AAP Live with Fr. Joseph Dalimata, FSSP - 1/28/25 - Does Baptism by the Jehovah Witnesses Count?

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We're live now with Father Joseph Dalimata from the Priestly Fraternity of Saint Peter and we're taking your questions! To get your question in for Father Dalimata, (or one of our other priests), call 1-877-511-5483 or email us at priests@thestationofthecross.com

In Today's Show

What would happen if the Pope aligned the Holy Week/Easter with the Orthodox Church?

I knew someone who was in an immoral relationship, and I tried to warn them about sin. But I worry that I may have judged them.

We booked a cruise but will be on-board all-day Sunday, what can we do about our Sunday obligation?

Why do Protestants donate more to charity and to their church compared to Catholics?

Been dating a girl for 4 years but we now have differing opinions on what to teach our children in regard to birth control.

What should a Knight of Columbus funeral look like and how does the Church decide where to bury a parishioner if they have multiple burial sites?

Do you have any book recommendations for the laity about/related to the priesthood?*

Is Holy Water required for a priest to bless sacramentals?

I’ve noticed that people use the phrase, “God reward you” when thankful for something you've done. It makes it seem like I was looking for repayment for my good deeds instead of doing them out of charity.

I was baptized Catholic and then "baptized" by the Jehovah Witnesses, does the second baptism not count?

Is it a problem to have a melted down crucifix as a wedding band?

Did you begin to have any doubts while you were entering the priesthood?

Can a person be possessed against their will without knowing and without dabbling in the occult? If so, how can they find out?

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The Priest Is Not His Own by Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen:

The Priest's Way to God by Dom Eugene Boylan:

The Eternal Priesthood by Cardinal Henry Edward Manning:
PDF: https://archive.org/details/TheEternalPriesthood/page/n19/mode/2up
BOOK: https://www.amazon.com/Eternal-Priesthood-Henry-Edward-Manning/dp/1500891320

Priestly Fatherhood: Treasure in Earthen Vessels by Fr. Jacques Philippe:

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