Words Show Us the State of Our Hearts and Minds – a ‘Daily Inspiration’ meet up

4 days ago

Today we discuss our daily inspirational message for February 2: Words Show Us the State of Our Hearts and Minds, a weekly zoom call. You can review a written version below.

Please join us next time for our weekly group discussions based upon James Blanchard Cisneros 'Daily Inspirations.'
Subjects Discussed:
1 - Those who are healed do not hurt others. Only those who are and feel hurt, hurt others.
2 - Our words show us our internal condition and conditioning.
3 - When your words are loving in nature, the truth in you is in control of your thoughts and mind.
4 - When your words are unloving in nature, the ego's past programs are in control of your thoughts and mind.
5 - Words show you if you are supporting the path to heaven or hell, the heavenly or hellish mindset.
6 - When we are using loving words we feel fulfilled because we are doing what God created us to do.
7 - When we are using unloving words we always feel unfulfilled, regretful, sad.
8 - Recall the ego answer first and loudest, but that always leads you away from peace of mind and joy.
9 - Catch yourself when you are using the ego's judgment-centric tools, don't punish yourself for this, catch yourself.
10 - Learn to correct your thoughts before they turn into words.
11 - All your loving thoughts, they come from God, and so when you are using loving thoughts, you represent God on Earth.
12 - All unloving thoughts come from the ego, not from the truth in you.
13 - Learn to use judgmental words to show you that you are somewhere within your hart and mind where you do not belong.
14 - Learn to use even the bad, unloving words, to show you what you do not want, and thus you use it for good.
15 - Practice doing the opposite of what the ego's judgment-centric fear-based demands.
16 - Learn to reinterpret ego words as a call for help and healing.
17 - Answer the ego's words, not with condemnation as the ego recommends, but with compassion.
18 - When you blame the outer world you give your power away to it which then makes you feel powerless and anxious.
19 - Start to notice when the ego or the truth in you is in control of your thoughts.
20 - You control your thoughts, your thoughts should not be controlling you.
21 - The correction is not in the outer world, it is within your mind.
22 - When the ego controls your thoughts/words, confusion, chaos, conflict result.
23 - You are ultimately responsible for creating your own heaven or hell on Earth.
24 - If it cost you your peace the price is too high.
25 - Learn the act of being silent, compassionate listening, listening without judgment, provides a safe place.
26 - When people trigger you, learn to thank them silently for helping you bring these triggers out into the physical form so that it can be heal.
27 - Use the moment of silence, to consciously unite with God, Love, and offer only love to others.
28 - God has gifted you free will, so no one other then you can deliver heaven or hell to you, by how you are defining other peoples words and actions.
29 - Listen to the expression of love the moment and those in it are requesting , then be only that.
30 - Less judgment of others says to you that you are trusting God more.
31 - After all is said and done, remember, God, Perfect Love is in control. Trust God and fine peace.
32 - Walking away is also a useful tool to help you get a little space/time to realign with Love.
33 - God has co-design with your brother and sister a prefect journey for them. When you judge them, you unconsciously judge God as wrong and incompetent.
34 - Practice placing peoples life in God's hands. This will bring you peace, and help you become a beacon of peace for others.

Daily Inspiration: February 2. Words Show Us the State of Our Hearts and Minds – Condensed Version

People who are fully healed do not use hurtful words. Only those who are themselves hurt, hurt others. Words, as verbal manifestations of thoughts, show us where we are within our hearts and minds. Today, let us pay special attention to the words we use, and allow them to show us our internal condition. Let us pay close attention to how our words are always guiding us to a world of pain or a place of peace. Today, let us allow our words to lead us in leaving the world of anger, sorrow, resentment and regret behind. By doing so, we behold a world where the peace and joy of God reside. The more conscious we become of our words, the more responsibility we will take for them. Thus, the more control we will have in our own growth, healing and awakening process.

Today, let our goal be to align our words with our all-loving Source. Through our words, today we represent God, Love, on Earth. When our words are aligned with love or any of its expressions, such as kindness, peace, joy and hope, let us feel fulfilled knowing we are doing what we were created to do. If our words are out of alignment with love, let us not judge ourself or others. Instead, let us use the opportunity as a sign that shows us where along our path we need to correct our thinking. Having used even our unaligned words to assist us on our journey, let us now offer them our gratitude for their service to us...

We are delighted to be holding weekly Zoom calls with James, the author of the Daily Inspiration messages and the book You Have Chosen to Remember. During each video call, James elaborates on a Daily Inspiration message from the previous week. There is also time for participants to ask questions and discuss the Daily Inspiration topics from the week before. The weekly Zoom calls with James are on Mondays at 7pm est.
We hope you will join us for this special opportunity to connect with James and other like-minded people.
When: Mondays
Time: 7pm est
Cost: Free
Registration is required. Please click here to sign up for this weeks zoom call. https://www.chosentoremember.com/zoom-with-james/#signup
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