Episode 552: How do I get rid of my sin and receive God's glory? Part 1

8 hours ago

Hello everyone. In this morning's bible study we provide detail on the two things God states is every human's problem.

Romans 3:23
for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God,

God reveals to us that all humans have the exact same problem. No, it is not your behavior. No, it is not that you don't read the Bible. No, it has nothing to do with church attendance or what religion your are associated with.

It has nothing to do with your race, creed, ethnicity, where you live, family origins, or any of that stuff.

According to God all of us are:
1. Conceived in sin - we have a sin nature, it is who we are not what we do.
2. Fall short of God's glory - we are not equal with God's perfection in holiness and righteousness. Which is the standard and requirements to enter heaven.

Are you a nice person? Yes, well God declares you are a sinner.
Are you a kind person? Yes. Well God declares you are a sinner.
Are you a murderer? Yes. Well God declares you are a sinner.
Are you a liar? Yes. Well God declares you are a sinner.
Are you a sincere religious person who is extremely moral? Yes. Well God declares you are a sinner.

You name what you are, God says add sinner onto the back of it!

Now here is the most important two questions you will answer during your life span here on this earth.

If God declares that in order to get into heaven, you must get rid of your sins, how are you going to get rid of your sins?

From where will you get perfection in glory and righteousness equal with God's?

The LORD God provides the answer for you.

Today's study is 29 minutes in duration. It is titled How do I get rid of my sin and receive God's glory? Part 1

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