Let me not forget my function (forgiveness) - lesson 64 - A Course In Miracles

9 days ago

Let me not forget my function (forgiveness) - lesson 64 - a Weekly Zoom Call with James for Students of “A Course in Miracles.” Please review a written copy of today's material below and join us next time for our weekly group discussions. Click here to sign up for this weeks zoom call https://www.chosentoremember.com/acim-zooms/
Subjects Discussed:
1 - "Temptation" is anything that chains you to the ego's mindset and world.
2 - "Salvation" is found through the act of forgiveness.
3 - Forgiveness is a doorway from temptation to salvation.
4 - We are all One, if you forgive a brother you free and save both of you.
5 - The ego uses separation, how the ego's looks at bodies as separate to try to convince you you can judge a brother and not hurt yourself.
6 - "What you do to the least of them you do to me"
7 - Become the expression of Love the moment is requesting and you guide yourself and others to salvation.
8 - The body's sight vs the vision of Christ. What the ego uses to hurt the Holy Spirit uses to heal.
9 - Look through the ego's lens and you will "fall into temptation"
10 - Look at this world through the vision of Christ and you will lead others to salvation.
11 - "The old is made new and the new is made holy".
12 - Everything the ego uses to chain you to its world, through forgiveness, can break the chains and set you free from it.
13 - We are never upset for the reason we think. Why you are upset is not because of something "out there" but because of your programming.
14 - We are "triggered" only when the ego is thinking for us.
15 - If we are using our vision we don't get triggered.
16 - Your function is to be the loving light of the world, today its through the act of forgiveness.
17 - You only feel fulfilled when you are doing what God created you to do.
18 - The worlds salvation awaits your forgiveness.
19 - Everyone's function is salvation, to bring light into the darkness.
20 - The ego's arrogance says that you are something God did not create.
21 - Perfection created you thus you are perfect exactly the way you are.
22 - Being Perfection's creation you need not add to or subtract from who God created.
23 - All sense of unworthiness comes from the ego's past programming.
24 - When things come up for healing it is because God knows you are ready to deal with it, thus pat yourself on the back for this.
25 - Surrendor is not weakness it is strength.
26 - Making your wounds a holy place. Using guilt, shame, feeling dirty to bring/become a light into the darkness.
27 - Don't condemn yourself for feeling your feelings.
28 - There is a Divine revealing, everything will be sent to us when we are ready to deal with it.
29 - Trust your ego's plan for the universe, which will bring about conflict and pain or trust in God's plan for your life and have peace.
30 - God's will for you and your highest will for yourself are one.
31 - Surrendering to God's will joins you with the all-powerful.
32 - Fulfilling your function makes you happy. At one with the mind of God.
33 - Not fulfilling your function makes you unhappy cause you are out of alignment with the mind of God.
34 - Being who God created you to be in your own unique way fulfills your function.
35 - Forgive and be happy.
36 - Be happy by choosing not to substitute God's plan with your ego's plan.
37 - Your function is to save the world and you do so through forgiveness.
38 - From a heal mind comes a heal perception and perspective of the world.

Lesson 64. Let me not forget my function.

1. Today’s idea is merely another way of saying “Let me not wander into temptation.” ²The purpose of the world you see is to obscure your function of forgiveness, and provide you with a justification for forgetting it. ³It is the temptation to abandon God and His Son by taking on a physical appearance. ⁴It is this the body’s eyes look upon.

2. Nothing the body’s eyes seem to see can be anything but a form of temptation, since this was the purpose of the body itself. ²Yet we have learned that the Holy Spirit has another use for all the illusions you have made, and therefore He sees another purpose in them. ³To the Holy Spirit, the world is a place where you learn to forgive yourself what you think of as your sins. ⁴In this perception, the physical appearance of temptation becomes the spiritual recognition of salvation.

3. To review our last few lessons, your function here is to be the light of the world, a function given you by God. ²It is only the arrogance of the ego that leads you to question this, and only the fear of the ego that induces you to regard yourself as unworthy of the task assigned to you by God Himself. ³The world’s salvation awaits your forgiveness, because through it does the Son of God escape from all illusions, and thus from all temptation. ⁴The Son of God is you.

4. Only by fulfilling the function given you by God will you be happy. ²That is because your function is to be happy by using the means by which happiness becomes inevitable. ³There is no other way. ⁴Therefore, every time you choose whether or not to fulfill your function, you are really choosing whether or not to be happy.

When: Wednesdays (beginning June 5)
Time: 7pm est
Cost: Free
Registration is required. Please click here to sign up for this weeks zoom call. https://www.chosentoremember.com/acim-zooms/

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