AAP Live with Fr. Anthony Amato - 1/27/25 - Are There Degrees of Holiness in Heaven?

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We're live now with Fr. Anthony Amato from the Diocese of Rochester, New York and we're taking your questions! To get your question in for Father Amato, call 1-877-511-5483 or email us at priests@thestationofthecross.com

In Today's Show

The Chiefs/Bills Game...

I told my young sons in 100% sincerity that if they mistreat their future wives that I would come back and haunt them. Was this a curse?

Do we know that there are varying degrees of holiness of the Saints in Heaven?

How can we achieve full detachment. to receive a plenary Indulgence?

What happened to the Garden of Eden after Adam and Eve were expelled?

Does childhood abuse and previous use of marijuana a reason to be turned away from the priesthood?

Is it spiritual pride to voice our criticism on any of the clergy or the Pope?*

Why aren't the 3rd and 4th Maccabee books not in the bible?

How do we respond to someone why says they just have to tell God that they are sorry, skip confession then receive communion?

Are the faithful supposed to strike their breasts at certain times in the mass like at the Confiteor, Nobis quoque peccatoribus, Agnus Dei, and Domine non sum dignus?

Do Jews that live die as Jews can be saved? How about Muslims, Buddhists and Protestants?

Is it okay to say Mark, Matthew, Luke, and John. Instead of St. Mark, St. Matthew, etc?

How should Catholics view Francisco Franco, as a hero or villain?
Is purgatory physically painful?

If I receive religious images in the mail, how can I dispose of them?

Dignity of the Priesthood ~ Fr. RIpperger

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