MZTV 1658: Christ Created Everything Vs. Christ Created Nothing

1 day ago

Could there be a bigger chasm between truth and error besides, "Christ created everything," and "Christ created nothing"? And yet my friend Mark Haukaas wonders what the big deal is, writing, "If Christ's preexistence is so vital a doctrine, why do we hear nothing about this history of Christ before his birth?"

Not only does this question deny the importance of the issue at hand, it wrongly assumes the importance of a thing to depend on when God unveils it. Nothing could be further from the truth, as God Who often saves the best revelations for last.

I am thankful for Mark's question because, starting at the 13-minute mark of this video, I launch upon a rant concerning God's timing in giving the apostle John the green light to unveil just Who the Old Testament "God" was who talked with Adam, Abraham, and Moses—and Who walked in the fire with Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego.

This is the good stuff that often emerges on the heels of profound error.

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