BEN BIKMAN f3 | TYPICAL PERSON: EVERY CELL: IR …70% carbs and 6 meals a day FLOODED w/ INSULIN

1 month ago

BEN BIKMAN f3 | TYPICAL PERSON: EVERY CELL: IR …70% carbs and 6 meals a day FLOODED w/ INSULIN
presents episode 2433 | DR BEN BIKMAN w/Jason Fung

T1D patients have no insulin production, so fat cells cannot
take in calories unless insulin is supplemented...
Question: What happens when you have too much insulin?
T2D is the OPPOSITE problem of T1D
These two different diseases are lumped together simply due to
the fact they both have high glucose levels
-but they get there in opposite ways
-yet, medical practitioners treat them the
same way--which compounds the problem

Chronically elevated insulin causes IR...
-it is not that insulin production becomes insufficient to
control blood glucose--they are still LOADED with insulin
-giving T2D more insulin makes them more IR
Every cell in body and brain, if subjected to chronically high
insulin levels, become IR
-as shown in cell, animal, human research
Typical person today: 70% of calories are
carbs & eat 6 times a day
Virtually all people now spend all day with
high insulin levels


original video here:

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