With Rabbi Pesach Wolicki, Robert Spencer & Captain James Fanell

1 month ago

Rabbi Pesach Wolicki, Co-Host of The Shoulder to Shoulder Podcast

I spoke with Rabbi Pesach Wolicki about a variety of aspects of the challenging time in which Israel finds itself with Sharia supremacists making headway in their efforts to destroy the Jewish state. Unfortunately, to some extent, as a result of the so-called ceasefire was engineered with the help of Donald Trump, as well as the dangers that we face from those same quarters, which I hope will be very much front and center in the meetings that will be taking place between Donald Trump and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu next week.

Robert Spencer, Director of Jihad Watch

I discussed with Robert Spencer the state of the jihad against Western civilization, now evident not only in Israel but in Sweden, where murder was inflicted on a man warning about the contents of the Quran. We also explore the nature of those contents and why they are presented in a way that is often deceptive and endangering those of us who love freedom and want the Judeo-Christian civilization to survive.

Captain James Fanell, Former Naval Intelligence Officer

I discussed with Captain James Fanell the latest the latest manifestation of a long running effort by American elites to downplay and otherwise accommodate or even appease the Chinese Communist Party. The current crop go by the moniker of Restrainers.

It's hard to overstate how dangerous this idea is that we can avoid conflict or even just nation-threatening challenges from the Chinese Communist Party if only we exercise unilateral restraint and accommodation. We also talked about the extent to which the

nuclear forces of China might be reduced in their size and dangerous import. If only we engage in arms control conversations with them. It ain't necessarily so, folks.

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