Gutfeld: Could Jimmy Carter’s Greatest Achievement Be Bringing Hillary Clinton in a Room with Actual Presidents, Feet Away from Trump?

2 months ago

>> Come but I guess that baby is a boy and a girl from the press conference.
>> I thought at first he said it was a boy in girl but it was a — I am wasting my time. I liked seeing this. This made me feel like there is some hope for us and everyone can sit next to each other and honor the legacy of Jimmy Carter. My two favorite moments, definitely doing the tell me on Obama, showing camaraderie between them and the most interesting person to me was Karen pentz, who would not look at Trump. If you think my husband should have been hanged for certifying the election results, I have no time for you.
>> Interesting. Could this be Jimmy Carter’s greatest achievement? He was able to bring Hillary Clinton into the room with actual presidents and having to sit there feet away from Donald Trump who destroyed her career, ruin her legacy, humiliated her in front of millions. Is he one of the greatest presidents ever?
>> In my book he went up a few. Don’t call it a tommy pat. That makes it sound homoerotic. It was just a borrow tap.

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