Rubio: ‘If We Stay on the Road We Are on Right Now - In Less than 10 Years, Virtually Everything that Matters to Us in Life Will Depend on Whether China Allows Us to Have It or Not’

1 month ago

Rubio: “If we stay on the road we’re on right now, in less than 10 years, virtually everything that matters to us in life will depend on whether China will allow us to have it or not. Everything from the blood pressure medicine we take, to what movies we get to watch, and everything in between, we will depend on China for it. They have come to dominate the critical mineral industry, supplies throughout the world. Everywhere in the world they’ve now established critical mineral rights. Even those who want to see more electric cars, no matter where you make them, those batteries are almost entirely dependent on the ability of the Chinese, and — and the willingness of the Chinese Communist Party to produce it and export it to you. So, if we don’t change course, we are going to live in a world where much of what matters to us on a daily basis, from our security to our health, will be dependent on whether the Chinese allow us to have it or not. That’s an unacceptable outcome.”

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