Part-2 Midsection & Mobility

1 month ago

20250206 Day 1033 Part-2

Post-Conditioning Midsection & Mobility

Targeted Rolling (High Hamstring, Hip Flexors)

Mobility Flow

1+ Minute/Side Birddogs/Quadruplex

120x Toes to Bar (10x12)

100x Ab-Wheel Rollout (5x20)

Link to My “1st Company” Discord Server 👇🏾👇🏾
Want to know how I stay lean after 40!? I explain my “Blueprint” in the link 🔗 below 👇🏾
Trouble losing “stubborn fat!?” Here’s the NO-BS, NO TRICKS way to make that happen!! Link 🔗 below 👇🏾
Wondering how often to eat in order to build muscle? Find out with this link 🔗 below 👇🏾
Interested in MY story?! If you enjoy War Stories Watch my video 🔗👇🏾👇🏾
People are counting on you so take care of yourself 🤙🏿
Stay in the fight🇺🇸🇰🇪
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