Bill Maher Is Back With Some More Election Advice Democrats Will Ignore (And We're FINE With That!)

9 hours ago

Posted • March 9, 2025: We're back with another six minutes of straight TRUTH about what Democrats need to do -- or stop doing -- if they want to win elections again. It's up to Democrats whether or not they'll listen and heed Maher's advice. They haven't so far, but maybe a few more election cycle defeats will change their tune. —— Bill Maher @billmaher: “Democrats, if you ever want to win an election again, the absolute most important first step is to stop doing this.” —— He's absolutely correct. The party of “norms and democracy” somehow forgot that democracy requires persuading people, not shaming them. The more they push guilt over greatness, the more voters they’ll keep losing. Democrats do this because they can't persuade people. Their views on everything from the environment to gender are so out-of-touch with the average American they have to guilt and shame people into compliance. (…)

• More at: Twitchy - Bill Maher Is Back With Some More Election Advice Democrats Will Ignore (and We're FINE With That!)

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