Darin Gaub: Rare Black Box Found on Potomac Blackhawk Is ‘Very Good News’

1 month ago

Scott: “So most Blackhawks it’s my understanding do not have black boxes. But you have an update on that regarding this particular machine. Can you tell us about that?”
GAUB: “Yes, Jon, I have been on the show, a few shows on Fox and a few other networks over the last 36 and 48 hours. Through my 22 years of flying Blackhawks, you simply did not have the black box the cockpit voice recorders, and data that most people would expect to see like on a commercial airline. As I’ve dug into this even more and talked to a direct source with knowledge in another unit and eventually this tail number, this is one of the rare Blackhawks that does have black box capability that needs to be exploited. This is a good news story, we’re lucky to have that part of it to be able to see it can be exploited, get us information that would help answer some of those hard questions, the altitude and by the way also the communications between air traffic control and the black box or the Blackhawk and trying to sort out was there may be a communication challenge between the two? That remains to be seen but the fact that this box exist on this aircraft now that is been discovered is very good news.”

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