Moon Movements: Aquarius New Moon Yoga | Go inwards and create space

6 days ago

Hi friends, the moon moves into the astrological sign of Aquarius on January 29th, 2025 (but check your local time). If you're into all things astro, then know that this new moon, as will all new moons, is a wonderful time to set intentions for anything that you would like to grow (figuratively or literally) in the month ahead. The zodiac sign of Aquarius is representative of community or "the greater good" but also authenticity and how we embody that as individuals in order to give back to community and attract community. If astrology isn't your thing and you're just looking for some R&R, then rest assured (no pun intended) that this short yoga flow will stretch your hips, the backs of your legs, your neck and chest, and leave you feeling a bit more calm and connected to yourself. Keep in mind that you can do this 10 minute gentle yoga practice and the new moon journal prompts whenever you feel called to. While it's believed that the new moon "energy" begins a few days before and sticks around for a few days after, you can do this any time you want.

New Moon Card Pull:
Kundalini primordial cosmic energy; serpent power (UPRIGHT)

“Kundalini is rising. The serpent like energy that exists in the base of your spine. The muladhara chakra has a woken. You may have noticed that you feel more spiritually aware than ever before. You are more sensitive to energies and quickly manifesting your thoughts. Your psychic abilities are rising, and you feel the flow of energy that vibrates in your every being. Your heart is full of a deep compassion and desire to serve others, and you have a keen awareness of your purpose. This is kundalini rising. Stay grounded in this process - connect to nature, exercise, journal, practice yoga. Through grounding, you’ll be able to experience a beautiful and blissful kundalini awakening that takes you exactly where you are meant to be.”
(Card deck is A Yogic Path by @SaharaRose )

New Moon Journal Prompts:
❀ Where are you holding back/dimming your light to fit in and how can you embrace instead of repress this?
❀ What comes easy/effortlessly to you and how can you use this skills/traits to uplift those around you/in your community?

Sending you lots of love in the month ahead! If you liked this video, connect with me over on Instagram @simplywithalexisnewman /

Wishing you all of the best, Alexis ❀❀❀

#newmoon #feminineyoga #softyoga #slowflowyoga

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