SGT Rock's Headbangers Ball presents: Season 1: Episode 6-The Tick vs. El Seed

24 days ago

Hey there Headbangers, Patriots, and Cartoon Enthusiastus Maixmus! If you're GenX, this cartoon is like finding your old mixtape with all the hits; if you're not, well, prepare to have your childhood cartoons mocked mercilessly. The Tick turns whatever you thought was awesome into a sad, sad footnote on a used napkin!

Catch The Tick every Saturday at 0830 Eastern Time (US). We're doubling the fun in 2025 - because who needs sleep when you can have more cartoons, right? "SPOON!"

The Tick, and his sidekick Arthur battle the nefarious El Seed, a villain with plant-based powers with the intent on taking over the world. In this episode, El Seed mobilizes an army of plant creatures, leading to comedic and chaotic encounters. The episode blends Edlund's humor with comic book-like action! Will the defenders of "The City" prevail or...will El Seed conquer all? You won't know if you don't watch! Remember, in the world of The Tick, justice isn't just served, it's served with a side of absurdity!

New shows every Saturday at 0830 - set your alarm or set your VCR, old school rebels!

Tacticorememes©™, LLC isn't responsible if some third-party decides to throw a comedic grenade into our content. Contributors are on their own under Section 230 - don't blame us if the humor misfires.
This video is copyrighted; unauthorized use might lead to a legal smackdown. But hey, fair use is still cool for critics, educators, or anyone who just wants to laugh at us. This gem is produced by Blue Falcon Productions LLC©™ for Tacticorememes©™ & SGT Rock’s Headbangers Ball. Copyright and Trademark 2024 - all rights reserved, or we'll make you watch an episode of The Tick on loop.

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