Kimmel: ‘Half-Staff’ Is Also the Nickname Stormy Daniels Has Given Trump

1 month ago

KIMMEL: “Donald Trump, meanwhile, is getting ready for his big quincenera.
He really has his party by the inaugural balls. You know the American flags on all federal buildings? They’re supposed to be at half-staff — which was stormy’s nickname for him, by the way.
(Rim shot)
(Cheering and Applause)
They were supposed to be at half-staff for Trump’s inauguration because there is a traditional 30-day mourning period following a president’s death. Jimmy Carter passed away on December 29th. But Trump threw such a tantrum about it, Speaker Mike Johnson ordered all U.S. flags at the Capitol to fly at full staff on inauguration day for Donald Trump. Which might be the most Donald Trump-y thing Donald Trump has ever done, to be mad that a guy who just died is getting all the attention.
The other reason they raised the flags is they’re worried that if they’re too low, he might molest them again.
But rest assured that wherever the flagpole winds up, Eric will have his tongue stuck to it.

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