Pray Specific Prayers

1 month ago

When we pray specific prayers, God gives specific answers.

Sometimes it feels easier to pray generally over things in a vague way because we're afraid God won't answer in the way we want, or we don't know if He can do everything we need.
🙏 Please know that it's okay to wonder about these things, and it's not a sign that you don't have enough faith to earn the answer you desire. Our own faith and prayers will not manipulate God into doing what we ask.

When we pray very detailed prayers, we are inviting God to work in specific ways that leave no room for us to wonder about the answer. When He does provide for us exactly what we prayed, we must give Him the credit. Similarly, when He witholds from us certain things we pray for, we must find peace in knowing that His plans are not our plans.

God is able to do anything, and nothing is too big or too small to bring to His throne. We should come to Him with every request, need, hurt, and thanks we have. This coming week, try it. Bring God all the details, lay them in His hands and let Him work in your life.

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