ablazing I do expect lived war. So in other words when I say destruction possibly a short lived war in early February. Why? Because it's destruction destruction. They're going to do all of this and then it's going to go to the point of fulfilling Amanda Amanda's prophecy which will play in a little bit but Amanda Grace prophecy was specifically if the pharaohs of this world want a demonstration of my power, a demonstration they shall receive. So this takes us into the most important month and then you can go from here. The most important month of this coming year is the month of April. The most important month of this coming year is the month of April and that would tie in with Amanda's prophecy. If the pharaohs of this world want a the demonstration they shall receive. My first strike, the strike of God comes in the month of April because we're this is all about and I'll finish here. The restoring of the covenant, the founding fathers made with God. God's going to restore the covenant and it's interesting that the Star of Jacob when you run 40 weeks it's exactly the 4th of July 2025, meaning God will restore the covenant and this 4th of July ends up being the worldwide celebrations we're waiting for but until then it's chaos especially the first three four months into April because Amanda basically this is going to be playing into Amanda's prophecy she had three years ago in reference directly what she said on stage in in I think it's Canton or or Ohio in reference to what happens in April. Go ahead. Alright well let me just interject real quick. This is kind of what I'm hearing through the back channels and stuff like that through guests that I've had on my show that you know if if they don't try to delay or interrupt the inauguration definitely once Trump gets in there it's going to they're going to make his presidency a living hell is what they plan to do so that adds up to me. That adds up and I think most people common sense that adds up to everybody. But Amanda go ahead take it from here. Okay I'm going to point a few things out. Bo if you could put that chart back up you just put up for a minute. I'm going to point something out that I just saw that I I believe that with the baby, the chart with the with the baby on it, the rebirth. Just for a moment. So, I can point something out. Okay. So, from the eclipse, the full eclipse that happened to the inauguration is 40 weeks and 6 days, correct? Exactly. Okay. So, 46 in a way. If you look at it that way, 46. Why 46? Because it was the 46th presidency. [ interesting... ] The Lord is there's a statement being made here from the time of the eclipse the inauguration about 46 and what happened with 46 and that 46 is being rectified right and corrected through this although the Lord allowed it this is a rectification that is coming now I will read to you this is from December 20th, 2024 word from the Lord I'll read the it's a short excerpt, it's only a paragraph and it says now the last time the Lord said this to me was four years ago it was two weeks before January 6th happened and he said something very similar to me and so and I had put it out but this again the Lord has come around and he's saying something similar and he said a bang in January says the Lord a bang in January around that time says the Lord they plot for blood at this time says the Lord however for such you shall ripped from your seats of influence in the bureaus and the intelligence agencies and the Pentagon says the Lord for you have been allured with the aroma of another 9-11 to turn the nation you you have been allured with delicate dainties that are deceit says the Lord capitals it is a deception and I shall uncover you says the Lord your plots your deceptions you're working with nations involved in war to turn America on a chain where you want it to go you foul perverse leaders; you foul perverse agencies. I shall turn you says the Lord. Another another Strzok and Page says the Lord. Sound the alarm. So that was from December 20th 2024. This word I put out. So this is a very recent one. That has just come out. So keep that in mind as well. And oh yeah say what you're going to say Nino. So you both agree. We're going to come into some massive turbulence. And I think it's kind of logical. Anybody watching this. Well yeah I mean obviously they don't want him in office. They're going to do whatever they can to make this the most big the biggest disaster they can for him. Especially when it comes to mass deportations and things like that. Now I'm on the border. I live El Paso's border Ciudad Juárez. I hear things and I know a lot of ICE agents and I know a lot of border patrol and I'm hearing that we can bank bank on some kind of civil unrest coming. Now I don't know if that's going to if that's just going to be in the borderland region. I assume that it's going to be in every city because the cartels control everything now. They're not going to just walk away. The cartels don't do that. I live through the border the this the the Juárez territory wars in 2003 to 2013 and it became a ghost town. They were shooting up everything. It was and and I would imagine that's going to happen. Again, they don't care about civilians. They they don't care about anything like that. So, I would imagine there's going to be mass shootings. There's going to be some kind of a terrorist attacks. You know, whatever you want to call it. I don't I I I don't have a a crystal ball and I'm not a prophetic but I I can say that from what I'm here and what I know and through experience, we should be we it's only smart for us to keep our eyes and ears open and understand this can get really out of hand fast. I would imagine Trump will use a military and they'll take care of it quickly. I believe they'll take care of it quickly but I think it's going to get out of hand first for a couple weeks and maybe a few months. I'm not sure but I know it'll be handled. You guys agree with that? Absolutely! Maybe I think we'll go to Amanda in just a second but this is the some of the prophecies that I've heard over the years and specifically was there's going to be immediate large civil unrest and this is interesting because you're asking will Trump get in office. Well, Trump is going to declare martial law. In order to declare martial law means he's gotta be in office, right? So he's going to do. This is "Fluff Tube". We gotta say allegedly with. Allegedly. So allegedly. So so allegedly he's going to be in office. Allegedly is going to be martial law. Allegedly all these things are going to happen. Okay but that is the prophecy and so in other words when all this goes down it's short lived because it all comes to a head very quickly. He squashes it very quickly. But this is going to tie in with these the month of the year. So the from the 20th onwards into April. So if there is a window of time that you want to look at from the twentieth Into April and why? Because April is Passover. Okay so Passover's probably the most critical time point in human history when you go back and study scriptures. All these in biblical biblical things happen in the month of April. And it I find it fascinating how it ties in directly with the prophecy that Amanda Grace stated several years and I was watching her on stage and what she said you know the the Holy Spirit comes upon her and speaks and and Amanda was speaking and God is speaking right through Amanda. We'll play the prophecy in just a few minutes. But before I play that I want to play prophecy of Kim Clement and this will help answer your question actually before I play the video Amanda could you be so kind and describe the spirit of Pythos and and how it and what it's doing to the United States and then I will play the prophecy about the spirit of Pythos by Kim Clement but I think it'd be great if you can give us a little introduction we did a two part teaching on this that is on our our web site but the spirit of Pythos is a serpent-like spirit. It is a seducing spirit and it is a constricting spirit, right? So, what it looks to do is it looks to allure and then it looks to basically wrap around like a snake would and start to constrict and squeeze everything out of somebody's life or a nation's life and put. Is this a a woman energy, a female energy? Very funny, Nino. Say it. Very So but it does look to allure, right? And constrict. And so it's it's not only highly destructive but it will you know it will suffocate governments. It will it will suffocate people. It will you know in the realm of the spirit when it's let in through because the enemy allures you to enslave you. Almighty God allures you to deliver you and set you free. And so basically when it has when it is able to get close enough to its prey kind of like a snake does, right? It comes in silent almost. It comes in in a way, right? That almost seems undetected but then it begins to coil and constrict and wrap around in order to suffocate and in order to kill off things that this pythos would consider an enemy would consider things from God would consider people that are anointed like Samson, right? With Delilah, right? That was sort of like a Pythos right-seducing spirit operating at work through Delilah and what happened from there. So, Kim Clement has had multiple prophecies about the spirit of Pythos and how it operates and so I I have a feeling I I I have a good idea what what Bo's going to play here. Right and also I I made some edits to the video and I kind of I tied it in with the year 2025. So everybody pay attention. You want time windows. Let's start with this video and then we'll get into Amanda's video and we'll be able to put all the time windows together in reference to scriptural time points as well. So here we go and enjoy. I saw a python. And God said between the 70 and 100 days it shall begin it the stangulation and the destruction of this will begin and it is going crazy. It is manifesting throughout America because it is dying. Now you may not understand spiritual warfare and Diablo and Satan Satan and demons and darkness but it waits for an attraction. It waits for an invitation and as I've said there's been great division. But also it was spoken of that beginning January 21st, there would be a period in between 70 and 100 days the spirit of Pythos will be destroyed if the people act accordingly this spirit is doing its utmost to destroy as many states as possible make its mark. It'll be leaving. I wore this purposefully. It's the gold. He spoke to me about watching the gold, as a sign. Some of you have said where is the God of Elijah? Some ofyou have cried Some of you have said, why do I feel that I cannot breathe feel like dying he said but only like where is the God Samuel giving you the peace says the Lord to unlock the treasure to everybody listen what is inside treasure of the Lord listen now resurrection. And miracles like you can even even self So I just wanted to point that out. It was interesting. He referenced from January 21st onwards. What a coincidence that literally that's the day after the inauguration. What are the chances of that that he references that date like 15 years ago and then 60, a 90 to 60 to 100 days or that he references specifically what are the chances what he referenced? I think what does he say he said it was I'm sorry it was a 70 to 100 days ends up being specifically in the time window of April and April is probably the most important time point in biblical history and I if I can maybe make I don't know if I can find that chart there but basically that was a the death of Jesus they killed Jesus on the cross and he rose on the third day that was the Gideon's 300. That was the time point that they threw Daniel in the lion's den. Like you can just go on and on and on about all the things that happened in April and then suddenly. And then suddenly miracles like you've never never ever seen and so again we need a miracle because without a miracle Trump's got the glory and I love to hear Amanda's take on this because right now with the Trump's victory see everyone's looking at Trump to fix America okay but it's not Trump it's gotta be God so the Trump the glory's gotta be ripped from Trump it's gotta get to the point where Trump everyone can has gotta realize Trump can't fix this the problem so big and so great that Trump can't fix this and like at the Red Sea was only one option. It wasn't Moses. Moses wasn't going to stop Pharaoh and his army. God had to show up and show off and then that created the greatest time point in human history. We're stepping into something greater than that. Take it away Amanda. No it's going it has to be as the people have to have the perspective that you know almighty God is the one that has to lead to fix this, right? That Trump and his intellectuals that he has around him. I will tell you something about intellectuals. They will gaslight a situation like nobody's business. Because you can't give an intellectual answer to something at the root that is a moral and spiritual and ethical issue, right? So, that is the that is another thing within the first three months, the Lord is going to sift the administration. He's going to sift it. He's going to sift the appointments. He is because this is this is an appointed time in history and I will tell you that what happened with this election in the realm of the spirit triggered a changing of the guard that has gone into the earth. It is and it is triggered a changing of the guard in the church because the church and the political are running parallel right now what's happening in the political you see happening in the church what you see happening in the church you see happening in the political they're running parallel right now and if you look at what the allies are going through of America look at what just happened right in what is it is it it's South Korea look what just happened in South Korea right a martial law you know a a you know a parliament or a cabinet or however they have it there that was purposely at a stalemate and was preventing the incoming president from doing what he needed to do and martial law was declared and the people rose up and you're watching these things happen within this window of a very biblical election that has just happened in this nation and this is an appointed time and this is not a normal you know I'll say a normal four years like like we would expect perhaps with other presidencies because you can't look at it in the same technical way that you would look at other years. What do I mean by that? I'll give you a perfect example. When United States was in the Cold War and the Olympics were happening and no one had ever beaten the Russian hockey team. No one had ever beaten them and this coach gets appointed in for the US hockey team to put together a team to try to beat the Russians, right? They called it miracle. They said it was a miracle that they beat them. Why? Because he didn't look at this the way others would have looked at it. He did not take the absolute best goalie, the absolute best lineman, the absolute he looked for qualities in players that he chose that would actually be for that time in that season to work together right in conjunction with each other to produce the result he wanted because he knew it wasn't going to be the best in every position that was going to beat the Russians that he had to look at this in a different way because they were in an appointed time in a window there and the coach recognized that and so he went about it unconventionally picking a team in order to accomplish that amazing feat, right? That's what we need right now. That's what we need with the appointments. That's what we need within the government right now. You don't need the ones that look the best on paper and are incredibly broken individuals, right? On the inside filled with darkness. You need the ones that have specific qualities that God has searched for and that Donald Trump should be searching for with his transition team right now in order to come together to accomplish something incredible in these next four years. God has given a window, right? We've entered the year 5785 on the Jewish calendar in September. No, it was October this year. Came late. It was October this year. We entered 5785. The year is flanked by fives. 5 means hey, behold but it also means grace, right? Double grace. A window of grace and opportunity, right? Seven means Zain in Hebrew. It's a letter it's a letter it can mean crown but many times it means sword and chet is eight it means life right so a year flanked by grace which could either bring the sword or life it's our choice you see because God has given us a window to do this so we have to understand that that God and his graciousness has given a window and now we as the people have to come together and the Trump administration has to look at this very different than you say you would look at 2016 so this this presidency right now is going to be a grace period for for humanity basically. We either get this right or we don't basically. Yes. Right? Am I is that what we're agreeing on here? Well like I've always said you know we we live in we live in not political times. We live in biblical times okay? And so we're watching you know the scripture you read revelation. It talks about seals of revelation. Seals open. And there's one after another. There's seven of them. There's all these things that have to happen. So my point I've always said you can stop what's coming this is a battle for souls and the bottom line is at the end of all this it's which side of the fence are you sitting on are you on team Jesus or did you choose evil because Satan wants your soul that's the bottom line it's always been a battle for souls and so that's what we're seeing manifest right now and it's so obvious it's so obvious what we're seeing happen right now and and again but there's there's this thing so Jesus was born okay we're in the time of Christmas right now holy season Hanukkah's right now and the the exciting part of all of this which I want to kind of bring to light here is would before a king is born you get a sign specifically you get a star okay and why I want to make reference to this is because I think everyone will understand this is pretty simple to understand when Jesus was born we had what we had this we had a star form the star of Bethlehem we've been saying this all last week okay so the star of Bethlehem was prophesied and actually if you read for more Matthew talks about about the star of Bethlehem is a foreshadowing of the Star of Jacob. I'm going to repeat that. The star of the star of Bethlehem which prophesied the birth of the King. The Alpha the Omega. King Jesus. Okay. Matthew actually stated that that star is a foreshadowing for the coming Star of Jacob. So the Star of Jacob manifested on September 27th 2024. And then we read Jeremiah 30 it says that the Star of Jacob will manifest in Jeremiah 30 when man say they can bear children. Come on that's that's just that's insanity because it's happening right now. So we're so the Star of Jacob manifest and this is the cool part now when you start looking at the time windows on all this is how this playing out because if you ask Amanda she'll tell you very clearly between the birth of John the Baptist And Jesus John the Baptist is 6 months older. Mhm. Than Jesus. Guess the time window between the eclipse and the Star of Jacob. 6 months. So what's about to happen? Everybody can kind of just listen to this closely and then maybe Amanda I want to get Amanda's opinion on this. But John the Baptist preach preached one specific thing. He did a lot of things. But the specific word was repentance. He baptized People and you know he prophesied about you know but but but the coming of Messiah but specifically he preached repentance. And when you read second Chronicles if my children who are called by my name humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways then we will hear from heaven. God will forgive our sins and heal our land. And so God's going to heal our land. He's going to restore the covenant by the founding others. If you understand the time window I've shown you it's a 248 year cycle. God showed me how to do the math on this. 7 cycles of 248 takes you to 1736. If you count backwards 1260 years you get the fall of Rome. To the exact year. 1736 you walk in the wilderness for 40 years is what's what we did. And to the exact year 1776 -*boom*- Declaration of Independence. 248 years was August 4th, 2024 but this the thing. The 248th year doesn't end until the 3rd of July 2025. So God's going to restore the covenant this 4th of July is when all of this comes to a head but in order before the covenant is restored you got the 6 months of what? Repentance. So you get the destruction war chaos military stuff going on. Craziness going on and then earthquakes and then you've got and then you got Amanda's prophecy about April. You got you got the critical time Point of April with all these biblical things that went off in April if it's Nisan 15 and then that would lead us into the rebirth of America and that would tie in specifically about repentance. So the United States and the world is going to be let me tell you repenting like you can't ever see before. We've never seen before because we went evil. We we were killing the creator's creation. It's been nothing but evil and evil and evil in this world for 50 years... plus. And so now we gotta repent and then after repentance that six months window between this is crazy because from the eclipse to the Star of Jacob it's six months literally exactly like what we saw with John the Baptist and the birth and so what's what's going to be birth I guess let me finish it what is birth on the 4th of July it's a rebirth of America it's the rebirth of America rebirth year long celebration Yeah it's it's it's and then and then Kim Clement further said it you know then you're going to take 2 years to clean all this up and then that steps us into the I stand at Kim Clement. I stand in the year 2027 beyond the veil of limitations. Amanda you agree with this? I mean are you on board with this? You think we got about a six month window of time of just chaos and let's put it this way. If they're strategically going to try to derail an administration they're probably going to try within the first six months to do something like that. Because if they let him get too much ahead right and they say oh let's try after the first year he might have so much going already you know it's going to be more difficult so when is the best time to go after an incoming president when they first come in office right when they haven't been able to write all the executive orders when they haven't been able maybe to to go to congress with so many bills when they haven't been able maybe to get as much done with the border as they want to at that point you know because they have a plan for this right over a block of time so that is the time normally that if they're going to try to sabotage it's at the beginning to try to derail and throw the entire presidency. This this ties in with God's gotta intervene. And then we can wrap it up on this one here. This is Amanda right here. And you shall see says the Lord thy God this day. You shall see the first major strike come in the month of April. You shall see another soon follow after that. And says the Lord thy God this day I am raising up opposition in their own party to oppose them. In their own party. Their own making. Their own monster. I am raising up says the Lord thy God in this hour to oppose them. And there shall be says the Lord very public sqabbling, not only within parties here but around the world and says the Lord thy God this day there shall be a foe that is coming in your nation there shall be a judgement that is already been handed down from my throne and you will see a tumbling and a breaking up of what was woven behind the walls of the White House what was woven behind the walls of federal buildings in Washington DC what was woven in facilities in the Midwest says the Lord what was birthed there what was woven in California and says the Lord thy God this day the line and the chain that they have woven I the Lord by force am set to break and those chain shall not only break when they shall disintegrate says the Lord thy God this day they shall disintegrate and says the Lord thy God this day you will see in this nation and around the world unusual events that defy science that defy nature that defy what leaders say and they're even going to be described as unusual events these things never happen because I the Lord thy God in this hour demonstrating my might I am putting on a demonstration if Pharaoh wants a demonstration a demonstration he will receive. In this hour says the Lord thy God, if the pharaohs of this world want a demonstration if they want to stiffen their necks and dig in their heels, then I the Lord thy God shall put on a demonstration in this hour that is going to contain uncanny events that will baffle science, events that will baffle the government. Events that will baffle the people. Events that are going to baffle the wicked because I am frustrating their cords in this hour. I am breaking their cords. I am frustrating them. I am tying them up with it and I am removing them says the Lord thy God this day. And hold fast my children. Stand in faith. Put your trust in me not a man. It is not a man that is going to save you, O America. It is not! It is I the Lord your God who has the outstretched arm to save you. Put your trust in me. Put your hope in me. Praise me and speak in faith in this hour and I promise you says the Lord thy God this day. You will see physical walls come crashing down as a testimony to what's been spoken today thus said the Lord of hosts in Jesus name. Alright I better get off before they throw me out of here. I really appreciate you guys coming on. Bo where do people find you? Our website gold2020forecast.com. Amanda. I'm Ark with a "K" - ArkofGrace.org. Beautiful. Thank you both for coming on. I appreciate you so much. And I better get going. Happy New Year guys. Happy New Year everybody. God bless!

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