Miles O’Brien: NTSB Is ‘Trying to Carve Out Some Autonomy’ for the Potomac Collision Probe

1 month ago

SCIUTTO: “And one note, Miles, if I could begin with you, that stuck out to me from that NTSB briefing there, was he made the point that off-the-shelf equipment is not as accurate as all the many tools investigators will have here, including from the flight data and voice recorders. I think deliberately, as an injection of caution. Right. As folks rush to conclusions about what exactly led to this crash.”
O’BRIEN: “Yeah, Jim. I say this with some hesitation because I spend a lot of my time talking about possible causes of crashes, and I‘m cognizant very much of that idea of delving into the world of deep speculation. But what is obvious out there these days is there are an awful lot of armchair experts in the aviation world and on the periphery of it who are coming to conclusions based on information they can glean from open sources so to speak. And so the NTSB has to deal with that and couple that with a president of the United States who‘s decided he‘s an accident investigator as well. I think they‘re trying to carve out some autonomy for the investigation.”

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