5 days ago

Catherine Watters of The Family Industrial Complex show on Revolution.Radio Studio B ever Wednesday 4-6pm ET -THEN Every Thursday 7-9pm ET on
Researching and studying Child abuse, the Abusive "Family," "parenting", the ill effects of abuse on the child in later life since the 70's, the ACE STUDY, the destruction of the health of children mentally, physically and spiritually was CLEAR by those who should have protected them the MOST. That the "Family" health destruction was the Micro of the Macro poisoning of our health and Rights over the past 6 decades!
If the "Family" system is Breached THAT'S IT.
Paralleling that with more and more people speaking out today about the larger Abusive system and guests like Capt DAN HANLEY of
Capt Dan Hanely - Captain Dan Hanley commenced flying 56 years ago in 1968 at age
19, first as a civilian pilot and then 10 years as a naval aviator and
finally for 25 years as a United Airlines pilot. Over a 35-year career
span he flew 15 different aircraft accruing over 20,000 flight hours.
He currently serves as director and international public spokesperson
for a global grassroots effort called 9/11 Pilot Whistleblowers whose
website is at
He presently resides in Islamabad, Pakistan where he has lived for the
past 14 years with his Pakistani wife.

PROOF! "These planes were NOT hijacked on 9/11, we have the evidence" | Redacted w Clayton Morris

Uninterruptible autopilot

I was also video taped in an interview by my friend and renowned Islamic scholar Sheikh Irman Hosein in front of his Muslim students.

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