What Never Happens Happened AGAIN: CT State Worker BUSTED Changing Voter Registrations To Help Dems

1 month ago

Posted • February 4, 2025: If you ask a Leftist, he will tell you voter fraud isn't a thing. Elections are always above board, and questioning the outcomes of elections is tantamount to treason (until a Republican wins, that is). But they'll continue to swear up and down stuff like this doesn't happen when it benefits the Democrat Party: ‼️ Connecticut Election Fraud ‼️ Arlanda Brantley — who is a state employee w/ the Department of Mental Health and Addiction Services — has been charged w/ fraudulent voter registration. It is alleged that Brantley registered voters during an event at the Western Connecticut Mental Health Network on September 17th, 2024 — National Voter Registration Day. Afterwards, she reportedly altered voter party affiliation from “No” or “Republican” to “Democrat” (w/o consent from the voters). While inspecting the voter registration cards, the Torrington, CT, clerk determined they had been altered & notified the police.

Do democrats still believe that election & voter fraud don’t exist? ▪️ How many other healthcare workers are potentially taking advantage of the infirmed for political reasons? ▪️ This story underscores the importance of having diligent & trustworthy clerks (so, I encourage voters to apply for jobs by searching for “election” in your states @ indeed dot com) ▪️ Please check your voter registration status often to ensure you’re registered at your current address & w/ the correct political party. -- Don't hold your breath on getting answers to that question. This is exactly why voter ID laws are necessary, to prevent fraudulent activities like this from happening. We need tighter election security laws, including Voter ID. (…)

• More at: Twitchy - Thing That Never Happens Happened AGAIN: CT State Worker BUSTED Changing Voter Registrations to Help Dems

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