DNC Stops Their Elections Because There Hasn’t Been a ‘Non-Binary’ Person Elected

9 days ago

HARRISON: “Rules specify that when we have a gender non-binary candidate or officer, the non-binary individual is counted as neither male nor female, and the remaining six officers must be gender-balanced. With the results of the previous four elections, our elected officers are currently two male and two female. In order to be gender-balanced, we must — we must select one male, one female and one person of any gender. So, again, this is what we have to do for this vice chair race. We have to let one male, one female and one person of any gender. To ensure our process accounts for male, female and non-binary candidates, we conferred with our RBC co-chair, our LGBT co-chair and others to ensure that the process is inclusive and meets the gender balance requirements in our rules. To do this, our process will be slightly different than the one outlined to you earlier this week. But I hope you will see that in practice it is simple and transparent. The order of balloting is designed to ensure equal access to the ballot, regardless of gender identity. As we must elect a candidate of any gender, as well as one male and one female vice chair, we will first ask members to elect a candidate of any gender on the first ballot. Any candidate, male, female and non-binary, can be elected on that ballot. After a candidate is elected on the first ballot, we’ll have one officer of the three, so then we will know which position is filled of the one male, one female and one vice chair of any gender. Our second ballot would also be for a candidate of any gender. Then our third ballot will be the third position that is remaining based on the two results, either a male candidate if a candidate that is not male has not been elected, or a female candidate if a female has not been elected.”

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