With Dr. Zuhdi Jasser, Dede Laugesen & Max Primorac

1 month ago

Dr. Zuhdi Jasser, Author, A Battle for the Soul of Islam | @DrZuhdiJasser

I addressed with Dr. Zuhdi Jasser, the character of the regime that is now being blessed by the United States government and others to govern Syria. Its true character as a jihadist enterprise and the support that it's getting from other jihadists, notably other Sharia supremacists, notably in Turkey and Qatar what it means for the people of Syria, what it means for the Middle East, what it will mean for us if we continue to indulge in the notion that these are people that we can safely do business with.

We also talked with Dr. Jasser about the Muslim Brotherhood as an element of the Sharia supremacist cadre that is particularly dangerous because of its large and growing infrastructure and presence inside the United States of America. Apparel to both moderate Muslims and the rest of us.

Dede Laugensen, Executive Director at Save The Persecuted Christians
Max Primorac Senior Research Fellow in the Margaret Thatcher Center for Freedom

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