NSA Jake Sullivan: AI Misidentifying People of Color Is a National Security Concern

14 hours ago

Ryan: “You’re saying that it’s a huge national security issue. Is there a concern about how does not — AI on the national security front is not accurately depicting or scanning people of color? Because we are understanding civil rights groups are very upset about that, how it’s misidentifying. Is that a concern with national security as well?”
SULLIVAN: “Yes, it is, of course. It’s — if you think about the series of concerns that are raised by the advent of artificial intelligence, they range across economic, military, and social risks. One of those is bias. And there have been a lot of studies to show that bias is a genuine challenge when it comes to artificial intelligence in the ways in which that could undermine social cohesion in the United States and globally, has national security —”
Ryan: “And terrorism, right?”
SULLIVAN: “And — and terrorism — has national security implications.”

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