BEN BIKMAN f1 | CALORIE SKEPTIC! …early research showed higher insulin INCREASED FAT MASS

1 month ago

BEN BIKMAN f1 | CALORIE SKEPTIC! …early research showed higher insulin INCREASED FAT MASS
presents episode 2431 | DR BEN BIKMAN w/Jason Fung

Dr Jason Fung, Canadian Liver Doctor & Fasting Expert
interviews Dr Ben Bikman, Canadian-American Researcher...
-biomedical scientist and professor at BYU
-wrote several books, including the classic Why We Get Sick
-lab focuses on insulin, also mitochondrial research:
All Aimed at Getting Better Understanding of
Metabolic Influences on Modern Disease
-example: mitochondrial problems in
-ketones vs insulin on fat tissue metabolism

Originally, studied muscle tissue, but in late 1990s found
paper on fat tissue--how, as it grew, secreted pro-inflammatory
-these cytokines then were capable of causing IR--
the foundational problem with T2D
Realized the connection between obesity &
T2D had a common cause: fat tissue
1-inflammation had a metabolic consequence
2-fat tissue is an endocrine organ

1-inflammation had a metabolic consequence
2-fat tissue is an endocrine organ
Knew that fat tissue hormones had been identified
example: Leptin

Post-doc work: injecting low doses of insulin into animals
being pair-fed, those receiving insulin could only eat same as
other non-insulin added animals
Result: same calories, but insulin animals had much more fat
Read Gary Taubes' book and became calorie skeptic


original video here:

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